
Homepage for .econfer


Real Name:
Eric Confer
Erie, PA 
1965 (60 years) 
09/04/04 12:35 AM GMT04/04/08 8:40 PM GMT 

Recent Works by econfer: (full gallery)

Coloured Cosmic Dust by econfer, Abstract->Fractal gallery
Coloured Cosmic Dust


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11/13/04 3:32 PM GMT
Hi Eric....just looked at Sun 1...Very neat piece.

be well
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11/24/04 8:04 AM GMT
Thank you so much! Anything you think I should change?
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E. J. Confer RaVeN GraF/X
12/14/04 1:42 PM GMT
Hi Eric, Thank you for stopping by and commenting on Shoot for the Star. I appreciate it..... :-)
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But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
12/15/04 9:17 PM GMT
Hey Eric, thanks for stopping at Optic Twirl. I actually use PSP8, pretty cool software, seems to work fine for me.
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'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Select Image-ป Deep Blue. -----ปฐ-ฐ-( Try "The game" )-ฐ-ฐ
12/26/04 6:49 AM GMT
Hey again Eric, glad you could drop by at "How my garden grows". Wasn't expecting too much out of that picture, just an inside joke i was pulling with Jacqueline. Thanks again.
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'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Select Image-ป Typical Texas Sunset.
12/27/04 7:24 PM GMT
lol, Eric, if you keep commenting on my work, they'll be no more room for anyone else on here. Thanks again for the comment on "Weaved Splash".
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'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Select Image-ป Deep Blue.
12/31/04 9:34 PM GMT
Thanks Eric for those nice compliments on my image "Flower", really appreciate the support, and glad you like it :)
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"The person who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt the person doing it." -Chinese Proverb
01/05/05 6:45 AM GMT
I leave constructive criticism. You call me names. Who's the child?
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"NOT using Photoshop on my Fractals since 2002." (cheaters)
01/21/05 11:20 AM GMT
Hi Eric, Thanks so much for commenting on Flutter..I so much appreciate it...
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But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
01/21/05 1:23 PM GMT
Hi Eric.. thanks for your comment on Angel Wings... im glad you liked it.. its a fav of mine..
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
01/21/05 9:56 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Bound in silver chains". Alot of those thumbnails never show the details, thanks for taking time to check it out.
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'-"I see", said the blind man to the deaf mute.' My recent gallery....... Select Image-ป Make your wish.
01/22/05 2:40 AM GMT
Hi Eric, Thanks alot for taking time to comment on "Admiring the Colours" I'm glad you liked it!
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01/31/05 10:10 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Thoughts of Rebirth
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ...... Guardian of the Gates and Caedes Lavender
02/01/05 10:12 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on -cat's nap-.Much appreciated,Eric.
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02/01/05 10:21 AM GMT
Hi Eric, thank you so much for your nice comments on Night Vision, I appreciate that...
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But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
02/07/05 2:06 AM GMT
Hi Eric. Thanks very much for the wonderful comments on "Veil of Camelia." That has long been one I felt good about. I'm happy you like it too. For the invaluable support on "Middle Age," I'm particularly grateful. Words cannot thank enough for vindication.
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I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. Georgia O'Keeffe
02/10/05 2:14 AM GMT
Thanks for your kind comments on "Great Snowy Owl." Sometimes these are chance happenings, when experimenting with fractals. I had made an owl, but inverted the picture - and this popped out, much more striking than the original.
0∈ [?]
02/10/05 3:14 AM GMT
Thankyou Eric for the thoughtful comments you left on Vessel and Madonna in Gold. I am so pleased they appealed! I have taken a look at your fractals, and though they are all good, I really liked the "dragon" one!
regards, Mum42.
0∈ [?]
never give up. (It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end. - Ursula K. Le Guin.)
02/13/05 2:37 PM GMT
Eric, I enjoyed reading the comment you left for me on "Accepting Our Differences." Thank you. ;)
0∈ [?]
I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. Georgia O'Keeffe
02/17/05 8:15 AM GMT
Thanks Eric for the kind words and comment on -Yellow orchid-Much appreciated.
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02/22/05 4:57 PM GMT
Hello Eric. I am happy you found "Chain of Pools." I appreciated reading your comment very much. That one was fun to do and it's always nice to hear when someone appreciates the time put into it and the end result. ;)
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"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!" Coco Chanel
02/28/05 4:58 AM GMT
