
Homepage for .Caiden


Real Name:
Timothy Payne
too many
Creds [?]:
The Place I Am At. 
1984 (41 years) 
04/27/06 2:13 AM GMT01/01/19 11:37 PM GMT 

Caiden's Journal (3 entries)

Blut Feuer Uploaded: 07/06/11 6:22 AM GMT

Image: Blut Feuer

A little something I cooked up with a photograph and some fiddling in Picture it Premium 10. A first try at abstractish type of art. Let me know what you think. Blut Feuer=German for Blood Fire.

Recent Works by Caiden: (full gallery)

Our Baby! by Caiden, photography->manipulation gallery Mackinac Romance by Caiden, photography->manipulation gallery Joined the Circus by Caiden, photography->manipulation gallery
Our Baby! Mackinac Romance Joined the Circus


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04/07/10 7:18 PM GMT
The book is Pride & Prejudice and the girl is one of my good friends.

0∈ [?]
Putting your pictures in my favorites is the highest honor I can give you. If I could, I would give you an award. But alas, I cannot. So the highest praise I can award you with, is faving your artwork.
04/18/10 4:08 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "Black and Green". Sorry it took so long to reply to your comment. I agree, I wish I would have done a number of things to the pic before posting.
0∈ [?]
05/18/10 12:13 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on my image "The Path" I've gotten good response with it and will likely use it in my book on night photography. I commented on the image as well
0∈ [?]
Visit my new gallery:
05/31/10 2:59 AM GMT
Howdy, Thks for commenting on my overweight prairie dog. Hope I hear from you again.
0∈ [?]
06/03/10 5:42 PM GMT
.......Awesome shot! And the design was flawless!......))

Thanks, Timothy !

0∈ [?]
-*A Wallpaper is worth a million words - And I leave them Speechless!*- ...
06/03/10 7:12 PM GMT
Thanks Caiden for your kind words on Squidwerds nose. I'm glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life throught Jesus Christ our Lord. -Romans 6:23
06/04/10 3:02 AM GMT

Thank you for your kind words on Pomergranate. Your feedback is most appreciated, Im glad you like it. Thanks again.
0∈ [?]
06/06/10 8:47 AM GMT
Many thanks for the kind words on "Go Ask Alice". Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?" THOMAS STEARNS ELIOT
06/12/10 6:39 AM GMT
Thanks Timothy for your nice comment on my 'Zakkum'. Really appreciated.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
06/13/10 9:40 PM GMT
Ref: "Why Doesn't He Just Go Under It"
You wrote: Could be a pic for animal planet weight watchers. "Come on LIFT! One and two and one and two!"

That's funny. Wish I would have thought that. Thks for stopping by.
0∈ [?]
06/15/10 1:02 PM GMT
Thank you for your comments on "Baby! It's cold outside!!" and favoriting it as well. Little ones certainly are a lot of fun. I loved your "Ageless" Your idea of only having the stone show in color was perfect.
0∈ [?]
We all live under the same sky but we don't all have the same horizon.
06/24/10 6:19 AM GMT
Thanks for taking the time to look at and comment on "Net Fisherman". Always appreciated.
0∈ [?]
The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
06/27/10 8:34 PM GMT
Hey Tim :)
Thanks for the great comment on Glow!
I know, it has been forever!
Take care x x x x
0∈ [?]
06/28/10 12:00 AM GMT
Thanks, Timothy, stopping by and leaving a nice comment on my 'Venus Boarding'.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
06/30/10 2:23 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on The Challenge :) Hehe, there was never meant to be nudity...I was going to draw her surrounded by fish, but as always I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to draw them in lol! x
0∈ [?]
07/06/10 11:16 AM GMT
Many thanks Tim for having stopped and provided your feedback to "Entrance".
It is much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
07/10/10 4:36 PM GMT
Thanks again for commenting, Tim :D x
0∈ [?]
07/14/10 4:40 AM GMT
Hey, thanks. I was a Commercial Writing major, and Mr Chappell is probably one of the best teachers in the school. He made photography fun. And with the intro of a brand new textbook, the notes have been cut by about half.
0∈ [?]
Smiles make the world a better place. :)
07/17/10 8:18 AM GMT
hi! thanks for comment on "little cute yellow crab". i wanted to keep blur on its legs. "why? really i dont know :)" but i like this photo
0∈ [?]
07/20/10 2:46 AM GMT
Of Pride and Postage
Amen brother.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
07/25/10 10:46 PM GMT
Hi Tim

