
Homepage for .lythrum


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1946 (79 years) 
05/20/05 12:18 AM GMT08/04/08 7:37 PM GMT 

Recent Works by lythrum: (full gallery)

One Day Wonder by lythrum, Photography->Flowers gallery Bright White Peony by lythrum, Photography->Flowers gallery Little Jewel by lythrum, Photography->Flowers gallery
One Day Wonder Bright White Peony Little Jewel


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05/23/05 1:51 AM GMT
Thanks for comment : '' Les tulipes blanches '' .
0∈ [?]
05/26/05 12:26 AM GMT
welcome to caedes, may your visit be as friendly as mine has been...
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I am told that I talk in shorthand and then smudge it. J. R. R. Tolkien
05/26/05 7:05 AM GMT
Hi, thanks for the comment on "View of the lake #4" - much appreciated. And welcome to Caedes!
0∈ [?]
05/28/05 11:28 AM GMT
Thanks for the post on Hanalei Dusk Lookout. luckily it never rained all the time I was in Kaua'i - just really lovely cloud formations appeared from time to time.
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
05/28/05 9:06 PM GMT
Thanks for comments :''Le ravage des castors ''"
0∈ [?]
05/29/05 3:09 PM GMT
Hello lythrum! I appreciate your support of my Clearwater Pier 3 image and I thank you for the nice comments. Have a great day!
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"Consulting the rules of composition before taking a photograph, is like consulting the laws of gravity before going for a walk." Edward Weston
06/03/05 12:11 AM GMT
Hi, thank you for commenting on "A Fountain of Joy"! I kind of felt the same way! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
06/12/05 3:22 AM GMT
Thanks for comments ''Lis jaune(sepia)''.
0∈ [?]
06/14/05 5:12 AM GMT
Hi! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a warm comment on ~peace~. I am honored that you are using it on your desktop. We have a hothouse in the area where I live that has a "lily show" every year around Easter and this was taken last year. Your participation is much appreciated and welcome to!
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~ Mimi~
06/23/05 2:48 AM GMT
Thanks Judy For nice comments and votes at "Les mauves".Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
06/23/05 3:23 AM GMT
Hi Judy, thank you very much for commenting on "Excitement"! I believe you are right about the name, but for some reason I can't find it in my books! I don't know how I missed my welcome earlier, but.... I WELCOME you to Caedes and hope you have as great a time with the wonderful people on this site as I have had! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
06/23/05 3:32 AM GMT
Hi again Judy, many thanks for your comments on "Lonely Roses"! This is indeed the only rose bush I have in my garden, lucky shot, right? Please revisit my gallery. I would enjoy that! Sincerely, Marilyn
0∈ [?]
06/23/05 11:47 AM GMT
Hi Judy
Thanks for you comment on "misty"
much appreciated..i am glad you like it
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"pleasure in life you get by giving"
06/26/05 2:48 AM GMT
Hey Judy,

Thanks for your comment on my posting Mill Pond. Glad you enjoyed it.

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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
06/26/05 3:07 AM GMT

Thanks for your kind comments on my posting "Wall to Wall". Trilliums are interesting plants and when found in such abundance, presents a great opportunity for the camera.

Glad you liked it.

0∈ [?]
You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
06/26/05 3:12 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Shadow, Light and Water. This was the first picture I posted on the site. It is one of my favourites, although it hasn't scored all that high on C-indexes. It's sitting at 70 now and I try to parse the pictures with scores that low unless I have an attachment to them. This one I like... and I'm glad you did too.

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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• บนบนบบนนบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบบนนบนบบบ
06/26/05 1:18 PM GMT
Thanks Judy, for the comment on Diana.. I love dianthis.. I have lots in my garden and add more every year.. The look so pretty and smell just wonderful..
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06/26/05 1:30 PM GMT
Judy, thank you for the good use of "Majestic". Glad to share it:-)
0∈ [?]
06/26/05 5:51 PM GMT
Thanks Judy for looking at and commenting on Niagara Horseshoe Falls Ca., Yes winter is different cold to haha

0∈ [?]
06/26/05 11:54 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "Tea Pond".Glad you liked it.And thank you for the comments on "Blue Lake'".Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
06/27/05 1:04 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "Petal Party". Whether or not you ever use it as your desktop background, I am honored by the notion :)
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"Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." -Aldous Huxley
06/28/05 3:49 AM GMT
Thanks Judy for comments at "Les Carnation'.Much appreciated
0∈ [?]
06/29/05 2:18 AM GMT
Thank you Judy, for using (Silently) for your desktop, and for your nice comment. Have a good evening. Dwight.
0∈ [?]
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
06/29/05 9:24 AM GMT
Thanks for you comment on road trip. Much appreciated!

