
  Sunset Silhouett by Geritsen - The OIL  

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Uploaded: 07/10/07 2:43 AM GMT
Sunset Silhouett by Geritsen - The OIL
Views: 5806
Dlds: 1124
Status: active

Another fine photo art by Paul Gerritsen. Oil painting is 18"+24" by Victor. Check out Pauls photo Gallery and see all his art. This painting is layered with coffie grinds for a textured look. Have a cup with me. Enjoy. Free to download.-Victor-


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07/10/07 3:31 AM GMT
Another great job Vic! Nicely done..I'm sure Paul will love it too!
0∈ [?]
THE CAMERA'S ONLY JOB is to get out of the way of making photographs. It's entirely an artist's eye, patience, and skill that makes an image. ~Ken Rockwell VISIT MY GALLERY
07/10/07 3:45 AM GMT
Outstanding work, Victor! Beautiful colors. I especially love the has a lot of character. High marks from me in the VB. Well done! :)
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Each cup of tea represents an imaginary voyage. ~Catherine Douzel
07/10/07 4:47 AM GMT
Lovely are so talented :)


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07/10/07 7:54 AM GMT
Excellent work on an already excellent post!...really worth a place on a wall!..never mind a screen!....nice one mate!
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*You will have noticed that I haven't been commenting as much on your fine images!..This is because of the pains in my hands!..the constant use of the keyboard, makes this, my dear friends..I can only apologise to you all in advance!* Dunstickin's Gallery
07/11/07 4:54 PM GMT
I am NOT AMUSED AT ALL! This is better than my original!!!
Ha, ha, just kidding!
But really, it is amazing how you can turn my picture into some real art. And I am much obliged to you my friend for doing me such honour.
I find this one of your best, because the technique you use here is so fitting to the image.
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If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
02/11/08 9:50 PM GMT
Nice colours and contrasts. Lovely painting.
0∈ [?]
11/09/09 11:19 PM GMT
Hmmm Vic, did you know I painted this very same one from Pauls photo? I just loved doing it. I'll have to post it again one day so you can see did a fantastic job. I am curious what those little "bumps" are on your canvas? Verena
0∈ [?]
Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can. -- Danny Kaye

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