Thanks for looking at My Tabouleh Photo. Your words are very encouraging and enourmously appreciated. I will be checking out your gallery, don't you worry about that. I have seen your photos before and you do have some excellent work there.
0∈ [?]
07/27/10 4:02 PM GMT
Many thanks for your kind comments on "Yellowstone Yesterday." It was taken during a car trip across the USA pulling a pop-up tent trailer, my only visit so far to that amazing place. The trip lasted a month and there was not a single rainy day. Neat, huh?
0∈ [?]
07/29/10 3:01 PM GMT
Thank you very much for the comment on "Dome" and for the fave also!
0∈ [?]
"They say time changes things, but you really have to change them your self."
07/30/10 11:44 AM GMT
Thanks for the nice comments on "night blooming cactus" and the friend's request. I haven't had much experience with photo shop so haven't retouched or reworked any of my images. You're right though I could probably improve on it by doing so. Thanks again.
0∈ [?]
08/04/10 3:38 AM GMT
Thanks for your compliment on "As If!" but that's not me. It's my friend's sister.

0∈ [?]
Putting your pictures in my favorites is the highest honor I can give you. If I could, I would give you an award. But alas, I cannot. So the highest praise I can award you with, is faving your artwork.
08/04/10 8:23 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment & suggestions on "High Noon", I'd try to make a black and white version of it. Thanks again.
0∈ [?]
08/04/10 10:46 AM GMT
Thanks for looking at my "I'm so darned cute...". He's such a pretty boy. I had to share him.
0∈ [?]
08/05/10 4:18 AM GMT
Thank you so much for your comment on The Eye of Revan, I really appreciate it! I suppose I could have some fun with it! :) Have a great day! :)
0∈ [?]
Revan Delkaoth - Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are the called according to His purpose."
08/07/10 5:27 PM GMT
Hi Timothy, thanx for the fav of 'Fairy Tale', it's very much appreciated by me :o)
0∈ [?]
Carpe Diem!
08/08/10 1:59 AM GMT
Hi Timothy, thanks very much for stopping by Senorita in the Shadows...much appreciated...and perhaps I'll try that sepia idea sometime.
0∈ [?]
08/08/10 8:59 PM GMT
Hello Timothy

Thanks for the comments on first leaf. CHeers.
0∈ [?]
08/15/10 8:40 PM GMT
Hello Timothy
Thank You for your kind comments on my Kangaroo Photo at Australia Zoo, your comments are appreciated and I am glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
08/23/10 1:29 AM GMT
Thank you for your comments on Childhood Memory. It is always nice to get feedback. Sometimes I am pretty unsure of my photos.
0∈ [?]
08/26/10 1:01 AM GMT

Thanks for the comments and complements Timothy, Just the kind of thing I was thinking about.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
09/06/10 7:14 PM GMT
Thanks for your kind comments on the purple gallberries. Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
09/09/10 10:18 PM GMT
Many thanks for your comments regarding Beetle Snooze.
0∈ [?]
Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?
09/13/10 2:42 AM GMT
" .Confederate77 Glad to see another Christian on here. Had a hardtime trying to figure out which piture to comment. All are so good. "

Hi, sorry, I know this is old news, but I thought you might like to know there are three of us now.
0∈ [?]
09/16/10 6:20 PM GMT
Thank you for your comment on Ice Fountain, I really appreciate it! I still catch my breath when I see that photo on your homepage of your mother's ring. Have a great day!
0∈ [?]
Revan Delkaoth - Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good to them that love God and to them who are the called according to His purpose."
09/20/10 9:31 PM GMT
Thank you so much for your comment on Sorbet! It is much appreciated :) Have a wonderful day!
0∈ [?]
09/21/10 5:21 AM GMT
Thanks for your kind comments regarding "Big Eyes." Always appreciated Tim.

