
  Serene Mountain Lake  

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Uploaded: 07/31/07 11:22 AM GMT
Serene Mountain Lake
Views: 1472
Dlds: 77
Status: active

Another render...Tell me what you think.


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07/31/07 12:14 AM GMT
I like it, especially the lazy clouds. The movement of the water appears random and realistic - is this Terragen?
0∈ [?]
07/31/07 1:01 PM GMT
Very nice, especially the water.

Only thing is the near rock outcrop on the left looks "odd"...maybe the shadowing is too dark?
0∈ [?]
...where imagination rules
07/31/07 3:24 PM GMT
I like it though something about the combination of elements seems a little "off". I can't pinpoint what, though, so it could just be me. I like the way this seems to be at the edge of the world. For some reason, it seems as though this is the end - something about the arrangement of rocks. Maybe that's what's making the other elements feel a little odd to me. In any case, I don't think there's any good reason to see it that way, so it probably is just me.

I especially like the rocks in the distance and the way the water seems to melt into the sky. The sky itself is also very nicely done.

- cfr
0∈ [?]
I am honoured to be listed as a friend or to see an image of mine as a favourite, but I keep lists of neither. This helps me appreciate images uploaded by strangers as well as friends. Please understand that a failure to reciprocate in kind indicates a lack of appreciation for neither gesture nor work.
08/01/07 1:28 PM GMT
Beautiful creation my friend, thanks for sharing, Don
0∈ [?]
06/11/09 7:47 PM GMT
amazing! I can't really say much seeing as i dont know how you do this, but i think it's stunning!
0∈ [?]

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