
Homepage for .lazydramaboy


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1984 (41 years) 
08/26/03 9:33 PM GMT11/05/14 5:57 PM GMT 

Recent Works by lazydramaboy: (full gallery)

Crossroads by lazydramaboy, photography->people gallery Outside Forces - Collaboration by lazydramaboy, Abstract->Fractal gallery Digital Flower by lazydramaboy, Abstract->Fractal gallery
Crossroads Outside Forces - Collaboration Digital Flower


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02/27/04 2:18 AM GMT
Hello. Found your page empty so i thought i would be the first to sign it! Welcome! :)
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"I saw an angel in the marble, and carved, until I set him free." -Michelangelo
03/25/04 2:28 AM GMT
Hi! Thanks for the comment. The 'nighttime' of "Let Your Spirit..." is really daytime, and the reflection of the 'moon' is actually just the sun. :-) The way I got the effect is to go to the camera settings (in the Rendering Control window) and turn the exposure way down. The 'camera' lets in less light, and the whole image comes out darker. Thanks for the interest, and good luck!
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Et nos quidem iuste nam digna factis recipimus hic vero nihil mali gessit et dicebat ad Iesum Domine memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum.
03/25/04 3:12 AM GMT
Thanks for the nice comments on Glory. Very much appreciated! :)
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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
04/07/04 12:48 AM GMT
Thanks for the beautiful comment on Mountain High.
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Cheers. It's kileychristine!
04/07/04 9:55 PM GMT
Thank you for the very flattering comment you left on "Elements Anew"; it makes me proud of it to hear a compliment like that. Glad you enjoyed it that much!
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Et nos quidem iuste nam digna factis recipimus hic vero nihil mali gessit et dicebat ad Iesum Domine memento mei cum veneris in regnum tuum.
05/02/04 12:51 AM GMT
hey i appreciate your comment on "gold bubblets"... glad you like the water shots ;]
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When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
05/06/04 9:06 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on Cats Eye! yeah i was gonna add that it needed to be full size to see the Eye!
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My door is always open so feel free to leave anytime!
06/12/04 4:08 PM GMT
Thank you for your kind words on Long day. Very much appreciated and I'm glad you enjoyed Sharon's website. :)
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Mary in Montana
07/07/04 9:30 AM GMT
Thanks Christopher for your comment on " the highest bidder." It was never my intention to offend anyone but only to make them think. I'm glad you appreciate the thought. Thanks again.
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...rob... Caedes Bronze
09/06/04 5:41 AM GMT
thanks for your comment on "The Land Before Time" I usually use the entire landscape when I render it and to get the whole thing on the screen, you have to be pretty high up. I don't remember exactly how high, but it was in the high hundreds. =]
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"God used terragen to make the world."
02/21/06 6:44 PM GMT
Hi christopher, thanks for your comment on my vitamines, i didn't leave the stem because there never was one :) it's a pear from the under side.
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~ eNon ~
02/28/06 3:03 AM GMT
Hi Christopher,

Thanks for visiting my image. I'd prefer if you didn't edit and repost it though. You can do wha t you want with it for your own use though...I'm fine with that. Herman Lam
0∈ [?]
03/02/06 8:46 PM GMT
Thanks for your feedback on "Sunset". I appreciate it!
0∈ [?]
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt
03/08/06 5:44 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment on Paint Splat,sorry about the image not being big enough,is there no way u can enlarge it? =)
From Caz
0∈ [?]
03/17/06 7:16 AM GMT
I appreciate your nice comment on Silver Lining Christopher, Thank You :)
0∈ [?]
03/17/06 10:11 AM GMT
Christopher, so glad you could join me Center Stage , I'm thinking a duet perhaps? :o LOL

Thanks for checking it out!!
0∈ [?]
03/17/06 10:36 PM GMT
Thanks for commenting on my inconspicuous. I really appreciate it. Thanks again!
0∈ [?]
I feel like I am fading. I've lost the Holy Ground. Maybe there's a chance, that the lost will be found. If you saw a possum on the side of the road, would you too?
03/20/06 5:36 AM GMT
Thank you for what your wrote about "Tree Garden"...also, good suggestions you offered. I will give it a whirl...not the best at manips. Thanks again, Dianna :^))
0∈ [?]
03/20/06 6:30 AM GMT
Thanks, Christopher -- glad to be your friend!
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It takes time to learn to speak spontaneously.
03/20/06 8:48 PM GMT
Hi Christopher
Thanks for commenting on Fiery Sunet over Snowy Landscape..glad you liked it
0∈ [?]
Tomorrow might never be + When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown
03/21/06 5:06 AM GMT
many thanks Christopher for stopping by and commenting on "Dragon's Egg". I'm very glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
"Can't Sleep, Clowns will eat me... Can't sleep, Clowns will eat me..."
03/21/06 9:50 PM GMT
Hey there Christopher! Thanks for the kind words on Dale Jr. Plaque. If you like that one you might wanna check out my own website. It's in my sig at bottom of this post. Not trying to "advertise", but I have more on my wallpapers page. Thanks again! Dave ;)
0∈ [?]
03/22/06 6:18 AM GMT
hey christopher, thanks for your comment on An Ode To Orange, im glad you liked it
0∈ [?]
03/22/06 10:51 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment. Although I'm not exactly sure what it means, I think I have an idea.
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.: Ruby :.
03/24/06 9:28 PM GMT
HI Christopher, thank you very much for your comments on 'playful colors' I'm gald you liked it. It is only one flame. thank you

