
Homepage for .prahlj


Real Name:
Jason Prahl
Springfield, MO 
1971 (54 years) 
01/12/05 3:26 AM GMT09/29/05 12:14 AM GMT 

Recent Works by prahlj: (full gallery)

He's coming on the clouds by prahlj, photography->skies gallery Old mill by prahlj, photography->mills gallery Vase by prahlj, photography->still life gallery
He's coming on the clouds Old mill Vase


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01/16/05 5:28 AM GMT
Hi! How are you! Thank-you so much for your lovely comments on 'Pixality' - What you said about reality to binary is exactly what I was trying to acheive!
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I think, therefore I thwim. My Christmas Contest Entry... Have a look at cute little Milly! Looks like Pixality
01/16/05 2:06 PM GMT
Thank you very much Jason for viewing and commenting on my image. I'm glad that you enjoyed my Mountain Stream 8 wallpaper image.
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01/20/05 10:14 AM GMT
Thanks, Jason, for your comments on 'Fantasy in Green and Blue'. Glad you enjoyed!
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Which wicked witch wished which wicked wish?
01/21/05 10:15 PM GMT
Hey there Jason! Thanks so much for your comments on "Angelic Particles" I'm glad a person who is not a fan of purple enjoyed it :o) I'll let you in on a secret...I'm not one for purple either.
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There's an emptiness inside her and she'd do anything to fill it in. Though it's red blood bleeding from her now, it's more like cold blue ice in her heart. She feels like kicking out all the windows and setting fire to this life. She could change everything about her using colors bold and bright, but all the colors mix grey. ~*DaveMatthewsBand*~
01/23/05 10:25 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "SC State Capitol" I really got lucky with the weather that day to get the blue sky in the background. I'm glad you liked the photograph!
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"Morals, like clothes, change with the fashions, or, perhaps the fashions change to adorn the morals." Florence Reed
01/31/05 10:17 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Contrasted. I tried to sharpen up the image, but unfortunately it made the whole thing look too grainy, so I left it as is.
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'Study the past, if you would divine the future.' - Confucius ...... Guardian of the Gates and Caedes Lavender
01/31/05 10:38 AM GMT
Thanks a lot for the nice comment on Hard Knowledge. I'm really glad you like it :)
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02/01/05 4:56 AM GMT
Thanks a lot for the comment on Ancient History...There will be more to come, so sit back and enjoy. Thanks again Jason.
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How is it possible to fit 4 pounds of tomatoes into a 2 pound ketchup bottle?
02/03/05 11:41 PM GMT
Thanks Jason for viewing and commenting on my Macon Clouds 5 image. I appreciate your remarks and support.
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"You don't take a photograph, you make it." Ansel Adams
02/05/05 8:38 AM GMT
Thanx Jason for your comment on "Lil' Old Bridge". :o)
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The Artist Formerly Known as B1aze!
02/15/05 4:56 AM GMT
Thanks Jason for the "Whoa" on "Steady as she Flows";-)
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02/21/05 2:16 PM GMT
Jason, Welcome to Caedes. I am surprised no one has said so yet!
Thank you so much for your comments on Beautiful in Macro! I am glad spring is near also.
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Smile and the world smiles with you! AcrossTheWorld
03/23/05 11:36 PM GMT
Haha! I totally agree!!! I don't mind winter but I LOVE spring!
Thanks for your comments!!! :)
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03/23/05 11:36 PM GMT
Haha! I totally agree!!! I don't mind winter but I LOVE spring!
Thanks for your comments!!! :)
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04/14/05 11:36 PM GMT
Thank you for taking your time to comment on Ion Blast. I'm glad you liked it!
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When your down, the only way to go is left!
04/15/05 7:28 PM GMT
Hi Jason, thanks for your nice comment on "Orange"! I liked the colour too ;-)
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For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong. - H. L. Mencken
04/21/05 1:37 PM GMT
hi - thanks for your comments on a day in april.
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A thing of beauty is a joy forever
04/23/05 9:09 PM GMT
Hi Jason....Thanks for visiting my work and also for leaving a comment on Metal Distraction.....
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---- "Cursive writing does not mean what I think it does" - Bart Simpson ....................Gothic Mist ----
05/07/05 2:00 PM GMT
Hi jason.
wellcome to my gallery and thanks for commenting ĢEspelhoģ.
very much apreciate.
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Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
06/26/05 4:33 PM GMT
Hi Jason. I really like your work. I noticed that you are from Springfield, Mo. I too am from Springfield. I work at the Assemblies of God Headquarters. I thought it was great to find a fellow Christian (I am assuming anyways) here at Ceades. Especially one from Springfield. : )
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People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. Eleanor Roosevelt

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