
  On a branch  

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Uploaded: 06/01/17 11:45 AM GMT
On a branch
Views: 866
Dlds: 356
Status: active

I spotted this little one on a branch, and had to get a shot. Taken with a Pentax-FA 1:4-5.6 70-200m lens, and my K-S1. Cropped, and gamma adjustment in DigiKam.


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06/01/17 1:00 PM GMT
Your inner innate eye for composition comes through with your shot here, Tim.

The bokeh (shapes and colours) is quite nice, colours are natural.


And this might be the case of a lil' knowledge is a dangerous thing..

"Taking a shot where you can zoom in quite a lot :)"

How far away? Or, conversely.. zoomed in, I take it?

The focus is just a tad.. a tad, mind you.. soft where your feathered friend is concerned.

For your edification and from the The Caedesian 'Critique Hall of Fame' discussion thread;

Critique by Paul_Gerritsen on "Fallen":

"Hi Stephen,
this one took my breath away!
such a fantastic photograph, congratulations.
You seem to know what you are doing, but when I look at you camera settings there is one point you could improve. When you use f36 you cannot obtain a sharp image anymore. That is due to chromatic aberration. In optics, chromatic aberration is caused by a lens having a different refractive index for different wavelengths of light (the dispersion of the lens).
I don't want to go in details here, but simply said there is a minimum aperature above which a higher f number will not improve you sharpnes anymore. That number is about f11. Maybe you want to experiment with your lens to see were you get the best results.
Anyway, despite my bla bla, this is one magnificant image!

That said..

Your recent photographic additions to your gallery are shaping up nicely.


But, of course.. thanks for sharing this one with us.
1∈ [?]
06/05/17 1:30 PM GMT
A cute little sparrow - super capture and like the natural colours
0∈ [?]

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