
Homepage for spazzlerock


Real Name:
a world all my own 
1988 (36 years) 
03/29/04 10:54 PM GMT03/28/08 3:43 PM GMT 


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03/30/04 12:09 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "Second Ascension"!
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-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
03/30/04 1:37 AM GMT
Thanks so much for taking the time to look through my Gallery and for the kind words after you did so. I really appreciate it! :)

Just became a member today, did you? Well, welcome to the family -- we're glad you joined us. :)
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Mary, the Caedes-addicted-BarGnat
03/30/04 2:11 AM GMT
Thanks for the post on boredom. I love painting and I was extremely bored so I thought I'd paint something.. Thanks again!
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"I saw an angel in the marble, and carved, until I set him free." -Michelangelo
03/30/04 6:13 AM GMT
Thnx kate for all of your comments,
really appreciated! And welcome to caedes!
Where u from?
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Nobody's Perfect, And I'm nobody :p
03/30/04 6:37 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on Carnage - Kate - It's much appreciated!
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
03/31/04 9:39 AM GMT
Thanks so much for your comment on Blue...
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04/02/04 1:21 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on "squares" :)
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04/08/04 3:18 PM GMT
Hi Kat! Thank you for your comments on Touching Time and Flesh of Fallen Angels ... I´m glad that you like them. Most of my pictutres are inspired by thoughts and feelings of mine, Touching Time for example came into being through thoughts about the time I have been on this planet so far, I think its just normal that you start to think about life and death at a certain age. :)
I just visited your site, you have very nice collage... what the heck is plural for collage in English??? And here we have just another question that will keep me up at nights! :D
Will we ever see something of your art on Caedes? I would be very pleased if so.
Cheers Kat!
PS: I´m comming from mars ;)
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"m'ortem eff'ugere n'emo p'otest" - Cicero (106 - 43 B.C.) (Nobody can escape death)
09/15/04 5:09 PM GMT
:) Thanks for commenting on Pink Passion! I'm glad you like it Kate :)
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09/15/04 8:59 PM GMT
Im glad you liked my imager "bringer of light" I appreicate it.
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-Graceless intrusion... Are you sanctified in your judgment of me? -Someone else's fate We are deciding (abortion) -I can see much clearor now I that I'm blind -I used to think death was the end -John Petrucci ...†Carpe Diem†... My lonely image: Father and Son
09/15/04 8:59 PM GMT
Hi Kate... thanks for your comment on Fractal Milky Way.... im very pleased you liked it
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True friends are like diamonds precious and rare... false friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere.........
09/15/04 10:14 PM GMT
Hi Kate: Thanks for your nice comment on "Party Mask" Cheers Al.
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"I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again." Matt Groening
09/17/04 12:31 AM GMT
Thanks Kate for your comment on Lavender. Very much appreciated.
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...rob... turtle...
09/26/04 5:15 AM GMT
thanks for your kind words on my image ( desert 2 ) . I realy appreciated it .
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10/09/04 11:34 AM GMT
Thanks Kate for your comment on Hypnotic.. im glad you liked it...
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
10/09/04 12:19 AM GMT
Hi Kate. It was very nice to read your comment on "Gist of Twist Again". Thanks so much for taking the time.
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There are two ways to spread the light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. -Edith Wharton
10/09/04 2:06 PM GMT
thank you kate for commenting on Butterfies are Free, and the golden dream, I really appreciate it alot..I am glad you like them.....
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But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling, like dew, upon a thought produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions think and smile. Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
10/10/04 3:32 AM GMT
Hi Kate
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my image "shining light" it is truely appreciated.
This image started as a photo of our hallway clock stand.
Thanks again
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10/10/04 4:43 AM GMT
Thank you for your kind comment on Petals for Mimi - I'm pleased it pleased you!
