
  Ahh Yes! The Beach!.... reworked!  

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Uploaded: 03/24/06 8:31 AM GMT
Ahh Yes! The Beach!.... reworked!
Views: 5784
Dlds: 1417
Status: active

A good friend named photoimagery reworked this photo for me. It was a nice surprise and it sure made a difference with this beach scene sky. Thank you Michael for this. I loved all of your comments and so I've decided to leave the one image posting and go ahead and post this one also. I hope that works out ok, and I ask you to please give me your thoughts on this one also...thanx so much for stopping by................. Link to the original image.


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03/24/06 10:26 AM GMT
Awesome job on a wonderful picture!! Great depth and wonderful tones in the sky!! Congrats to you both!!
0∈ [?]
03/24/06 10:50 AM GMT
Added the link to your original shot, Verena. What a nice edit! Congratulations to the team... :-)
0∈ [?]
03/24/06 11:21 AM GMT
Definitely beautiful teamwork! I love both...and again, I am drawn to those heavily pressing clouds. Gorgeous!
0∈ [?]
03/24/06 12:11 AM GMT
Postcard perfect. You two worked very well together on this. Beautifully photographed. The DOF is amazing.
0∈ [?]
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares
03/24/06 12:50 AM GMT
Looks great.. wonderful co-work from both of you, thumbs up !!!
0∈ [?]
Find out about me and my work at "my gallery"...
03/24/06 1:25 PM GMT
Your cloud coverage is amazing. Nice framing also!! Great shot!!
0∈ [?]
Magic is everywhere...
03/24/06 2:07 PM GMT
I don't remember the first one but this is certainly wonderful. it has such a painterly feeling. this was an excellent combined effort. jen
0∈ [?]
03/24/06 5:00 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
Live every day as if it's your last... and take pictures of it ;)
03/24/06 6:01 PM GMT
A gorgeous photo and wonderful presentation.
0∈ [?]
03/24/06 6:11 PM GMT
Beautiful. The deep blue sky & heavy clouds really draws you into the whole scene. I love both & fantastic teamwork. Congrats to you both.
0∈ [?]
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.....Ralph Waldo Emerson
03/24/06 6:18 PM GMT
The orginal is a bit on the wild side and this one more I like them both for different reasons. Great collaborative effort, Well done!
0∈ [?]
My Best to You Always
03/24/06 7:14 PM GMT
I remember the first shot and this one is much better. I really like this.Very good work.
0∈ [?]
Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. -Ansel Adams,......... My Gallery
03/25/06 12:17 AM GMT
Wow !! maybe one day I could do this good . very well done.
0∈ [?]
Be impeccable with your word, don't make assumptions and do your best
03/25/06 1:23 AM GMT
0∈ [?]
03/25/06 6:30 PM GMT
Really nice rework. You've taken a terrific picture and made it even more dramatic. High marks.
0∈ [?]
03/27/06 11:40 PM GMT
Wow, this looks like a colored black and white photo! Neat.
0∈ [?]
03/28/06 1:49 AM GMT
great work both of you... great shot Verena.. and great work Michael...
0∈ [?]
"A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
03/28/06 12:29 AM GMT
It seems you created a nice team, the result is awsome. I love the vivid colour lifting. The whole composition stands out very well agaisnt the dark frame, which really makes me concentrated on the gist of the capture.
0∈ [?]
If you admire nature for its creations why don't you visit the gallery of its reporter...
04/26/10 9:33 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
05/12/10 1:37 PM GMT
Love the beach and really love this shot! Great work as usual.
0∈ [?]
Use your imagination when photographing, that's when you know your subject is in focus.

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