
  Mountain Basin  

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Uploaded: 01/15/07 12:46 AM GMT
Mountain Basin
Views: 1381
Dlds: 95
Status: active

Another go with the Mac version of Terragen. Tell me what you think. Please, if you wish to use one of the images from my gallery, ask!


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01/15/07 4:40 PM GMT
yep, looks great, except maybe that green part at the bottom is a bit sharp looking... But that water and lightning looks fabulous!
0∈ [?]
My hardware is Samsung Digimax A503 5MP, so that makes photographing just a hobby for me...
01/17/07 3:26 PM GMT
I agree with jariahtiainen. I like the mountains, lighting and water although the mountains look a bit misty (even the close ones) in comparison with the water. (I know they aren't mountains, but they're bigger than rocks and don't look much like hills...) The green bit does look odd, so I'd suggest looking at that again. I'm also not entirely sure where the focus of the image is supposed to be and find myself searching for a focal point. Maybe you could use the lighting, which you are clearly very skilled at arranging, to highlight the point you'd like the eye drawn towards. On the other hand, without the green part, it would make a nice desktop for somebody who keeps icons there as a focal point can be a bit distracting in that case. (I don't keep icons on the desktop and so don't see things in quite the same terms.)

Keep up the good work.

- cfr
0∈ [?]
01/18/07 7:49 AM GMT
I agree for the green part , but it s very nice and good work
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do it
01/18/07 12:19 AM GMT
Not bad at all. I have been trying and have not gotten anything close to this.
0∈ [?]
01/21/07 4:38 AM GMT
I'd hate to get in that water, there looks to be no way out! Great Job!
0∈ [?]

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