
Homepage for .abraxas


Real Name:
Jean-Michel RAUX
Canada, Quebec (Qc) 
1978 (47 years) 
08/03/04 3:08 PM GMT06/02/08 10:01 PM GMT 

Recent Works by abraxas: (full gallery)

Trees under fire. by abraxas, Photography->Nature gallery Galleville Manner by abraxas, photography->castles/ruins gallery green sun by abraxas, photography->nature gallery
Trees under fire. Galleville Manner green sun


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08/13/04 6:25 AM GMT
Haha! Je suis totalement d'accord avec toi pour Asimov, Jean-Michel. Merci pour "Dead calm": c'était une soirée magnifique, avec un gros nuage qui jouait avec le soleil. Ce site va te plaire: beaucoup d'excellents artistes, tous amateurs. Salut! :-)
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"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
08/17/04 12:07 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on "Fire Control". Welcome to Caedes:-)
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08/19/04 5:38 PM GMT
Bienvenu a Caedes, Jean-Michel! Merci pour les mots a ma photo, A Moment of Perfect Beauty. C'etait une matain magnifique. En ces jours photographie est facile. Merci! (Exusez-moi pour ma mauvaise francais :-)
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ж Regmar ж
08/21/04 11:44 PM GMT
Hello. Thanks for the comments on "School's Out" I really appreciate it. The sun had just come up about 1/2 an hour before this image was made. I work for a French company and you think I would have learned some, but alas I guess what they say is true, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Thanks again.
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08/22/04 8:20 PM GMT
Hi Jean-Michel, thanks for the great comments on Reflections - really wasn't expecting such a response, so thanks! M
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10/06/04 9:47 PM GMT
Thanks Jean-Michel for the nice comments. I'm glad that you enjoyed my Ginkgo Leaf photo. I thought it turned out nice. I may redo this photo when the leaves turn completely.

“We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams...”
Arthur O'Shaughnessy }:@)
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11/14/04 9:04 PM GMT
Salut Jean-Michel et gracias pour ton message sur 'Inside an old factory' :-)
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11/22/04 6:10 PM GMT
Les vaches sont mes meilleurs supporters, Jean-Michel. Merci pour ton message ;-)
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