
  What a Rush  

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Uploaded: 04/30/13 8:54 PM GMT
What a Rush
Views: 468
Dlds: 13
Status: active

I quote Les“It is exciting living this experience and process vicariously through you, Rob. Best of luck with your showing at the gallery. :o).....” Well as I said what a Rush and thank you Les always sharp as a pin with always some words of wisdom. My posting today is to show the finished poster and about the piratical when I picked up the posters did not have a carrier for the posters did get a crease in one because they were rolled up and I laid them in the back seat of my car Hummmmpff that was aggro. Next the frame is causing a lot of grief it's not one of the run of the mill images. So this is were you have to realize it's going to hang it somewhere and people are not going to pay you good money for a bad or not fitting frame Hummpffff and I though I was there so not. Well choices to be made I have in past done Glass Art painting and have made some very decorative Art work so am thinking about painting my own frame onto a oversized glass pane I known I can make that work but its about 15 to 20 hours work. Well another problem is I have a job were I can not start up a business with out permission from my director that should be not problem as it does not conflict with my work but still have to fill out the form. Then there's the tax man will have to get a bookkeeper for the sales tax. And then the gallery invite one store in Rotterdam huuummmm so did the google thing and wooooww galleries galore in Holland so as it's taking a little longer than I had hoped am reassessing...... found a gallery that's in Rotterdam den Haag and Amsterdam hope they will take my work but they do want a finished product. It's like this if your selling Arts and Crafts to friends it's no problem but the next step …... well if your going to do it you get one chance to do it right not complaining but did not think it threw am usually not that brain dead but after the up there's the down to work threw. Again I would like to thank so many of the Caedes members who in there comments and Pms comment, advise and support with kind words.


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04/30/13 9:26 PM GMT
Looking good good, Rob.

Wishing you great success from across the puddle here. :o)

7∈ [?]
04/30/13 9:57 PM GMT
Yes, yes, best of luck to you on this. I'm glad you picked my favorite :) It will most certainly draw eyes towards it being so unique. Rock On!
12∈ [?]
Emptiness is not nothingness. It is simply the opposite of full of it.
04/30/13 10:44 PM GMT
Your hard work will pay off my friend, I'm confident in that, as your art is so unique, and professional. Best of luck,and please do keep us posted on how it's going. =^..^=tigs
15∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
04/30/13 11:03 PM GMT
Excellent work, Rob. Best of luck and like Sandi mentioned yes do keep us posted .
7∈ [?]
I would travel only by horse, if I had the choice. ~ Linda McCartney ~
05/01/13 12:44 AM GMT
She is gorgeous Rob and I know she will be the right one! I'm sure this won't be easy, but nothing great is ever easy. You can do it my friend, I believe in you!
15∈ [?]
Spend a few minutes each day being grateful for what you have and who you have to share it with.
05/01/13 4:40 AM GMT
Rob, your art is truly moving and poignant, and it needs to be seen and experienced by other people. So no matter how difficult your journey is, just keep on keeping on. You're getting a lot of support here from a lot of Caedes members, me included. You can do it! And keep on sharing the journey with us, because, who knows, maybe your experience will help someone else to get over their own fear. ;-)
22∈ [?]
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." -- Katharine Hepburn
05/01/13 5:43 PM GMT
I can't say when, but I know I had the thought that you should do as you are doing... You know, Rob, that you can be assured you have my best wishes along with those of everyone else here!  ☺
18∈ [?]
05/01/13 8:00 PM GMT
All the best Rob with the gallery you out right deserve it as your work like this piece is truly stunning.Don't for get is when your famous lol.
15∈ [?]
05/02/13 2:30 AM GMT
I see you're still at it Rob, and Better than Ever I might Add!
8∈ [?]
This Image GRABBED my EYE. That's Why I Stopped By. Thanks For Sharing ! Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience
05/04/13 2:02 AM GMT
The prints look great Rob. All the best with your gallery showing.
8∈ [?]
It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them! — Friedrich Nietzsche

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