
  Look into the mirror pool  

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Uploaded: 08/17/06 1:20 AM GMT
Look into the mirror pool
Views: 1525
Dlds: 124
Status: active

More expirementation with water transparency in Terragen. Tell me what you think. Please, if you want to use one of the images in my gallery, ask.


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08/17/06 1:51 AM GMT
The reflection of the mountain and the underwater view of the mountain is wierd...good.

*for the more elongated answer* *back from dinner*

This is a fairly good render. Some things i dont like about it is the barren's too, grey/brown, no change in color or texture. The mountains are a little too uniform in shape, and the tops are at about the same altitude. But thats my personal view, others [like Lirstar] think of it just fine. =)

As for the good stuff, the mountain's reflection in the glasslike lake is cool, especially b/c the water is very transparent. It isnt a realistic look, but who cares, the fact that its different from the rest of the terragen renders [the glass lake] is why this is good.

Any more clarifications? lol.
0∈ [?]
08/17/06 2:10 AM GMT
This is beautiful Tim. I really like the colour of the water, the reflection is very cool, as is the underwater view. + Fav's!
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Mmm... Strawberry Shortcake anyone?
08/17/06 4:02 AM GMT
Wow, this is amazing Tim. I love the reflections & the underwater view is awesome. Gorgeous colors also. Outstanding work.
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Friends are like shining stars. You may not always see them, but you know they are always there for you.
08/17/06 4:11 AM GMT
See what i mean? ;-) My comment was a personal opinion.
0∈ [?]

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