
Homepage for .inspiron


Real Name:
mike mason
hazlet newjersey 
1990 (35 years) 
11/09/03 2:32 AM GMT10/23/12 9:57 AM GMT 

Recent Works by inspiron: (full gallery)

19th century basment by inspiron, Photography->Architecture gallery Dare to enter? by inspiron, Photography->Architecture gallery Outside by inspiron, Photography->Landscape gallery
19th century basment Dare to enter? Outside


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01/28/04 9:07 PM GMT
A belated thank you for your nice comment in "Narrow Winter Trail", thanks a lot! :-)
0∈ [?]
At times life is wicked and I just can't see the light, a silver lining sometimes isn't enough to make some wrongs seem right, whatever life brings, I've been through everything, and now I'm on my knees again but I know I must go on, although I hurt I must be strong, because inside I know that many feel this way... ~Creed~
02/19/04 8:25 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on The cat.
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Look around and catch it !
02/21/04 11:01 PM GMT
? what ?
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You only live once take it to the extreme -_- ‹^›(๒_ำ)‹^› Shiznet ‹^›(๒_ำ)‹^›
02/22/04 1:38 AM GMT
the red, blue, green and silver flashing sig

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i like to eat pie!
02/25/04 8:05 AM GMT
Hehehe! I am not a robber nor a millionaire ...
My answer:
1. is your life easy: yes, I've a good job after studying at university. I'm engineer for buildings...
2. does it pay good: ฑ yes. But in Europe, the charges (taxes) are very high. We love to travel and it's a passion. Our children are adults now and we can travel without them ;-)
3. how can i get it: make the same, don't spend you money in cigarettes, phones, alcohols, drugs, casino, loto, ... :-D
4. I like to eat pie!: me too
0∈ [?]
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
02/25/04 9:58 PM GMT
engineer, that what i'm planing on doing (automotive engineer) working for I ROC or GM
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i like to eat pie!
02/27/04 7:35 AM GMT
Before ten years, you will send us photos of the whole world. Sure! :-)
0∈ [?]
"Violence is the last resort of the incompetent" (I. Asimov)
02/27/04 8:29 AM GMT
Thanks for your words on ซThe catป
0∈ [?]
Look around and catch it !
02/28/04 11:34 PM GMT
hey Mike! well, the sony cybershot is a nice camera and rather easy too use but it's maybe a little limited. I got frustated with it sometimes... it's good for still objects and sush but not very useful when it comes to night or dark shot or catching movement. I have too pay very close attention to the light with this camera and I always have better result when I took something outside...
0∈ [?]
03/01/04 7:27 AM GMT
Thank you very much for the nice comment and support on (walking lane3).Very much appreciated Mike.
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carpe diem.
03/14/04 9:57 PM GMT
Thanks, and the name is yours..
0∈ [?]
Look around and catch it !
03/18/04 3:05 AM GMT
Thanks for the nice comments on Going Fishing. I did it in TG from the memory of how the eagles here look when they're heading for the spawning grounds. Since I'm no photographer (don't even own a camera) I never got an actual picture of them on one of their fishing trips. :(
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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
03/20/04 2:02 AM GMT
A little over a week ago you commented on one of my photographs entitled "6th grade hideaway." Way back in 6th grade, I went to Marin Headlands Institute on the San Francisco Bay. I found quite a few old military bases that I called my own. I went to one of these places every day to write, play guitar, or to simply just think. A snapped quite a few photographs of them, which I hold close now. I was disappointed in the rather poor quality of a few of them, but oh well. If you're interested in any more I will gladly share them with you. Thanks.

