
Homepage for Blueblaze

Real Name:
Mikel Azure
Canberra, Australia and Boston MA. 
1963 (62 years) 
04/17/06 5:05 PM GMT06/14/06 6:57 AM GMT 


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04/17/06 10:37 PM GMT
Thank you Mikel for the comments on "Horseshoe Falls".It sounds like you know photography,more so than I.I have heard about the thirds rule but I never think of it or care to when taking photos.Sometimes these things just fall into place I suppose.I appreciate your comments...Rob
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04/17/06 11:27 PM GMT
Hello Mikel. Welcome to Caedes, I hope you have as much fun here as I do.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments about “Stained Falls”. If your interested you can find these falls at Somersby about an hour north of Sydney.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
04/18/06 10:01 AM GMT
I Want Candy and I kinda figured you'd be around to get a handful too!! :~)

Thanks for checking it out!! Go ahead, grab another piece!!
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04/18/06 2:38 PM GMT
Hi Mikel ! Welcome to Caedes ! I hope you have a great time here !
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Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls .......Let The Machine Get It ........ MY GALLERY
04/18/06 5:56 PM GMT
hi mikel, welcome here!
thanks for the great comment on my thirsty, very appreciated!
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~ eNon ~
04/18/06 6:25 PM GMT
Thanks Mikel, That's a very nice compliment, re Game Called.....
Photography, to me, is all about creating emotion or strong reaction, and because it's such a subjective medium, success is
relatively rare. It's nice to know, that every now and then, you created something that prompted someone to stop and reflect.
Many thanks.
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04/19/06 12:28 AM GMT
Hello Mikel, welcome to Caedes.
I am glad you liked A New Beginning!
I like to play with the filters sometimes. Nice to get a second perspective on an image.
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
04/19/06 1:19 AM GMT
Hey Mikel, welcome to Caedes. Thanks for your comments on my posting titled "Bracebridge 8".

You wrote "The subject is really really interesting, so much happening there and it raises all kinds of curiosity. (Why is there water gushing out of the foundations of a house?) The severe conditions only add to the interest and the way you've captured it all is excellent. "

Kind words indeed, thank you. To your question about "the house" The building you mention is actually an generating station for electricity powered by the water you see gushing through the sluice.

Glad you liked the shot!


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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• º¹º¹ºº¹¹º¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ººº
04/19/06 6:15 PM GMT
Hi Mikel,
glad you liked my "Above the clouds II". Thanks for your kind words.
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04/19/06 6:51 PM GMT
Hi Mikel .Thanks so much for your advice post on 'The balcony', I really appreciate it
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04/19/06 8:12 PM GMT
Thanks for the analysis and suggestions for Log Jam.
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04/19/06 11:15 PM GMT
Mike, thanks for your comments on ~Spiral Sky~. Your thoughts were very interesting. I like the way you think.
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Magic is everywhere...
04/29/06 11:44 PM GMT
Hi Mikel: Thanks for your comments on "Reflective Patterns". I'm pleased you liked it. I tried different DOF shots of this and because of the lower light, the speed of film I was shooting and the movement of the water; anything with greater Depth Of Field didn't stop the water movement. It became cloudy and this was the only one that wasn't that way.
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04/29/06 11:46 PM GMT
Thanks Mikel for your kind comments on "A River of Liquid Light".
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05/01/06 2:56 AM GMT
Canberra and Boston? .. it must be difficult to buy pants that will allow you to straddle that distance =)

Thank you for your visitation on Fire-Starter .. I appreciate your thoughts
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I'm a Fire-Starter, twisted fire-starter
05/02/06 7:12 AM GMT
Hi Mikel, much appreciate your comments on «Alvarinho I».
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Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
05/02/06 1:57 PM GMT
Thanks Mikel for taking the time to comment on “More Nuts” This has to be the laziest squirrel in the park.

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05/03/06 7:26 PM GMT
Hello Mike....Thankyou for taking the time to have a look at (MINES) and for your kind comments .... I will spend hours waiting for the right light and I try to take my pictures early in the morning or late in the evening.....All the best...Mick.
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05/08/06 2:21 PM GMT
Hello Mikel...nice to meet you and thank you for your review of Relatively is much appreciated.:Pat.
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Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams~
05/08/06 7:53 PM GMT
Hello Mikel!
I truly enjoyed reading your comment on my "lonely" pic. I am glad you were able to see my perspective! So many times I seem to "miss" in expressing what I want to show.
Thanks so much for taking the time and consideration to write ! Best Wishes always! Terri
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If you never participate in VOTING BOOTH, please do not whine about the C-Index!
05/08/06 9:29 PM GMT
Hey Mike, Thanks for the comments on "Beautiful Disaster". I'm glad you liked it. :-)
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05/08/06 11:06 PM GMT
Kia Ora Mike, thanks so much for taking the time to comment so fully on Meltdown and Hint of Pink. Meltdown actually does remind me of a Battenburg cake icing :) You have a point about the border on the rose. I was puzzled once before when someone mentioned a green border and here it is again - it displays as black on my monitor but have checked it out on another flat screen monitor and yes, it is green. I think I may have to change my light/shade :)I appreciate your kind comments on them both. Your sunrise picture is very beautiful, it must have been a wonderful sight.
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Keep your face to the sunshine and you can not see the shadows. It's what sunflowers do - Helen Keller
05/09/06 12:08 AM GMT
Hi Mikel ant thank u for the comment on my picture PORTA. As for your wondering about the contrast and the white wall, it is something that I played with and at the and I came up with somthing I like. The center position of the door.... weeell... maybe it could go a little bit down.
Thanks again, I really apreciated your opinion... glad you liked it
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05/09/06 9:12 AM GMT
Thanks Mikel for your comments on
Nubian Ibex
. I was lucky my "models" were patient enought to sit through a 15-minute session without complaining while I tried out several camera angles. :-)
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I say what I say because that is my honest opinion. I don't kiss ass because I find that gross and repulsive.
05/09/06 11:21 AM GMT
Hello Mikel,
Thanks for appreciation of my "Fresh Beech Leaf". . . its a greening time!!! And I appreciate your intelligent feedback. . refreshing to my work enthusiasm. Best Amida
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This Moment - Wonderful Moment!
05/09/06 1:14 PM GMT
Thank you for your wonderful comments on Spuce Flats Falls 3. I kept waiting for the sun to go back behind a cloud so the picture wouldn't be so bright but I got impatient. Thanks again!
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05/09/06 7:20 PM GMT
Hi Mikel.....Thank for the good words on my flower "number two". Also these was nice make. With exactly another version.
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If you love something, set it free. It it comes back to you, it is yours. If it does not, it was never meant to be. Wil
05/10/06 3:57 PM GMT
Thanks a lot for your comment ate "Gárgula"
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I still belive in God, but God no longer belives in me
05/15/06 4:56 PM GMT
thanks Mikel for stopping by and visiting Ralph. :-)
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05/15/06 10:46 PM GMT
Lotsa thanks for cruisin' by to check out Alive and Kicking . I really appreciate it and I'm happy you liked it!!
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05/19/06 7:12 PM GMT
hi mikel, thank you for your comment on the grandest. the grand canyon is hard to photograph (for me). it is just so big. i would say that a wide angle lens is a necessity. there is always a blue haze around there. i used a polarizing filter. then when i put it on the computer i upped the saturation and the contrast. those things are what made it look the way it does. i'm very glad you liked it. jen
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