0∈ [?]
The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
10/03/10 6:29 PM GMT
Thank you for taking the time to look at and comment on "Audi TT 2." :)
I'm happy you liked the photo

0∈ [?]
10/04/10 2:54 AM GMT
Thanks for your positive feedback on 'Upward Bound.'
0∈ [?]
10/09/10 5:06 AM GMT
Thanks for taking the time to look at and comment on "Fenced In Mountains" Timothy. Much appreciated.

0∈ [?]
The thing that goes the farthest, towards making life worthwhile, it costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.
10/10/10 4:32 PM GMT
Hello!! Thank you so much for your comments on The road not taken! I love the ideas you gave in editing it but unfortunetly im not that good at working PSP quite yet, I wouldnt know wher to begin in adding the hint of colour, if u know how please let me know how I can do it! Thanks again :)
0∈ [?]
"Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it." Confucius
10/13/10 4:13 AM GMT
Thanks for the "fav" on "Vineyard". You are obviously a person of extreme intelligence and excellent taste. LOL. Seriously, thanks much.

0∈ [?]
Never drink prune juice when you're thirsty.
10/18/10 9:41 PM GMT
Hi there, many thanks for your visit and nice comments on Winston's Wisdom...greatly appreciated.
0∈ [?]
"One photo out of focus is a mistake, ten photos out of focus is an experimentation, one hundred photos out of focus is a style."
10/22/10 7:55 AM GMT
Hi Timothy, thanks for commenting on my "Old man Jacques" post. I guess it is a bit like a rorsack test, no one's gonna say you're crazy if you see something else in it though (it's just a rich imagination).
0∈ [?]
To be spontaneous one must practice it.
10/29/10 1:40 AM GMT
Thanks for the complements and the recomendation Timothy. Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
11/14/10 4:47 PM GMT
Thanks so much for all of your comments on my images. I'm glad you liked them, and thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it! :)
0∈ [?]
“Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them.” -anonymous
11/25/10 11:34 AM GMT
Hey Timothy! Thankyou so much for the great comment! Hehe, I wish I really did have wings! Imagine how cool that would be :D x
1∈ [?]
12/17/10 8:42 AM GMT
Much appreciated your comment Timothy.
0∈ [?]
12/31/10 9:48 AM GMT
Hi Timothy, thankyou for your comment on 'Sledging Tracks' im really glad you liked the image. It has been a long time in coming and its nice to see a friendly face is still around on Caedes too! Happy New Year!
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
01/25/11 9:25 AM GMT
Hi Tim, thankyou for yet another very complimentary comment on Echos from the Past. What you said is so true. It made me think so much about the history and people who might have been while i was there. Hence the title!
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
02/01/11 5:37 PM GMT
Hello Tim....Thankyou so much for viewing (WINDSOR CASTLE)and for your comments,it is very much appreciated....The picture in colour is alright,but the black and white with just the green of the trees is so much better....Your idea of a orange type backgroundf sounds good to me,I might give it a try....Thankyou again....All the very best to you Tim......................................................Mick.
0∈ [?]
03/14/11 12:08 AM GMT
thanks for the explanation, and I'm glad you like cabos dark
0∈ [?]
03/15/11 7:11 PM GMT
Long time no see! Thanks for making "Sticky Toes" a fav. =) I sure would like to see some photos start coming in from you, it's been a while. Hope all is well and thanks for paying my gallery a visit! =)
0∈ [?]
"A closed mind is a wonderful thing to lose."
03/20/11 12:37 AM GMT
Thanks for making "Wandering Lonely As A Cloud" a favorite.
0∈ [?]
03/23/11 6:10 PM GMT
thanks Tim, glad you "actually kinda like" my picture haha. ;)
0∈ [?]
how can one use letters, words or prose against its own institution? is it not to say that this accepted alphabet can portray intolerable thoughts against itself; the reflection of these words represent the meaning of ones mindless inquiry, generalizing became this text. . .read the marks behind a letter of assurance/ freedom is jailed within. . ." _ EaB
03/23/11 11:25 PM GMT
hey :) Thanks for the comment and fav on "Feathery Elegance" :) I appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life" John 3:16 My Gallery
03/25/11 12:55 AM GMT
sunken arrow, i also think i am influenced by the song "blazing arrow" by blackalicious but this is entirely unrelated to the picture
0∈ [?]
how can one use letters, words or prose against its own institution? is it not to say that this accepted alphabet can portray intolerable thoughts against itself; the reflection of these words represent the meaning of ones mindless inquiry, generalizing became this text. . .read the marks behind a letter of assurance/ freedom is jailed within. . ." _ EaB
03/25/11 3:41 PM GMT
Hey Timothy :) I love your comment on my Naiad Rework, hehe! Thank you very much and enjoy the rest of your day! x
0∈ [?]
03/27/11 7:14 PM GMT
Thanks for the complements Timothy! Your reaction was just what I was going for.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
04/12/11 6:02 PM GMT
Thanks for the cookie idea! I so want to try that now!

