
  In-flight Meal  

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Uploaded: 09/11/07 3:02 AM GMT
In-flight Meal
Views: 592
Dlds: 54
Status: active

Usually this hummingbird takes seat to refuel but here he's drinking on the fly. Not cropped, just resized to fit Caedes' max. No strobe or multi flash; f4.9 and 1/125th.


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09/11/07 4:18 AM GMT
Splendid capture, Rick! This seems to be a great year for these little guys. I know I can't wait for them to return. Of course, that means winter will be over too, yay!!
0∈ [?]
You will be led to the knowledge of the internal things which are invisible to you, by the external things which you see before you. . . . Even so then, we can represent to ourselves in thought the Author of all that is, by contemplating and admiring the (visible) things which He has made, and ever brings into being. - Hermes
09/11/07 5:19 AM GMT
~ Great shot Rick! Makes me feel like I'm right there behind him watching the "little dude" drink, lol. Such an interesting angle to get! Shows his beautiful emerald feathers to us too... thanks for sharing!
0∈ [?]
~Seek the magic in every day~ ***** My Gallery
09/11/07 8:27 AM GMT
That's another my favorite! Tell us your secret - how do you manage to make motion look still? All I usually get is just a blur ;) Wonderful image!
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Ewelina, Poland
09/11/07 3:39 PM GMT
Gets a 10 from me, I don't know how you managed it. Brilliant image.
0∈ [?]
09/11/07 11:30 PM GMT
I like this "from above" view. I blew it all the way up and it's just amazing the quality you've gotten here. Great job all the way around.


♥PJ 005

0∈ [?]
"The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place; from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web." Pablo Picasso
09/12/07 1:55 AM GMT
Very nice shot! I agree with PJ and like the angle from which this was shot :-]
0∈ [?]
09/19/07 10:19 PM GMT
Neat title Rick, and even better shot.
It's the kind of upload to keep egggray on his toes. :o)
0∈ [?]
Life's around said Phil the 35 millimetre cameraman. I recently went to the doctors, and said I've got icon fever, but he told me there was no cure for the disease.

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