0∈ [?]
07/01/05 12:48 AM GMT
Many thanks Judy.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
07/03/05 4:14 AM GMT
Hi Judy,thanks for nice comments at "Les colverts".Much appreciated.
0∈ [?]
07/03/05 6:16 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Shimmery and Pale.. I am pleased you liked them both
0∈ [?]
07/04/05 6:33 AM GMT
Hello Judy. Glad you like my 'White & green (M)'. Swans are so beautiful :-)
0∈ [?]
07/04/05 6:47 AM GMT
Hi there Judy..thanks so much for stopping by & commenting on ~cardinal color~. I love feeding the birds & seeing all the different ones, but I have to agree, the Cardinal is my favorite backyard bird! Enjoy your day:))
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~ Mimi~
07/04/05 6:49 AM GMT
Hi Judy, and thank you for your kind comment on "Hello!". He certainly was a friendly little bird :-)
0∈ [?]
07/04/05 9:36 AM GMT
Thanks for liking "Blue tit" and "Great Tit" :D
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Please feel welcome to view my Gallery Here
07/07/05 8:05 PM GMT
Hello Judy, nice to meet you, tks for your comments on Pansy!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
07/08/05 12:49 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment n Temptation 3.. Pleased you liked it.. That has to be the prettiest rose garden I have ever seen.. I truly appreciate your comment..
0∈ [?]
07/08/05 12:55 AM GMT
Thanks again, for commenting on Temptation 2.. That lady followed me all over her garden showing me the best roses and telling me the history of it.. She was thrilled that someone would want to photograph her garden.. I go back in another week and hope to get more pics and some seed from her double poppies..
0∈ [?]
07/08/05 1:09 PM GMT
Hi! Thanks for your nice comment about my photo 'Blue Hydrangea'. I'm new at posting my pics here, and I really appreciate the feedback.
0∈ [?]
07/09/05 2:15 PM GMT
nice pictures, your husband was a great photographer!
0∈ [?]
07/10/05 7:25 AM GMT
Thanks Judy, your comments about “Gap Creek Falls” are much appreciated :-)
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/10/05 10:39 AM GMT
Good morning Judy
Many thanks for your appreciative comments on "Babinda Creek 05". Since arriving in far north Queensland at the beginning of May, I have been astounded by the sheer beauty of the area. Photos and paintings can only ever give but a hint. I will be attempting to give as many hints as I can in the coming years :)
Enjoy your day
0∈ [?]
Success is found by having the courage to let go of known shores.
07/19/05 12:50 AM GMT
Thanks for your nice comment on Just Anne.. I don't beleive in weeds.. Just misplaced flowers.. I grow many "weeds" in my garden because of their beauty.. Queen Annes' Lace is one of them.. I will never understand why people don't like it.. It is lovely, in both garden and vase..
0∈ [?]
07/20/05 12:48 AM GMT
Thanks so much Judy, for your support, and comment on Gentle Dew. Have a wonderful day, may happy things surround you. Dwight.
0∈ [?]
People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
08/11/05 5:49 PM GMT
Hoi Judy.

Your comments on "So Blue " are very much appreciated. Thank you.
Gr. Eric
0∈ [?]
08/12/05 1:17 AM GMT
Thank you for viewing my Rice Paper Butterfly. Keep and eye out, I still have a couple more butterflies to post. I hope you enjoy all of them.
0∈ [?]
08/18/05 3:25 PM GMT
Thanx for the nice comment on my "peaceful lake" I appreciate your time. I'd love to get your opinion on "Boys on a Castle wall" if you get the time.
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-DFX - "Come away with me to a fractal sea where the digital dophins flow."
08/18/05 11:43 PM GMT
H Judy..thank you so cery much for you lovely comment on my purple rose...they are special...the roses and the comments..smiling for your words..thanx
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You can do anything...if you don't quit!....
10/16/05 12:08 AM GMT
Thanks so much for your kind words on 'Imagining Autumn', I really appreciate it and I'm pleased that you like it!
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For from of old no one has heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who earnestly waits for Him. Isaiah 64:4
11/15/05 4:16 PM GMT
Hallo Judy,

