
  Froggy and His Domain  

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Uploaded: 05/01/06 11:55 AM GMT
Froggy and His Domain
Views: 891
Dlds: 55
Status: active

This little guy loved this location and would be there almost daily. The plants and Mr. Frog are in a water garden complete with fish.


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05/01/06 12:44 AM GMT
What a cute little guy!
This is a great capture. I like the rich colours, and composition. I coulc do without the dare stamp, amd personally, would have edited it out.
other than that, a good image!
0∈ [?]
To get a friend you have to be a friend!
05/01/06 2:15 PM GMT
Such a hoppy looking little frog. Great capture . I just love the expression they have on their faces .I really like the surroundings you captured it in. It certainly looks at home there.
0∈ [?]
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
05/01/06 2:24 PM GMT
Very nice capture :)
Great colours !

Krouuk !
0∈ [?]
This World Is A Damm Mess !
05/01/06 7:10 PM GMT
Tks 4 the comments. Anyone know how to get that date stamp off? That was an error and on a borrowed camera.
0∈ [?]

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