0∈ [?]
03/24/06 9:32 PM GMT
And thank you also for your comments on 'the pink panther'. Always appreciated, thanks.
0∈ [?]
03/26/06 6:14 PM GMT
Hello Christopher, Thank you for what you wrote about "Not Today"...I admit, I like those real life photo shots too...not excited when I take the posed ones...ppl or otherwise, so thank you so much for your lines! Dianna :^))
0∈ [?]
03/27/06 5:27 PM GMT
Hey Chris :D
Thanks for the flattering comments on my self pic! So glad you enjoy my art! :]
Have a fabulous day and best wishes,

Fae x
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...join me in the world of Vampire Freaks for all your goth and rock needs! >:[...
03/29/06 3:40 PM GMT
Chris, thanks for stopping by "The Realization". I appreciate it. :-)
0∈ [?]
Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is "elephant". - Charlie Chaplin
03/31/06 1:11 PM GMT
Hi Christopher! Thanks for the comment you gave for 'The Warmth Of Two', I really appreciate it!
Thanks again!
0∈ [?]
In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
03/31/06 1:18 PM GMT
Hi again! I really appreciate the kind words for 'LunaVision', thanks bunches for taking the time to view and write, that means a lot to me!
Thanks again!!
0∈ [?]
In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
04/01/06 8:02 AM GMT
Hi christopher, thank you for commenting on the "colorado river at horseshoe bend". i'm so glad you like it. jen
0∈ [?]
04/08/06 1:14 AM GMT
Hi Chris! Thanks for the generous comments on "Warped Again". Always appreciated!..=)
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"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun -Pablo Picasso My Gallery
04/08/06 3:09 AM GMT
Hi Chris...Thanks for stopping by "What's better than a peanut?". You wrote "You must really love these squirrels"...yes, I do...they are charming little characters that visit my feeders everyday! Thanks again, Dianna
0∈ [?]
04/08/06 3:14 AM GMT
Hello again Chris...Thank you for your feedback on "Hold On". And you were right, he didnt want to fall cuz my Jack Russell was nearby watching. That and the feeder was swinging pretty good. Thanks again for your lines, Dianna :~))
0∈ [?]
04/11/06 6:47 PM GMT
Hey there, Chris! Thanks for stopping by ~Pit~. I hope it didn't cause any permanent brain damage! LOL! I loved your comments!!

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Magic is everywhere...
04/11/06 6:51 PM GMT
Chris, Firstly I like your nick on Caedes --- lazy drama boy!!! hahahaha....btw, I must tell you, I am really glad you liked the picture I took: Breaking through the clouds..Thanks for stopping by!
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-Budding Photographer
04/11/06 6:52 PM GMT
Chris, it was very nice of you to visit my page and leave comments on Breaking through and Charcoal Effect....thanks for taking the time to critique. Btw, you've got some really good images too...
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-Budding Photographer
04/11/06 6:54 PM GMT
Chris, Once Again..........a big're very sweet because you wrote such a beautiful lines appreciating my work....thanks for visiting Tears on a rosy cheek.
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-Budding Photographer
04/13/06 2:31 AM GMT
Chris, thanks for your nice comments on ~Spring Continues~. I am so glad you like it!!
I must say, I was rather pleased with it, myself! :)

0∈ [?]
Magic is everywhere...
04/13/06 9:44 AM GMT
Hey Chris :D
Thankyou for your wonderful feedback on my new CG pleased you liked it!
Have a wonderful day and best wishes,

Fae x
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l:e:t:::y:o:u:r:::l:o:v:e:::b:e:::t:h:e:::b:u:l:l:e:t:::a:n:d:::m:y:::h:e:a:r:t:::b:e:::t:h:e:::t:a:r:g:e:t w:i:l:l:::y:o:u:::p:l:e:a:s:e:::k:i:l:l:::m:e:::s:l:o:w:l:y:::s:o:::I:::c:a:n:::f:e:e:l:::i:t
04/18/06 6:41 PM GMT
hi chris
thanks for the great comment on my writer's block! it's nice to hear i could make you think about it!
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~ eNon ~
04/18/06 7:26 PM GMT
Hey Christoper, thanks for stopping by and commenting on "Blisters" I'm glad you liked the weaving. I called it "Blisters" because the weaving reminded me of my sister knitting and how she used to get blisters doing it.
0∈ [?]
Unity through faith - Strength through unity Check this out!
04/19/06 3:19 AM GMT
Hi Christopher, Thanks a bunch for what you wrote about "Have A Really Lily Happy Easter!" I was glad to read that you liked it! thanks again, Dianna :~))
0∈ [?]
04/19/06 3:22 AM GMT
Back already...thank you BIG TIME for your feedback on "Pleasantly Purple" and also for taking the time to view and leave feedback. I really appreciate that! Thanks again, Dianna :-))
0∈ [?]
05/08/06 5:11 PM GMT
hi chris
thanks for take a look at mothers little helper and for your kinds words.
greets enon
0∈ [?]
05/09/06 12:06 AM GMT
Oh! chris, you always have such nice things to write about my pictures....thanks for your lovely comments on Cherishing the Cherry Blossoms...much appreciate it!
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-Budding Photographer
05/09/06 6:29 PM GMT
Christopher....what do I's always a pleasure reading your comments. I much appreciate you taking the time to visit my page and leaving nice comments on the The Komodo Dragon... Have a good day! :)
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-Budding Photographer
05/12/06 7:40 AM GMT
Thank you Christopher for stopping by and commenting on "Along Came a Spider". Its greatly appreciated. Glad you liked it.:o)
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Badger, Badger, Badger...
04/02/08 1:48 PM GMT
Many thanks for your kind words on 'Alone Together'.
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For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, His eternal power and Godhead;... Rom 1:20
05/09/09 1:43 PM GMT
Fading Memories.Thanks Christopher..This old graveyard is on Lindisfarne within the ruined priory,As i walked the sun broke through and shone on the stones,They were asking to be taken.Richie.
0∈ [?]
8 days and it's Gods waiting room..

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