
Homepage for .pauljsee

Real Name:
Vermont, USA 
1962 (63 years) 
02/20/06 12:22 AM GMT09/27/09 12:40 AM GMT 

Recent Works by pauljsee: (full gallery)

rainbow by pauljsee, Photography->Landscape gallery bell of the Maple Forest Monastery by pauljsee, Photography->Places of worship gallery Village Buddha by pauljsee, Photography->City gallery
rainbow bell of the Maple Forest Monastery Village Buddha


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02/20/06 3:27 AM GMT
Hello...thank you for your feedback on 'Gone Fishing'...much appreciated!!!! Dianna
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02/23/06 1:01 AM GMT
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02/23/06 2:23 PM GMT
Glad you enjoyed Reflection..thanks so much for your positive comments

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02/25/06 2:49 PM GMT
Hello Paul...thank you for your thank you...ha, I had to tell you that when you were describing that otter sliding on his belly across the frozen ice, my snapping finger started itching...hee! Thank you for what you said. I love taking a pic of anything, but my fav is the critters. :-)Dianna
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02/26/06 5:06 PM GMT
Hello Paul,

first of all "Welcome to Caedes", I hope you will enjoy this site and the people behind the works as much as I do. Next I wanna say "Thank You" for leaving a comment on "Road To Somewhere", I am glad you liked it. Feel free to visit my gallery every time you like, maybe you'll find something of interest there.

Have a good time
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Find out about me and my work at "my gallery"...
02/28/06 3:36 AM GMT
Thanks for poking through my gallery today. I'm glad you found some things you liked. You've got a good start on yours and I think you'll enjoy your time here. Vermont is a lovely place to be able to share
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02/28/06 6:40 AM GMT
Hello Paul, thank you for your comment on "Afternoon Waddle" mentioned it was featured on the home page? That was news to Thanks for the fyi! Dianna
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02/28/06 6:46 AM GMT
Hi again Paul, Just read your comment on "I see you too"...thank you so kindly for taking the time out to comment on my pics. Oh, about the geese and my lens, I dont really have a great zoom lens, however, I am a bit of a Dr Doolittle with animals...always have been. Keep in mind when I take most of my shots, my Jack Russell Terrier is with me...can you imagine how close I could get if I left her at home? ha, thanks again...Dianna :-)
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02/28/06 6:51 AM GMT
Now I am feeling like a pest here, haa, thank you for your feedback on "Working for Peanuts"...and to answer your question about feeding them peanuts...I buy 50 pounds of peanuts about every 3 weeks and 25 pounds of sunflower chips, not counting my birdseed and dog treats for our fenced in friends. Now you know my secret...hee, Dianna!
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02/28/06 6:52 AM GMT
Okay, now I have pitched a tent here...ha, thanks Paul for your feedback on "Sunning Seagulls'...that was my first submission and not a great one at that but I do appreciate your kind comment. Dianna
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02/28/06 10:01 PM GMT
Thanks Paul for the nice comment you left on "Junk Beetle and Oporto City", it was much appreciated. This photo is almost 15 years old and is a scanned 35mm colour slide. Because scan often denatures colours and details, some correction and sharpening were applied in Photoshop. Thanks again.
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02/28/06 11:56 PM GMT
Hello Paul, Thank you for stopping by and leaving a positive comment on "All in a Row". I wasnt sure I was going to put this pic on the site, but feedback like yours helped me to feel better about it, thanks again, Dianna :-)
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03/01/06 7:37 PM GMT
Thanks for your critics on 'Captains House'.
I will see if I cna make it better by editing.
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03/01/06 8:58 PM GMT
Many thanks Paul. Yes, it reminds me a little of parts of Maine.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
03/03/06 5:13 AM GMT
Hiya Paul, Thanks a bunch for what you wrote about "Waiting for Breakfast"...I changed the name ...was "Intense Gaze" soon as I hit the submit button, I had changed my mind....whoops! Hope you are feeling better from our flu buggies. Thanks again! Dianna
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03/04/06 4:47 PM GMT
*Good Morning Paul* I sure appreciate what you said about "Reservations Only". I felt quite happy seeing that young heron yesterday. Thank you for stopping by the photo and taking the time to leave your feedback! Have a great day too! Dianna :-)))
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03/04/06 5:04 PM GMT
Hi, thanks for commenting on Paints..glad you liked it
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Tomorrow might never be + When you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything - Doc Brown
03/06/06 4:36 AM GMT
Hi Paul, Thanks for your comments on "Cheetah 2". I'm glad you like it!!
I was far away, so I didn't have much choice of lighting and etc. I just took the best picture I could with my vantage point.
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03/06/06 5:57 AM GMT
Actually, you have a really good point there (regarding whether a picture is washed out). I have noticed that with the ones I have uploaded. Usually I use the auto-levels in Photoshop to enhance digital photos, but as you pointed out, how these photos look can be very subjective. Thanks for listening and sharing your thoughts :).

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Life... is like a grapefruit. It's orange and squishy, and has a few pips in it, and some folks have half a one for breakfast.
03/07/06 2:03 PM GMT
Hello Paul. I like your description of the Ibis at “Coming Home” its very appropriate. Thank you.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
03/10/06 3:20 AM GMT
Paul, thank you so much for viewing 'dancing ducks'. I am sooo glad you liked the sweet duckies !
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With all my love and respect, Marzena
03/11/06 4:27 PM GMT
thanks so much for looking at my "purple swirl!" im glad you liked it, its very different eh?
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love sweet love
03/12/06 5:20 PM GMT
Hello Paul, Stopping by to tell you how much I appreciate what you wrote about "Horton Hears a Who". Since you joined this site, I feel like we have become friends thru our photos and comments and I always look forward to seeing your new work. Thank you again for sharing your photos and taking time out to leave feedback! Dianna :-))
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03/13/06 4:37 AM GMT
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your comments on "It's Snowing." Much appreciated. Dedicated? Oh you mean laying in the snow for the was the least I could do for all you nice people.
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Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. -Ansel Adams,............... My Gallery...and please vote on everyone's photos...FEW VOTE AT ALL! .
03/14/06 3:13 AM GMT
Hi Paul! Thanks for stopping by Stone Staircase! Appreciate the compliments & glad you liked it. Thanks again!
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Let us endeavor so to live, that when we come to die, even the undertaker will be sorry- -Mark Twain
03/16/06 4:55 AM GMT
Hello Paul~Thank you for what you wrote about "Sleeping Beauties". And like you, it was cooler here today! I took the photo of the crocuses the other day...the ONE nice day we had in awhile. We are having an extended Winter here and I am not alone in being anxious for Spring to officially happen! I am waiting with my camera in hand...hee! Thanks again for leaving your feedback...Dianna :^))
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05/17/06 7:45 AM GMT
hi paul,
thanks for your uplifting words on "ready to jump". i'm glad you like details as much as i do, even though it doesn't seem to meet the general taste ;-)
let's see what i'm going to find this summer! thanks again.
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fantasy is man's greatest gift

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