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never give up
10/10/04 4:53 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on -the walking lane in fog-.Much appreciated,Kate.
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Carpe diem.
10/10/04 8:16 AM GMT
Hi Kate, thanks for your nice words on "Sailing Home" - I'm glad you liked it!
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10/11/04 8:04 AM GMT
thank you for commenting on crying angel much appreciated
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- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end - Gaz :-)
10/11/04 12:51 AM GMT
Thanks very much for your comment on"Universe in a Box"
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Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
10/18/04 8:11 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Through her Eyes" I appreicate the support and am glad you liked it. =)
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-Graceless intrusion... Are you sanctified in your judgment of me? -Someone else's fate We are deciding (abortion) -I can see much clearor now I that I'm blind -I used to think death was the end -John Petrucci ...†Carpe Diem†... My lonely image: The Eye of the Beholder's Cousin
10/19/04 5:19 AM GMT
Hi Kate, Thanks for your comments on "3 zillion coins in a fountain". This was my favorite fountain in Rome. I have visited twice over the last 20 years - each time throwing in my coins. (Still hoping to go back!) M
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10/23/04 4:33 AM GMT
Kate, thanks so much for the comment on "In Bloom". I am glad that you like the shot!
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10/26/04 12:57 AM GMT
Hi Kate! Thanks for the nice comment on "Snowy Ravine". I am going to guess that that is a fantasy title?
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10/26/04 2:47 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Ocean Blue!
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Please see my image Ocean Blue and my picture Quiet creek
10/26/04 4:59 AM GMT
Thank you so much for all of the lovely comments. I really appreciate you taking the time to look so many of my designs.
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10/26/04 5:15 AM GMT
thanks a lot for your comment on "superunknown" kate... much appreciated ;]
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keepin' it real
10/26/04 7:16 AM GMT
Hi Kate, wellcome to my gallery and thanks for your comments on «Impressive».
Very much appreciate.
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Look around and catch it ; the Art is there !
11/11/04 12:17 AM GMT
Thanks Kate for commenting on "Wave".I am glad you like it..
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11/11/04 11:40 PM GMT
Hey Kate :) Thanks for commenting on Drainage! I was really bored when I took that shot, but I think it turned out really well, thanks again ;)
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*~Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen~*
11/16/04 4:20 AM GMT
Hello Kate. I'm grateful for you comments on "Firmly in Winters Grasp". I just hope it doesn't get as cold as it was the day I took this image. Thanks again.
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11/18/04 8:58 PM GMT
Hi Kate thanks for your comment on Road of Purple.. im very glad you like it... its in Australia and the tree is called a Jacaranda Tree.... :D
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The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. --Robert Vallett
02/10/05 10:11 PM GMT
Thank you for the nice compliment on "Gold Coast." It was a fantastic trail with an awesome view. I'm glad I was able to share a small portion of it. Steve
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"If you're headed for the border, you're bound to cross the line." Kris Kristofferson
02/17/05 5:48 AM GMT
Hi Kate, thanks for the nice comment on "That 70's Forest". Glad you found it kinda surreal:-) Thanks also for the good words you left on "Steady as she Flows".
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02/17/05 8:59 AM GMT
Hi Kate, and thanks for your kind comment on "Haiku in light and dark". I'm glad you liked it :-)
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02/17/05 4:15 PM GMT
Hello Kate, nice to meet you! I´m very thankful for you comment on my icicle pic in blue.
I hope you can find some more in my gallery that you like! --- Arne ---
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02/17/05 4:27 PM GMT
Kate, thanks for the time and comment on "A Clean Well-lighted Place". Very much appreciated.
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The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it. Psalm 37:29
02/18/05 4:43 PM GMT
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02/24/05 11:05 PM GMT
Thanks Kate for you kind post on Palm Desktop - glad you liked it!