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We've only got a hundred years to live.
03/27/04 3:06 AM GMT
wow your stuff is really good. the pictures of the woods and the snow sort of remind me of being here in virginia
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And as we wind down on the road Our shadow's taller than our soul There walks a lady we all know Who shines bright light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold and if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last when all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll "Stairway to Heaven" - Led Zeppelin
03/28/04 4:13 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment, Mike!
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Et nos quidem iuste nam digna factis recipimus hic vero nihil mali gessit et dicebat ad Iesum Domine memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum.
05/26/04 9:34 PM GMT
Cranford, near westfield, 15 muinutes SW of Newark thats where i am
0∈ [?]
"This is like deja vu all over again." - Yogi Berra ~~CHRIS~~
08/01/04 7:14 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "Dolphin Close-up". It was definitely a "different" experience!
0∈ [?]
Do unto others as they have done unto you...
08/01/04 5:15 PM GMT
Thanks for checking out (Here Comes the Sun). There are in fact two boats on the horizon, a very large barge of some sort, and a tiny little boat next to it. I appreciate you stopping to comment on the image!
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~My select image - Wading Patiently
08/10/04 2:37 AM GMT
Hello Mike. Thanks for the comment on A Special Thanks To Terry And June. I appreciate it very much.
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~Let it be as it is desired~
11/11/04 3:14 PM GMT
Thank you for commenting on Va glor du pๅ, I really appreciate it...:-)
0∈ [?]
But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
11/11/04 9:58 PM GMT
Hi Mike. Thanks for the great comment on "You Go Girl!" It goes with "She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy." I don't know why the link was removed? I appreciate you taking the time. ;)
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I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for. Georgia O'Keeffe
11/14/04 5:18 PM GMT
Hey Mike, welcome to Caedes and thanks for your comment on (Top Down). I'm glad you enjoyed it~
0∈ [?]
~My select image - Wading Patiently
11/16/04 8:48 PM GMT
Thanks Mike for viewing and commenting on my Spook Night photo. This was taken during the day and under exposed to darken the image. The forground was placed over my star background and added a diffused glow. The ghost was another tomb stone that I cut out and added a glow and made transparent. The color was removed to give it a night effect. It's all smoke and mirrors from photoshop.
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If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us least live so as to deserve it. Immanuel Hermann Fichte
11/16/04 8:54 PM GMT
Thanks Mike for taking the time to view and comment on my Felix Druggist photo. I'm glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
If we cannot live so as to be happy, let us least live so as to deserve it. Immanuel Hermann Fichte
01/02/05 11:28 AM GMT
Hi Mike! Thanks for leaving such nice comments on my squirrel shot.
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Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. -- Victor Kiam
02/06/05 9:37 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment Mike. It is amazing how full of wonders the world is is you keep your eyes and ears open.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
02/20/05 8:01 PM GMT
Hi Mike, thanks for your comments on "Bright Alpine Meadow"! Much appreciated. M
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03/10/05 8:39 PM GMT
hey you
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03/10/05 8:40 PM GMT
hi lizz
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04/02/05 6:50 PM GMT
Hey Mike, great guessing and research on my posting Car Buffs. It's clear you know your stuff, well done.
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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
04/10/05 5:11 AM GMT
Hello Mike. Thank you for your comments on "Bridge Over Moving Waters". The image was taken in the Oregon Cascade Mt. Range about 25 to 35 miles west of Sisters Ore.

The aim of every artist is to arrest motion, which is life, by artificial means and hold it fixed so that a hundred years later, when a stranger looks at it, it moves again since it is life. Since man is mortal, the only immortality possible for him is to leave something behind him that is immortal since it will always move. This is the artist’s way of scribbling; “Kilroy was here” on the wall of the final and irrevocable oblivion through which he must someday pass.
William Faulkner
0∈ [?]
06/04/05 8:02 PM GMT
thanks Mike for the post on Sea Meets Sky 2. thanks for the comment & score

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
06/19/05 4:00 PM GMT
Hey, Mike, thanks for taking the time to comment on "Something's Out there...I can feel it." Yes. Sometimes I do get that feeling. It's kind of cool.
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"Let a man listen to his dream so he may hear the story of all men and let him say as he did when he was a child: this is true; it does not matter what they tell me." -William Wantling
06/22/05 10:50 AM GMT
Thanks Mike for your comment on Caedes Icons...I very much appreciate it.
0∈ [?]
06/25/05 3:15 PM GMT
Hey Mike .. thanks for your comments on my Car Buff's shots. Glad you liked'm.

More coming .. some a bit more challenging! People are getting these WAY too fast.

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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
08/21/05 6:26 AM GMT
Thank you Mike for the kind words on "Between Classes". I'm pleased you like it. These old Schools are slowly dissapearing and I love to capture them on film. Kind of like a project of love.

A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein
0∈ [?]
08/26/05 2:34 AM GMT
Thanks Mike, for your comments on the posting of the 426 Hemi. You opined that the engine was the best part of the car. I offer .. that it may well be the SOUND of that engine that was the best part of that car. It was, indeed, sweet.

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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
09/19/05 4:37 AM GMT
Hallo Mike,

Thanks for your compliments on "Carriage Driving Horse Show".
It sure was a 4 horsepower combine. Gr. Eric
0∈ [?]
05/30/07 5:38 PM GMT
thanks for the comment on budda very nice of you :)
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life is just a time precence in with you achive life can be genoures or it can diseve.
10/29/07 4:02 AM GMT
thax for ur was an expirement, thax
0∈ [?]
exceed gravity and the bounderies of this world in and for CHRIST - Fro
12/20/07 3:08 PM GMT
Thanks such a lot for dropping by Happy Christmas - all the best for the holidays :-)
0∈ [?]
"Love does not dominate; it cultivates." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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