
  Caedes Pod  

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Uploaded: 06/24/07 12:45 AM GMT
Caedes Pod
Views: 2406
Dlds: 186
Status: active

Just messing around with different ideas again, came up with this instead of a speech :P


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06/24/07 12:49 AM GMT
Sa-weet!! Awesome work!!

~plop, right into my favs~
0∈ [?]
Why do the pictures come out square when the lens is round?? Picture Purrrfect .
06/24/07 12:55 AM GMT
very nice
0∈ [?]
06/24/07 1:05 PM GMT
Very nice. And good luck with the speech, hope you've mastered the nervous twitch :P

Gem xx
0∈ [?]
I wish I was a glow worm, a glow worm's never glum. How can you be gloomy when the sun shines out your bum? *runs off into distance giggling*
06/24/07 1:24 PM GMT
I know the feeling. Cool idea and nice render.
0∈ [?]
Human beings, by changing the inner beliefs of their minds, can change the outer aspect of their lives. -William James
06/25/07 2:14 AM GMT
This is one of the nicest Caedes logos I've seen. I think it should be used on the site really brings down the house !!

0∈ [?]
I won't be uploading images until my computer comes out of its sudden coma, as I am commenting using a shared machine that doesn't have PhotoShop or my images on it :(
06/25/07 10:40 PM GMT
Easier to upload than a speech, though.,

This is very nice indeed. Great colours combined with a crisp, clear and simple design. Excellent.

- cfr

Oh, and good luck if you have to give a speech (that wasn't clear - you might just have been mentioning one thing you didn't come up with, along with potato soup and a new way of preparing carrots, I suppose). Make eye contact with your audience however much that worries you. Once you've done it, it makes it much, much easier. For me, anyway. Or is it just the content you are worried about and not the actual delivery?
0∈ [?]
06/26/07 8:25 AM GMT
Content, delivery is easy :P
0∈ [?]
| My Gallery | Yummers, triple choc supreme cookie *drools* | Feel free to add me on MySpace here
07/07/07 4:07 PM GMT
WoW. I agree....this is the best caedes logo ive ever seen. the colors are awesome and nothing is overdone at all.
0∈ [?]
07/19/07 12:21 AM GMT
Really great work Dave.

As mentioned and inferred above ... your composition is very well-balanced, the graphics are nice and clean ... the colours are very complimentary, bold ... I like all the elements in the composite.

Pssttt!! C'mere ... I would have given you a solid 7 in our infamous booth. Just tellin' ya. :o)

Ok, can't have you walking around and not fitting through doorways though, now can we?

Mr. Bighead? Think the only thing I can suggest ... and will :oP ... is to lose the one reflection of the background Caedes logo that peeks through and on top of the front one. (Right hand-side, just below your 'pod'.)

Little undecided on that to tell the truth, but ... if it doesn't translate in reality? Lose it. That is that intangible something that may not be a totally conscious thought on the part of your viewers ... however, don't dismiss the approach that it has to be real, to really hit home.

Yeah ... excellent work here Dave. Nicely done.

p.s. That is ... a 7 against allll work. On the site here, and in the entire universe. Even Pluto, although ... I wouldn't be too proud of beating out their stuff. They only have Photoshop; version 0.5. Behind the times, they are. :o\

0∈ [?]
"Sometimes me think what is love, and then me think love is what last cookie is for. Me give up the last cookie for you." - Cookie Monster
07/28/07 4:41 AM GMT
Hi luv!!

Coolis!! Great blue!!


Captain Cal
0∈ [?]

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