0∈ [?]
Putting your pictures in my favorites is the highest honor I can give you. If I could, I would give you an award. But alas, I cannot. So the highest praise I can award you with, is faving your artwork.
04/23/11 8:40 PM GMT
Hello Tim...Thankyou so much for your comments on (HAPPY EASTER)they are as you know very much appreciated...When these flowers were in their full glory the fields were adorned with their beautiful colours,a wonderful sight to see...Thankyou again,have a happy Easter and all the very best to you Tim.......................Mick.
0∈ [?]
04/24/11 9:35 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on Start point lighthouse. It is very appreciated!
0∈ [?]
04/30/11 4:13 PM GMT
Het Timothy :) Thanks for the lovely comment on Those Eyes Rework! Sorry, I should have posted this link earlier --> OLD-VERSION-HERE Hehe, my old stuff is so embarrassing now x
0∈ [?]
05/03/11 2:18 AM GMT
A state of emergency

Thank you for your prayers Timothy.
The good news is-
There is a plentiful supply of volunteers helping with the clean up as well as a surplus of hot meals and bottled water for any one in need or volunteering. Disaster has brought out the best in people all around.
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
05/04/11 6:10 PM GMT
Hi Timothy, thanks for your nice comment on my 'Pink on the wall' photo. Glad you like it. This is my first post here, one year ago, and taken by my old P&S HP M307 camera.

