
Homepage for .ryanrahn


Real Name:
Ryan Rahn
Chandler, AZ 
1990 (35 years) 
06/12/04 2:38 AM GMT06/14/08 4:13 AM GMT 

Recent Works by ryanrahn: (full gallery)

Lazy Twins by ryanrahn, photography->flowers gallery Basking In The Sun by ryanrahn, photography->macro gallery California Sunset by ryanrahn, photography->sunset/rise gallery
Lazy Twins Basking In The Sun California Sunset


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06/12/04 2:17 PM GMT
Hey and welcome to Ryan. Thanks for the supportive comment on (Lakeside Splendor), I'm glad you liked it. I'm honored to have shot the first image for your favorites and to be the first to get to comment in your profile. Looking forward to seeing more images from you~
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~My select image - Summer Magic
06/13/04 6:50 AM GMT
Thank you for the welcome, and for your comments. Your images are wonderfull as well. I would only add the best to my favorites. :)
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06/15/04 7:43 AM GMT
Tks for you comment to cortina's picture
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Every God must judge to me
06/15/04 7:54 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "Water of life", Ryan - glad you liked it :-)
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06/15/04 3:37 PM GMT
Thank you for the comment on "Pine Cone", Ryan:-)
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06/16/04 2:46 PM GMT
Hello Ryan. Sally and I thank you very much for the high votes and comment you left us on our collaboration #2. We appreciate that you loved it enough to add it to your favorites! ;)
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B.J. ;)
06/16/04 3:56 PM GMT
thanks for the comment on "a certain reaction" ;]
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When you come to a fork in the road, take it.
06/16/04 4:05 PM GMT
Thank you for the great comment on "High Tide", Ryan:-)
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06/16/04 10:23 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on (Going Out After The Rain), Ryan. It's nice to hear you enjoyed it~
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~My select image - Summer Magic
07/07/04 3:41 AM GMT
Thankyou for the comment on "Cryolite Display"! I'm glad that you like it.
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"We need not fear the expression of ideas -- we do need to fear their suppression." - Truman
07/07/04 4:06 AM GMT
thanks for your comment on sunflower close up! much appreciated!

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07/07/04 6:20 AM GMT
Hi there Ryan. Thanks for commenting on Lily From Taiping. Very much appreciated.
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~Let it be as it is desired~
09/12/04 10:11 PM GMT
Thanks Ryan, The light was not too bad ISO400, 1/750th at f8 at 200mm(equal to 320mm). I think that the main reason it is not quite sharp is the speed at which I was panning.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.
09/19/04 3:57 AM GMT
Hey Ryan,
Thanks for the positive feedback on "Muskoka Reflection" Glad you liked it,
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12/15/04 1:38 AM GMT
Hi Ryan. Thank you for your comments on "Kokohead Sunset". I am glad you liked the picture.\

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Орел и Медведь должны объединиться, чтобы нанести поражение Дракону в Третьей войне. - Нострадамас
12/15/04 7:05 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment on "Skilled Fingers". Im glad you liked it. Had a look in your gallery and i must say i really love the work you've done on the close ups of flowers. They're all so colourful and theres so much clarity to them. Thanks again and i love your work!
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"We may not get what we want, but sometimes, if we try, we get what we need." Rolling Stones
12/17/04 7:12 PM GMT
Hey Ryan, thanks for the comment on (Dockside). I'm really glad you enjoyed it! That was a beautiful sunset I was lucky to find.
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~My select image - Wading Patiently
12/18/04 3:05 AM GMT
Hi Ryan, thanks for your comment On A Clear Day. It was a wonderful experience to be there. Took a quick peek at your gallery, and I'll try to get back and spend some more time with your photos in the next couple days. Looks like some excellent work...Mike
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12/18/04 7:54 AM GMT
Hello Ryan; Now that I look at it "The Long Lonely road" would probably been a stronger image shot with B/W film instead of color. Thanks for the comments. They made me think of alternatives.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein
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12/18/04 2:29 PM GMT
Thanks Ryan! I''m glad you like >>>>Endless Horizon<<<<<

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12/20/04 4:52 PM GMT
Ryan, thanks so much for browsing through my gallery and commenting on so many of my photos! I am so glad that you have enjoyed all of them! Thanks and happy holidays!
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"But no prints can come from fingers if machines become our hands." - Jack Johnson
01/13/05 1:17 AM GMT
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Ryan <br /> My Website
01/13/05 1:19 AM GMT
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-Ryan Visit My Website
01/13/05 1:21 AM GMT
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-Ryan <br> Visit My Website
01/13/05 3:20 AM GMT
Hey Ryan! Thanks for the comment on "Winter Moon Sunset" -- I never knew you were a member here! Keep it up :)
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02/10/05 8:55 PM GMT
Hello Ryan! Thanks for viewing and commenting on my Baskets photo. I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Those baskets were the only thing in the room and they were sitting in the sunlight just begging to be photographed.
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"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words." Ansel Adams
02/10/05 8:59 PM GMT
Thanks Ryan for viewing and commenting on my Caedes Sunset photo. I was just trying a few things out in Photoshop and this was the result. I'm glad that you like it. I recently noticed what appears to be a face in the cloud above the spider.
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"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words." Ansel Adams
02/10/05 9:02 PM GMT
Thank you very much Ryan for viewing and commenting on my image. I'm glad that you enjoyed my Mountain Stream 8 wallpaper image.
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"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words." Ansel Adams
02/10/05 9:05 PM GMT
I'm glad that you enjoyed this image. Thank you Ryan for your support and comments on Macon Sunset 20.
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"A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words." Ansel Adams

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