
Homepage for .Agent_Almeda

Real Name:
Sacramento, CA 
4 Nov 1987 (37 years) 
07/11/05 6:06 PM GMT11/09/15 7:17 PM GMT 

Recent Works by Agent_Almeda: (full gallery)

What? by Agent_Almeda, Photography->Manipulation gallery Arizona Sunset by Agent_Almeda, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery Hopper by Agent_Almeda, photography->insects/spiders gallery
What? Arizona Sunset Hopper


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07/16/05 8:34 AM GMT
Hi and thanks for the nice comment on "Launch at the Lakeside"
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07/16/05 8:34 AM GMT
Hi and thanks for the nice comment on "Launch at the Lakeside"
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08/18/05 5:00 AM GMT
Thanks for stopping by and posting on Mustang Cobra GT

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
08/18/05 10:31 AM GMT
Thanks for liking "Mule and Shire horse"
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Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
08/18/05 8:38 PM GMT
Hello. Many thanks for your kind words on "Slipper-y When Wet."
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
08/19/05 10:30 AM GMT
Thanks for your kind comments on my photos!
0∈ [?]
Life is a series of delicious deleriousness!
08/20/05 1:13 AM GMT
Hi! Thanks for the nice comment on "Which Way Should I Go?" I agree, horses do look great in the snow! Have a great day!!
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Whatever you are, be a good one. -Abraham Lincoln
12/30/05 12:05 AM GMT
Cheers for your comment on 'Clouds at Sunset.' It was taken in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
0∈ [?]
Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. -Ansel Adams
02/12/06 7:14 PM GMT
Hi....Thanks for leaving a comment on my "Horsepower" image....pity you can't hear it....the noise is unbelievable!
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02/15/06 7:34 AM GMT
Sunset over tree - Thankyou, in answer to your question, it's just near York in the UK.

:-) Red
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02/19/06 8:05 AM GMT
hello there, i'm glad you liked the lighting, thanks for your comment!
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03/01/06 10:04 AM GMT
Thanks for visiting "Hoverfly" :D
0∈ [?]
Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
04/13/06 5:36 PM GMT
thanks for the post on my Cayman GT image - glad you liked it

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
03/23/09 8:24 PM GMT
By the light.Last shot taken on my way home....Starting to get a little spooky so i made it a quick one..Richie.
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When you get to retirement, you switch bosses - from the one who hired you to the one who married you
05/07/09 3:15 AM GMT
Rough Surf was taken on the rocks next to Keawa'ula
Bay at the end of Farrington Hwy before it turns to dirt. Thank you for your comment.
0∈ [?]
09 Trips..Gatlinburg TN, Grand Cayman, Cozumel MX Lake Lure NC, Table Rock Lake MO, Bison Ranch AZ, Caribbean Cruise

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