
Homepage for .Satan_Eyes


Real Name:
1993 (32 years) 
12/30/03 11:48 AM GMT02/16/12 6:25 AM GMT 

Recent Works by Satan_Eyes: (full gallery)

The sky starts to melt by Satan_Eyes, photography->shorelines gallery Rainbow junkie by Satan_Eyes, abstract gallery Port Douglas by Satan_Eyes, Photography->Landscape gallery
The sky starts to melt Rainbow junkie Port Douglas


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12/30/03 6:11 PM GMT
Welcome to and thank you for your insightful comments on my "angel" picture. You have made a great start of a wonderful Gallery with your talented shots of the Great Wall and I look forward to seeing more from you. Happy New Year!

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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
01/01/04 12:36 AM GMT
Welcome Patricia! I like your chinese pictures :-)
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Happy New year !!!
01/02/04 3:41 PM GMT
Patricia you have beautiful pics,very nice!!
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carpe diem.
01/05/04 11:46 AM GMT
Thankyou!!! They remind me so much of my trip... so many memories are attached to my photos... the thousands of steps up to the Great Wall... one of my friends fainting as she got to the top... the snowfights... *sniff*
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Look not into my eyes, mortal, lest the fire consume thee
01/05/04 1:24 PM GMT
Yep, another Aussie. ;^) Welcome to Caedes! 8^)
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"Be Prepared . . ."
01/05/04 4:56 PM GMT
Thank you so much for your nice comments on Rainbow's End. I'm so glad you liked it! =)
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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
01/06/04 10:09 AM GMT
Hey Patricia, I am From Victoria too, But about an Hour's Drive from yourself...

Im Close to Anglesea... 15 Mins drive from there
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---- Just Because You're Not Paranoid, It doesn't Mean I'm Not out to Get you! ---
01/07/04 12:57 AM GMT
Geez, Patricia, thanks for your (re)view on Tropical Beauties. 8^) You certainly have a good eye for details and appreciate the needs of the moment. But this is embarrassing. You are giving me way too much credit!
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"Be Prepared . . ."
02/08/04 6:41 AM GMT
yayy another melburnian hehee
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/i don't want to take what you can give//i would rather starve than eat your bread/
03/06/04 5:51 AM GMT
Ergh, got rid of that hideousness that was my former icon pic. Did this one in photoshop in about 10 minutes. I'm computer graphics inept :P
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Look not into my eyes, mortal, lest the fire consume thee
03/06/04 7:19 AM GMT
Thank you very much for support on (pink lily)Patricia.
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carpe diem.
03/08/04 6:38 AM GMT
hey Patricia, i'm glad you liked the photos, nice to see another die-hard melburnian out there, makes me appreciate your comments all the more hehe (and i certainly share your love for this fine city). southbank certainly is somethin else, it's nice to see the presence of a lowly institution such a casino hasn't really detrimented the promenade's atmosphere eh?
p.s. what part of lovely melb do u hail from?
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/i don't want to take what you can give//i would rather starve than eat your bread/
03/20/04 3:45 AM GMT
woohoo, south-eastern suburbs rule!:P i'm just a little past that area..oakleigh
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/this body makes me feel eternal//all this pain is an illusion/
04/04/04 1:38 AM GMT
Thanks Patricia. It is a wonderful city we live in.

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04/14/04 7:01 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on (cherry blossoms).Very much appreciated,Patricia.
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carpe diem.
04/14/04 6:16 PM GMT
Thank you for the warm word on "Pretty in Pink". I love taking pictures & sometimes the picture is just waiting to happen. This is what happened with this photo. The flowers were even more gorgeous when viewed with the naked eye!
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Always, Mimi
04/14/04 6:21 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Electric Sky ll":-)
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04/26/04 6:09 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on my images!
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-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
08/31/04 2:22 AM GMT
Satan huh? ...
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-Graceless intrusion... Are you sanctified in your judgment of me? -Someone else's fate We are deciding -I can see much clearor now I that I'm blind -I was told there'd be no one to call on when I feel alone and afraid -I used to be frightened of dying I used to think death was the end -John Petrucci ...†Carpe Diem†... My most famous image: Speaking Words of Wisdom
11/20/04 6:55 AM GMT
yes indeed
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Look not into my eyes, mortal, lest the fire consume thee
01/10/05 10:39 AM GMT
Thanks Patricia for your comment on Kinderd Spirits.. im very glad you liked it... its very special to me....
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
01/10/05 11:52 AM GMT
Hi Patricia thank you for commenting on why not much appreciated
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- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end - Gaz :-)
01/10/05 11:54 AM GMT
thank you also for commenting on glass pockets
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- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end - Gaz :-)
01/15/05 5:58 AM GMT
hey hey hows it going? its been awhile since i heard from ya..its also been awhile since i've posted:P i've got a whole heap of pictures to scan and edit..its too time consuming cuz my scanner is retarded. anyway, im sure u've seen that bridge before..its the southgate bridge..havent u ever gone out from the elizabeth st exit at flinders st? if u go left u get to that bridge, if u go right its elizabeth st hehe thanks again for checkin out my work. -deep
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/this body makes me feel eternal//all this pain is an illusion/
01/18/05 1:08 PM GMT
Gah, I've probably seen it, I've probably even walked on it, but I was most likely doing something stupid like trying to throw an ice-cream cone without losing the ice-cream or something of similar strangeness to even notice. :P
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Look not into my eyes, mortal, lest the fire consume thee
11/20/05 6:13 PM GMT
Sorry about the jellyfish, but you do live in a great country. Sorry about the Ashes too.
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12/04/05 5:22 AM GMT
The Ashes was a one-off. I'm willing to forgive you guys since you're going down to Pakistan ;)
0∈ [?]
Look not into my eyes, mortal, lest the fire consume thee

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