Glad you liked my "ants perspective" photo. Thanks for your compliments on it.
Gr. Eric
0∈ [?]
11/30/05 11:22 AM GMT
Hi Judy,
Thank you for visiting and leaving a commnet on my,"Mount Princeton and Cottonwood Trees". I loked at your Gallery and found that you wee out west but you overlooked the most beautiful state, Colorado. The next time you head west you must spend time here, You will not be diasppointed,
0∈ [?]
Annie and I invite you to visit our website. Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art. It is a solar phenomenon, where the artist collaborates with the sun. deLamartine 1855
11/30/05 11:22 AM GMT
Hi Judy,
Thank you for visiting and leaving a commnet on my,"Mount Princeton and Cottonwood Trees". I loked at your Gallery and found that you were out west but you overlooked the most beautiful state, Colorado. The next time you head west you must spend time here. You will not be disappointed.
0∈ [?]
Annie and I invite you to visit our website. Photography is not a trade - it is an art. It is more that an art. It is a solar phenomenon, where the artist collaborates with the sun. deLamartine 1855
11/30/05 1:47 PM GMT
Hello. Thanks for your visit on my 'Summit in sight'. You're welcome :-)
0∈ [?]
12/08/05 11:09 PM GMT
Hi Judy,Thank you for the nice comments on "A fall snow' and I am pleased that you enjoyed my other photos as well..Rob
0∈ [?]
04/24/06 3:38 PM GMT
Howdy from Arizona! Thank you for stopping to look and comment at "This Anna's a Male". I have a couple other hummingbird photos here on Caedes you also might like. Your portfolio has some good landscapes of places I have yet to see - I'd love to spend some time in Yosemite! Thanks again ....... !
0∈ [?]
04/27/06 3:17 AM GMT
I'm pretty sure I understand the "friends" thing, but this is all new to me. I believe that if you are "friends" with someone, it is very similar to being subscribed to their gallery. You get an alert in the left side bar if any of your friends upload a new picture. I think it's a good way to keep track of your favourite artist and such. :-) I wanted to make sure I didn't miss any of your new photos!
Take Care, Catherine
0∈ [?]
05/20/06 4:49 AM GMT
Thank you Judy for your kind comments on "Opening to the Sun" AND "Just Visiting". I'm pleased you like them.

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05/20/06 9:43 AM GMT
I'm so happy you decided to fly by and check out Home Tweet Home !! I appreciate you chirping such nice words and I'm glad you enjoyed these little birdies!!
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05/21/06 7:44 AM GMT
Thanks Judy for your wonderful comments on "Spring is in the Air".
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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I say what I say because that is my honest opinion. I don't kiss ass because I find that gross and repulsive.
05/25/06 6:39 AM GMT
Appreciate the comment, thank you kindly.
0∈ [?]
05/25/06 5:41 PM GMT
Howdy from Arizona! Thank you for the nice comments and for making "Something Blue" your desktop!
0∈ [?]
05/27/06 1:54 AM GMT
Thank you for visiting my gallery, Judy. Hope you found some of it interesting, and to your liking. Stop in again, when you have time.
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05/27/06 12:57 AM GMT
Hello Judy tks for your comments on Pansies!
Glad you like the image.
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
05/30/06 5:25 AM GMT
Thanks for looking at "Streaming Through the Trees" and your suggestion for it. I appreciate that.

Have a great day. - Jon
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I'm overwhelmed. There are so many great photographers on this site! It's amazing!
06/01/06 11:52 PM GMT
Hi Judy,

Thanks for visiting The Bleeding Hearts Flower. I appreciate your comments.

0∈ [?]
06/16/06 7:00 AM GMT
No probs Judy as I enjoy you work and keep the great work coming. Thanks for opening my eyes to the wonderful world of flowers
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Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
06/16/06 2:29 PM GMT
Thanks for stopping by "Pretty View." They may be Rose of Sharon! I forgot about that one. I appreciate your time to leave a comment.
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06/16/06 4:46 PM GMT
Backwoods Beauty. .... Glad you liked it, Judy. I thought it looked so bright and cheerful amongst all the weeds, and even the weeds looked happy to have her there.
0∈ [?]
06/16/06 5:00 PM GMT
thanks Judy for your support on my flower macro shots - much appreciated

cheers - Phil
0∈ [?]
06/16/06 8:49 PM GMT
Hello Judy, thank you very much for your kind comment on "Summer Snow", I am pleased that you liked it!
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06/19/06 5:36 AM GMT
Judy - I am glad you enjoyed the baby Humming Birds. I had just come back from Iraq and found that nest outside my kitchen door. I watched the eggs hatch and their whole life cycle up to the time they took flight on their own. The whole family is still hitting my feeder on a regular basis. After what I have seen and done, this little bit of wonder was great therapy for me. Thanks for the kind words - Roland
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Stultum est timere quod vitare non potes.
06/24/06 4:31 PM GMT
Hi Judy, really appreciate you stopping by and commenting on posting In All It's of my better flower images...gerry..
0∈ [?]
06/26/06 1:51 PM GMT
I enjoy viewing your great work and I thank you for the oppotunity to view, enjoy and have a say on your work
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Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
06/26/06 11:34 PM GMT

Please check out Randy's New Image Dodge BALL and Now your it.
0∈ [?]
Suicide is man's way of tell God "YOU CAN'T FIRE ME I QUIT."
09/17/06 12:54 AM GMT
Hi Judy, many thanks to you for viewing "My Flying Rainbow"! I so appreciate your thoughts and comments, and please visit again, as I would enjoy that! I was happy and surprised to see your familiar yellow rainbow again! What a plesant surprise indeed! I hope all is well with you! Sincerely, Marilyn
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