cheers - Phil
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"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps"
02/25/05 1:02 AM GMT
hey kate thanks for your nice comment on "liquid blue".. i really appreciate it ;]
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03/26/05 11:09 AM GMT
Hello Kate ;) Thank you for commenting on marguerite ;) Much appreciated !

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04/05/05 12:51 AM GMT
Hey Kate, thanks for the comments on "The Envious Moon". I am glad that you enjoyed the shot!
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"But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity. Black emptiness and harmony, I need someone to comfort me. "- Simon and Garfunkel
05/05/05 5:25 PM GMT
Hi Kate...thanks for stopping by to comment on Feelings...very glad you enjoyed it.:Pat.
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05/05/05 7:57 PM GMT
hello Kate, i'm very glad you liked different perspective, thanks for the comment!
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05/05/05 8:25 PM GMT
Hi, thanks for your kind words and interest in " Wild Waves " they are very much appreciated.

0∈ [?]
05/05/05 9:44 PM GMT
Thx for the comment on The Kiss
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05/06/05 4:00 AM GMT
Hi Kate. Thanks for your nice comment on "Wings". I checked out your gallery and I like your "Illuminating Sunset".
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"The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake." - Henry D. Thoreau
05/06/05 4:58 AM GMT
hi there Kate, thanks for stopping by and commenting on ~reflections~. The reflections are from rows and rows of red and yellow tulips that lined both sides of the pond. Their beauty was incredible. I am glad that you enjoyed! Thanks again :~)
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~ Mimi~
05/06/05 5:35 AM GMT
Thanks Kate for the nice comment on -Apple blossoms-Much appreciated.
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Carpe diem....
05/06/05 7:39 AM GMT
hello again Kate, i am very happy you found castle stairs interesting, i appreciate your comment a lot!
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05/06/05 10:11 AM GMT
Hi kate, thanks for your nice comment on Big Apple bird reworked and The Cathedral.
Maybe the next picture , that i put on site'll be from Phily :-) .
Oh actually, this one is from Phily:
Rusty Giant

0∈ [?]
05/07/05 12:34 AM GMT
Thanks, Kate, for taking the time to comment on "Clock." Much appreciated.
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I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd Step into my Gallery. For a laugh visit Mortor
05/07/05 3:04 AM GMT
I really appreciate you stopping by, and commenting on Tomorrow's Dream. Thanks! =0)
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( /-\ |= |) |=
05/08/05 8:58 AM GMT
Thanks for stopping in and commenting AFTER THE STORM, i'm glad you like it.
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05/09/05 5:09 PM GMT
Hello Kate, tks for your comments on Fly Be Free!
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I'm walking on sunshine! AcrossTheWorld
05/10/05 3:31 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on my "Flight of Infinity." I appreciate it.
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-=Pride is not a sin=-
05/11/05 6:28 PM GMT
hi, thanks for you comments on "vertigo" - glad you like it !
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fantasy is man's greatest gift
05/11/05 6:29 PM GMT
hi kate, thanks for commenting on "rapids" - very appreciated!
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fantasy is man's greatest gift
08/05/05 7:09 AM GMT
Hi Kate
Thanks for your nice comment on "peacock butterfly" glad you like it.
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"pleasure in life you get by giving". You are welcom to visit my gallery
08/07/05 9:19 PM GMT
Hi Kate, thank you for commenting on "Seeking the Sun"! Its funny, but this shot is a close-up rather than a macro. I somehow have better luck not using macro, it could be because I don't use it properly! At any rate , thank you Kate! Sincerely, Marilyn
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08/11/05 2:41 AM GMT
Hello Kate, tks for your comments on Inside Out!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
09/30/05 2:20 PM GMT
Hi Kate, thank you for the " awesomely awesome" comment on "Outdoor Carpet":-)
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10/02/05 2:12 PM GMT
Hey Kate .. thanks for your kind comments on my posting "Regmar". Glad you enjoyed it.

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You're invited to tour my gallery ••• º¹º¹ºº¹¹º¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ºººº¹¹º¹ººº
10/04/05 2:03 AM GMT
Hi Kate, glad you liked "Summer Tranquility". This garden is one of my favorites! Regards Miriam
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03/15/06 1:10 AM GMT
Kia Ora Kate, I am glad you liked my shot of Kakanui beach. It is a favourite place of mine. I realise I am very fortunate to have such lovely places close by, and I wish my photography skills could do them justice. Thankyou for your much appreciated comment. :)
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03/15/06 1:45 AM GMT
Thanks alot for the visit and drink on ~The Shot~ I am glad that you enjoyed and this means alot for the comments. Come on back anytime...
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"Holy, holy, holy is the lord God Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."
03/15/06 2:19 AM GMT
Hi there Kate...thanks for stopping by at Drive Thru for a Six-Pack...glad it caught your eye.:Pat.
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Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. (Victor Hugo)
03/15/06 2:28 AM GMT
Kate, Thanks for checking out "the red kata tjuta desert" and posting such a nice comment. If you ever get a chance to visit Australia, make sure Ayers Rock is one of the places you visit. Les
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some pictures say a thousand words... others speak silently to the soul
03/15/06 8:09 AM GMT
I'm glad you liked the tulip picture. Very shortly, I will be heading back to the tulip fields in Woodburn, Oregon. They are oh- so- gorgeous!
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03/15/06 12:44 AM GMT
Thanks Kate. That one was exciting, but have a look at Melbourne to Hobart 04/05 which was really wild.

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"What other reason could there be to get up in the morning except to set ourselves free." If my comment on your work ever seems to criticise, it does not. It is always so that we may learn together.

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