
Homepage for .stoneytreehugger


Real Name:
John Munsen
Creds [?]:
Lafayette, LA 
1973 (52 years) 
04/22/07 7:22 PM GMT01/04/09 8:08 PM GMT 

Recent Works by stoneytreehugger: (full gallery)

Little Mushroom by stoneytreehugger, Photography->Mushrooms gallery American Avocet, winter plummage by stoneytreehugger, Photography->Birds gallery Flying Ibis by stoneytreehugger, Photography->Birds gallery
Little Mushroom American Avocet, winter plummage Flying Ibis


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04/22/07 8:39 PM GMT
Welcome to Caedes John. Think you'll like it here. Careful, it can be Addicting ! Look forward to seeing some of your work. Thanks for adding me as a Friend.
See you in the Swamps some day.

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04/23/07 6:25 PM GMT
Welcome to caedes too John, i agree with ej, it is very addictive! glad you liked tree at sunset! thanks for your comment! :-)
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04/24/07 3:37 AM GMT
Hey John! Welcome to Caedes!!!! it is great here, you'll love it. Thanks for the kind comment on Pancakes, i'm glad you thought it was so photo-realistic, that was very encouraging :)
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For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
04/24/07 9:41 AM GMT
Hi John, thanks for your comment on london eye, i was pleased with the shots i got that morning! it was worth getting up for! lol
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04/24/07 12:41 AM GMT
Hey, welcome to Caedes. Thank you for your nice comment on "Sunset 2". I appreciate it.
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04/25/07 11:10 PM GMT
thank you sir
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Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered
04/26/07 1:11 AM GMT
hey thanks again
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Wii came, Wii saw, Wii conquered
04/29/07 11:36 AM GMT
Hello John, Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on " Awakening" so glad to see that you enjoyed it. > ♫ :)sandi ♪
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I really enjoy hearing from my caedes friends.
04/30/07 4:54 PM GMT
Hi John,
thanks for your very nice visit on 'Belvedere #2' :o))
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If you have some minutes why don't you come visiting my gallery ?
05/03/07 5:12 PM GMT
Hi John, im glad you liked lonesome! thanks for your comment! :-)
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05/06/07 12:55 AM GMT
Welcome to the group, I am new here also, hope to see more of your work.
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05/07/07 5:19 AM GMT
hI, thanks for your comments on 'A rocky beach" But as I have told others, unfortunately I don't have a decent editing program on my comp right now, so I can't really fix the slant.
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"Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything." -Aaron Siskind....."Photographers are artists, magicians. They capture beauty and preserve it forever, and they might change it, make it something it is not." -me
05/07/07 6:44 AM GMT
Hello John
Thank you for your nice comment on "Boeing 747-430-Frankfurt "
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05/13/07 4:14 AM GMT
thanks for the comment on lizard!
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Garren Wilkins an insane little one...
05/28/07 10:17 PM GMT
Hi John, thanks for your comment on the swamp shot! glad you enjoyed it!
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06/01/07 8:56 AM GMT
Hi, glad you liked In Flight, i belive the birds were Cranes, thats what i was told at the time anyway :-) we do not have those flying around England thats for sure! :-)
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06/02/07 3:46 AM GMT
Thanks John for commenting on “Kermit’s Paradise” A new photo season is upon us.

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