0∈ [?]
Be free - use Linux
05/06/11 5:11 PM GMT
Thanks for your kind words and faving "Hematite Overlook". I'm am glad you like it so well. As always, It makes me smile. =) =) =)
0∈ [?]
Man's heart away from nature becomes hard. ~Standing Bear ***** I believe in God, only I spell it "Nature" ~Frank Lloyd Wright, quoted, 14 August 1966 **** With innovation and technology, seems we have forgotten to cherish the true beauty the world has to offer. ~A.C. Van Cherub
05/09/11 8:18 AM GMT
Hi Timothy :) Thanks again for your lovely comments! - Always a pleasure hearing from you! x x x
0∈ [?]
06/13/11 4:46 AM GMT
Nope, no Hebrews, but I could do with a little plague of frogs to help clean up this one....
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
06/16/11 4:05 PM GMT
Hey Timothy :) Thanks for another great comment! - Ha ha I wish I liked'd be a lot cheaper and healthier :P x
0∈ [?]
07/09/11 6:55 AM GMT
hi timothy, thanks for your comment on cool breeze, and by the way you hit the feeling i had exactly when i was doing the painting. cheers
0∈ [?]
07/11/11 2:41 PM GMT
Thank you for your glowing review of 750 Islands Timothy It's hard to take a bad picture in a warm tropical paradise with pristine white sand beaches, crystalline blue waters, tropical flowers the colors of jewels, filling the balmy air with exotic perfume. . I've been to 8 of the 750 in the Bahamas. I am glad my goal isn't to visit all of them. I'd die of old age before I could
0∈ [?]
Please Join The Caedes Kiva Team
07/11/11 2:49 PM GMT
Yes... you might have been to Ridgedale MO near Branson here is my write up about the Big Cedar Lodge Gift Shop at
Big Cedar Lodge is one of the best resort I have ever stayed at. The grounds are beautifully landscaped and well maintained. The quality of everything is top rate from the plush towels to the pool lounge chairs. The view of Table Rock Lake with it's blue green color and clarity is amazing. They had a wonderful infinity pool . It's on three levels first a rock waterfall cascading into the infinity pool and from there the water pours over a flat smooth surface into the lowest pool, so you can just lean over the edge and take in the view of the lake. It was heated just right and was super to watch the sunset staring off listening to the sound of water going over the falls, it was so serene and peaceful feeling On Wednesday the lazy river opened for the season and I spent a lot of time there, it's a real jewel. it's 875-foot complete with caves, rock grottoes, waterfall and a water slide.

Thank you for your kind comment Timothy and glad you know the area!

0∈ [?]
Please Join The Caedes Kiva Team
07/12/11 1:44 AM GMT
Wow... I think my parents had a free stay there in the winter time cause they listened to some sales pitch about something. We all went. Not much was opened besides the rooms cause it was winter...
0∈ [?]
To take a photograph is to make a presentation of God's work. Do so Wisely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Christian Of Caedes~~ Check Out My Blog!
07/13/11 5:36 PM GMT
Hi Timothy ... Thanks for your comments & faves on "Foggy Trilogy" & "Autumn Mural". Glad you enjoyed them.

0∈ [?]
"Packers Rock!"
07/15/11 7:19 PM GMT
Thank you a lot for your very kind comment, and especially the rating you gave for my image "Wilderness". And, I have indeed looked at your pictures. They are truly amazing. I hope you have a great week, and thanks again for your kindness ;)
1∈ [?]
If your reading this, I thank you :)
07/15/11 7:20 PM GMT
Wait, I think I am thanking the wrong person for the rating of my image :p
0∈ [?]
If your reading this, I thank you :)
07/15/11 10:28 PM GMT
Thanks for the friend invite :)
2∈ [?]
If your reading this, I thank you :)
07/17/11 6:21 AM GMT
Thanks for making Boo a fave!
0∈ [?]
Some people are like slinkies, not good for anything but will give you a good laugh when you push them down the stairs. :)
07/17/11 8:37 PM GMT
Thanks for looking at Tynemouth Priory,it,s on the East coast of, England.
2∈ [?]
07/18/11 9:54 AM GMT
Hi Tim, thanks for your comment on 'The Falkirk Wheel' much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
07/20/11 3:06 AM GMT
Thanks for making Flutter by Butterfly a Fav.
0∈ [?]
Some people are like slinkies, not good for anything but will give you a good laugh when you push them down the stairs. :)
07/21/11 10:03 PM GMT
Thanks Timothy for your comments on "Bike Shop" Glad you enjoyed the photograph. Have a great day. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. - Camille Pissarro
07/22/11 2:51 PM GMT
Caiden-- thank you for the great comment on Volver a Toledo! It's a new technique I've been working on, using Photoshop. You can do it with the camera too but mine isn't good enough. You just have to start from an image where the perspective is looking down into something, preferably a complicated scene. The technique is called tilt shift! You can find basic tutorials online, but I've found that those will only work sometimes, you have to do a few more steps to get a shot like the one I did. Anyway, thank you again, I appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
07/23/11 6:39 AM GMT
Thanks Timothy for your comments on "Blue" and for identifying the flowers. I'm a complete idjit when it comes to their proper names. Glad you enjoyed the photo. Have a great weekend. ~Wendell
0∈ [?]
There is nothing in the world of art like the songs mother used to sing. - Camille Pissarro
07/25/11 5:34 PM GMT
Thanks for your coment on Adrift.
0∈ [?]
07/26/11 7:03 AM GMT
Hello Tim

