It is very hard to c stars from space because there is no atmosphere, thats why u only c very faint stars, on earth however, because the light travels through atmosphere, our human eye can c the stars. Its funny cause in space movies, astro's always c stars from their space craft, which is totally wrong...
Hey, but if space movies were real they'd be pretty boring... no stars, no sound effects, just floating along for years on end through a vacuum... who'd pay to see that?? ;-)
cdufour, I would have to say right out that you're wrong about that.... in fact, the atmosphere is the main thing that keeps us here on earth from seeing the fainter stars. Light travels through anything, not just atmosphere -- it actually travels through the vacuum of space quite a bit better than atmosphere... that's why, for example, the Hubble Space Telescope gets such perfect images, some that ground telescopes aren't even capable of.