
  Tutorial Apple  

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Uploaded: 08/09/11 2:27 PM GMT
Tutorial Apple
Views: 2218
Dlds: 49
Status: active

Per request …......which images were used to make the image Apple. used the negative, sepia moved the apple around to fit well thats about it.


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08/09/11 7:53 PM GMT
A nice work indeed!!
2∈ [?]
08/09/11 8:40 PM GMT
Great work! Thanks for sharing, Rob. Out of two simple photos you're creating wonderful images.

3∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
08/09/11 9:00 PM GMT
Rob - The secret is now out! Thanks for the informative sequence of photos showing the manipulation. Thad
3∈ [?]
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
08/09/11 10:33 PM GMT
Cool, thanks a lot for that!

What is the object in the first image?
2∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
08/09/11 11:28 PM GMT
Beautiful presentation in your work.
2∈ [?]
Adult: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle.
08/09/11 11:30 PM GMT
Well sure when you put it like that it's as simple as falling down. An informative and interesting post.
2∈ [?]
The difference between a bad artist and a good one is: the bad artist seems to copy a great deal; the good one really does. ~William Blake
08/10/11 4:46 AM GMT
Thanks for sharing this Rob. I faved it so I can give it a try.
2∈ [?]
08/12/11 11:42 AM GMT
Cool and Fascinating work,Rob.Wonderful image.
2∈ [?]
08/18/11 12:44 AM GMT
I like this a brilliant piece of art, top marks, well done.
2∈ [?]
08/21/11 1:23 AM GMT
I never would have gotten as far as the bottom two images. I would have eaten the apple! LOL. Interesting work, Rob.
2∈ [?]
11/21/13 4:58 AM GMT
Wow, this is as simple as making an apple pie. Amazing manip work, though all I can do is change a color image into sepia. Thanks for sharing!
20∈ [?]
The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.

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