
  Honeybee #6  

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Uploaded: 11/26/11 11:23 AM GMT
Honeybee #6
Views: 465
Dlds: 28
Status: active

Looking out from inside an Iris blossom.


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11/27/11 12:01 AM GMT
You sure it's a honeybee and not an alien?!
The details are stunning... Think I see a mouth or something.
5∈ [?]
When you're through with life and all hope is lost. Hold out your hand 'cos friends will be friends - right till the end.
11/27/11 3:55 AM GMT
They are alien to us at this level Gabrielle. We're like moving parts of the landscape to them, beneath their attention, unless we're threatening. And a bee's jaws (or mandibles) aren't for eating, but are like protective shields over the proboscis. Bees extend a long, triangular tube in the shape of a sword or dagger called the proboscis that they use to extract pollen and sugars from deep inside blossoms. You can see a bee's extended proboscis in my next bee post. It's probably also why they have a v-shaped head - to get as far into the flower as possible. They're not carnivorous at all, I'm not sure if they can bite anything. That's the opposite of wasps and hornets, which are voracious predators and have very powerful jaws for rending prey. It's a tough world down there.
2∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.
11/30/11 7:06 PM GMT
Amazing view of the honeybee! Outstanding job Russ:))
5∈ [?]
The most precious jewel you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children♥
12/02/11 1:25 PM GMT
What kind of camera was used for this shot?
The details are simply stunning.
5∈ [?]
Left with only a thought of thy heart being left empty but once again for the creatures of the night to feast upon, one knows never to take advantage of those around him only to better oneself, always to better their lives as a primary goal, possibly to gain reward for oneself. 2008 David L. LePak
12/03/11 1:57 AM GMT
Thanks all for the nice feedback everyone.

To Xetxuna: The critical part is the lens, not the camera. The lens is the awesome Canon MP-E 65 Macro, which can magnify from 1 to 5 power (it's not a zoom, but more like a microscope). The camera body is the Canon 60D and the ring flash, which is also critical, is the Canon MR-14EX. I highly recommend the quality of both the camera & lens, but the flash control unit on the MR-14EX leaves a lot to be desired, especially for knocking around in the field. At $550, it should be bullet-proof.

Oh and one more thing. Although I love the amazing color and resolution of the 60D's sensor, it appears that Canon's final QC could use some fine-tuning. This is the second body I bought at Samy's Camera, which they assured me had never been unpacked, both of which had dirty sensors right out of the box. The first had 20-30 spots, some with diffraction rings around them, which I interpret as some kind of a liquid being left on the sensor. The second body was cleaner, but not pristine as it should be. For shame Canon.
0∈ [?]
There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. W.S.
12/04/11 9:59 AM GMT
Ahh, good to know. Thanks
5∈ [?]
Left with only a thought of thy heart being left empty but once again for the creatures of the night to feast upon, one knows never to take advantage of those around him only to better oneself, always to better their lives as a primary goal, possibly to gain reward for oneself. 2008 David L. LePak

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