It's me again. First, I'm going to say how much I feel you are growing as an artist and how quickly too. You are putting alot of thought and effort into building a gallery of your own unique style. Each image is showing something new you've learned. I am looking forward to seeing more. Now, it's time for me yet again to thank you for such a beautiful comment on "Finally." That one drove me crazy, but I guess I would admit to date, that it represents my style probably more so than anything else I've done. I am extremely pleased to hear what you had to say about it. Thank you so much. ;)
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"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!" Coco Chanel
02/28/05 2:43 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Earache. I was trying to keep it as simple as possible to get the idea across.
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ................. Pieces to Ponder : Earache , Vortex 3 , Blueness
03/04/05 9:04 PM GMT
Hi Eric. Thank you for visiting "Bedtime." If I could comply with the original I would indeed send it your way. I'm quite sure it's long gone now. ;-o Images really take up space and once I finish one, the twenty or so saved along the way until it's done, go straight to trash.
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"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!" Coco Chanel
03/10/05 10:52 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Vortex 2, I appreciate it.
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ................. Pieces to Ponder : Earache , Vortex 3 , Blueness
03/15/05 7:20 PM GMT
Hi Eric. What can I say? Your support and comment on "Orchids 11-Collab." meant a great deal to me and Arne. I apologize for the delay in my sincere thanks. I'm trying to catch up. ;-o
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"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!" Coco Chanel
03/21/05 2:48 PM GMT
Thanks, Eric, for the kind comments on "A Bigger Splash of Color." I guess I hadn't made the connection yet that Sherry was your wife. I haven't done too many collaborations, so it's interesting that I've had the opportunity to work with both of you now. Thanks. :)
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10/21/05 9:26 PM GMT
Hi, Eric...thanks for your gracious comments on "The Void." I really can't tell where my images stand anymore here. Can't rely on the c-index (it's 28 on this image) but can't ignore it either. Comments such as yours are a welcome morale booster! THANKS!
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10/22/05 2:46 AM GMT
Thanks for the kind comment on "Reticular" - it's appreciated...
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-userone- (Gallery)
10/23/05 5:41 PM GMT
Hi Eric!! ;) What a great surprise it is to see you!! How have the two of you been? I've been missing you around here for sure. Thanks so much for surprising me this morning by showing up on "Winging it Blue." I'll be looking forward to seeing you post again? Yes?
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
10/25/05 8:29 AM GMT
Hi Eric,
"Rare Tulip~In the Pink".....Glad you like it!....and thank you!
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"Life is but a smile on the lips of Death" (Li Zhinfa)
10/26/05 5:45 PM GMT
Hi Eric ! I'm really glad you stopped by "Art Class" & I'm really really glad you liked it. Your encouraging words mean alot to me. : )
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I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it by not dying ( Woody Allen )
10/31/05 11:59 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on 'Purple Haze', much appreciated!
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For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who earnestly waits for Him. Isaiah 64:4
10/31/05 5:23 PM GMT
Hi there. Thanks so much for the visit to "The Music in Me." You probably missed it because it's not only from wayyyyyy back but pinkish. lol It should (though I can't remember for sure) look okay in another color gradient you may prefer more. ;)
0∈ [?]
When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
10/31/05 10:28 PM GMT
Thanks, Eric, for all the kind compliments I found in my gallery today. Appreciate you having a look through the gallery. Take care, my friend - and Happy Halloween!
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11/06/05 3:56 AM GMT
Gravity 1

It's a first that I get a "not bad" on a posting Eric. Thanks for bringing me a first.
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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
11/06/05 1:09 PM GMT
Thanks for taking the time to comment on Grand Am.. I do appreciate it..
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One bead at a time
11/09/05 11:12 AM GMT
Hi Eric,

Thank you for your positive comment on "pasture" and for your kind words of encouragement for me to play with the photo. I am glad you found it worth a visit. I suppose we have to wait for such serene captures till the next spring. But don't forget about fall and winter that have so much to offer.

Stay tuned.
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Here is my gallery "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" Aristotle
11/10/05 10:46 PM GMT
Hey Eric, I see you've been looking at my gallery. I just wanted to say thanks for all the great comments. I'm glad you enjoyed my images..=]
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"A man who limits his interests, limits his life." -Vincent Price - My Gallery
11/14/05 8:02 AM GMT
Hi are you...glad to hear you liked Lighthouse #2 Revised and I appreciate your visit and nice comments.:Pat.
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FEAR is a darkroom where negatives develop.

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