
  The World of Cubes  

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Uploaded: 10/03/04 2:47 AM GMT
The World of Cubes
Views: 8634
Dlds: 3839
Status: active

tinted and re coloured remix of Spherical assault. enjoy.


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10/03/04 4:12 AM GMT
Very well done, I like this one a lot. The color and lighting is great, and there is plenty of action to keep the eye busy. Maybe this is what civilized bacteria look like as they travel through their city to work...who knows. ;-) Other than that, I can't help with the name. I give this a 9.
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-those who hit rock bottom are too concerned with self pity to realize that they are lying on an anvil- Psalm 66:10, Job 10:8
10/03/04 4:37 AM GMT
Beautiful and good work.I like it,Speedy.Well done.
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Carpe diem.
10/03/04 6:27 AM GMT
Great work Speedy - this is definitely my favourite of this series.
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never give up
10/03/04 10:46 AM GMT
Very different. I still love it tho ^^
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- Is it passion, expression, or just an obsession?
10/03/04 1:43 PM GMT
I agree with Mum. It's good to see you around again. ;)
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There are two ways to spread the light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. -Edith Wharton
10/23/04 10:56 PM GMT
Thanx for all your comments!
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You only have one shot at life, don't waste it + My image of choice Blue and my work
10/26/04 3:15 PM GMT
name it "Escher's Nitemare"
0∈ [?]
10/30/04 11:42 AM GMT
I got a name for it speedy, "The Mystical Cubes".
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If you have an aching back, maybe it's because your lying on some samples of mars. (rocks)
11/11/04 4:59 AM GMT
I have a better name "the world of cubes"
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12/12/04 1:05 AM GMT
thx for all your comments ppl and ill choose flames name for it "The World of Cubes".
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You only have one shot at life, don't waste it + My image of choice Blue and my work
02/28/05 3:42 PM GMT
I like it, however if perhaps you were to get rid of the rope like strands runnning through the cubes, it might look even better
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08/06/05 3:49 PM GMT
Wow this is a great render the colour itself is simply amazing
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08/19/05 6:52 PM GMT
i didnt get here in time but i would call it: chain cubes

great work anyways, thx
0∈ [?]
08/27/05 10:03 AM GMT
this one is all over the place. i love the color and the brightness of it. good work.
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~♥~♥~ The Beauty of One's Soul Rests Upon the Wings of a Butterfly ~♥~
09/02/06 5:56 PM GMT
Oh, I do enjoy this work. The design is very busy and complex and it all works well. The reflective and 3D effects make this image stand out. Excellent choice of the purple tint with the white glow is perfect. This is a keeper :))
0∈ [?]
I'm going to be just browsing for images for awhile..I guess I'll be lurking. I need this break-to catch up on things.
12/19/06 11:34 PM GMT
Very cool image. I think I see some fiber optics cable. Appeals to techies like myself.
0∈ [?]

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