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Uploaded: 10/17/06 4:02 PM GMT
Views: 760
Dlds: 132
Status: active

The black on this rose makes it look like velvet, the petal edges are bright red as you see it. After downloading, wait a few seconds and then view it from a little farther away than you normally do. It has thicker than normal petals and strangely, this one is on just a 2" stem attached to a main branch. BTW, taken just yesterday.


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10/17/06 5:14 PM GMT
Certainly does look like velvet and is beautiful. Lovely composition and clarity. Extremely well done. Thanks for this one.
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Can't always give individual thanks but I am so appreciative of everyone's comments and input. I truly enjoy seeing all of your posts and am always happy to see you at My Gallery. Thanks, Anita
10/19/06 2:20 AM GMT
Looks more velvet than real. Seems it would be a great image to paint in oils. Very beautiful.
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Man is the instrument of God. - Boehme
10/20/06 3:24 AM GMT
It's so coincidental that you should post this. I saw it yesterday and I was going to comment, and then got caught up doing something else, but my story goes like this: I bought this almost exact same gorgeous rose down at our local florist, the one who's known for her unusual flower finds and displays. She has a talent for picking out and presenting the hard to find and newest blossoms. Well, she had these in her cooler, and I needed just one for a special occasion so I bought it, although I had originally wanted a more traditional color of red. After a couple of days it began to look exactly like this one, so I set it up in the sunlight to see if I could capture that elusive of all, sprayed it with a little spritzer of water to add appeal and I was so happy with the way a few of them came out that I was getting ready to post one when I saw yours. I couldn't believe it :) I thought I had had a fit of memory loss and had posted mine and didn't remember. Too funny! It's a beautiful rose, and I know exactly what you're talking about with the dark, almost black places that lend itself to the heavy velvet feel when you view it in real and when you capture it in a pic. I'm going to let some time go by before I post mine, but you're going to be surprised. It's one of the few times I've been able to grab a red flower and have it come out with detail and depth, and I wonder if the light is dispersed differently on this exact shade or what the story is??? I wonder if it is a new type of rose that's been developed. I'd never seen this exact color before, and then to see two of them so close in time..... Thanks for posting this unique beauty...even if you did steal my thunder j/k j/k ... :)PJ
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"We consider the artist to be a special sort of person. It is more likely that each of us is a special sort of artist." Elsa Gidlow
10/26/06 10:18 AM GMT
This is so beautiful. You are right about it looking like velvet. The smaller picture does not do it justice, it looks outstanding on the desktop. You have done a great job with the focus/clarity...thanks for sharing..Jacquie
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10/26/06 10:37 PM GMT
Beautiful rose,strong coloured and i like it! Great closeup of this flower!Thanks for sharing!
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10/26/06 10:38 PM GMT
It"s goes into my favs.Thanks:-)
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12/08/06 3:43 PM GMT
Wonderful skill to capture such a soft texture . . . you almost feel you could stroke it :-)
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"Love does not dominate; it cultivates." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
06/19/09 4:51 AM GMT
This is 1 beautyful rose almost looks like velvet.
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Eva Karin Jacob

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