I have been away for a little while nice to be back, and get great comments on Mr Tomato. I am pleased that you liked it. Most appreciated.I will be looking and commenting on your work. Keen to see what you have been up to.
0∈ [?]
07/31/11 1:14 PM GMT
Hi Tim, thank you for the fav on "Carpet of Leaves." It has always been one of my personal photo favs (as half of my stuff are photos and the half are art pieces) and I am glad you liked it as well.

I did go through your gallery and was impressed by your point of view in your compositions. I liked most of what I saw and made note of, “What Am I?,” “I Will Protect You,” “Lizard Lips,” and “God's Living Rainbow” which I found especially interesting. I fav'd a couple them.

Best wishes to you and I look forward to seeing more of your work as time goes on. ~~ John

0∈ [?]
08/01/11 9:08 AM GMT
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the great compliments on "Spooky" I really appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
hurry up if you have time, then you have time if you in a hurry!
08/12/11 4:43 AM GMT
Hi Tim, thankyou for your complimentary comment on Top of My World and also for nominating Lothlorien for the art council. I am really stunned and flattered you think it is worthy of the permenant galleries! Thankyou!
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
08/25/11 7:15 PM GMT
Many thanks for your comments on my photo Next Stop Denmark. Apologies for taking so long to acknowledge these, but we have been away from home a lot, often in remote areas with no internet access.
0∈ [?]
Bary Observe the masses, & then do the opposite.
09/06/11 5:10 PM GMT
Hey Tim. Thanks for your comment. "A Myth" actually wasn't intended to be any sort of commentary on religion.
0∈ [?]
10/25/11 6:33 AM GMT
Hi Tim, thankyou sooooooooooo much for your compliments on my upload 'Watchet' and for entering it for the Art Council! I am stunned you think it good enough but thankyou so much :)
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
03/07/12 12:35 AM GMT
The Lookout

" just paste a window frame over it, but it would be hard to get the depth to look this good..."

Don't be so sure Tim. I could not find a window frame to use as a prop with a reasonable amount of effort, so the frame you see is in fact not real at all. I was quite happy with the result. Almost certainly better than I could have done with a real window.

Thanks for the awesome complements :)
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
03/08/12 12:22 AM GMT
thanks for commenting on 'im not a troll' and the fav
0∈ [?]
03/14/12 5:46 PM GMT
Thanks very much Tim, Glad to hear that you liked my Lost R8 :)

I really like the variety of your images. You have a good eye for a good shot. Cant wait to see more ;)

Regards Ferhat
0∈ [?]
04/03/12 1:17 PM GMT
Hi Tim, thanks for your lovely compliments on Indecent Exposure. I wasnt sure that people were understandin what i was trying to do with this one so im glad you have appreciated it for what it is. It is nice to be back :)
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
04/07/12 10:49 PM GMT
Hi Tim, thankyou so much for your lovely comment on my chillies picture and for trying to recommend it for the art council. I am so honoured you (and others) think it is worthy of a place in the permenant galleries! :)
0∈ [?]
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2

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