
Homepage for .takjha


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1961 (64 years) 
10/13/05 10:56 AM GMT06/28/12 5:42 PM GMT 

Recent Works by takjha: (full gallery)

Blue Skies! by takjha, Photography->Sunset/Rise gallery Tracking Ice Age by takjha, Photography->Shorelines gallery Raasepori by takjha, photography->castles/ruins gallery
Blue Skies! Tracking Ice Age Raasepori


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11/15/05 4:57 PM GMT
Jarmo, First welcome to Caedes! And Thank you for your comments on Atlantic Sunrise.
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Capturing for infinity that which only lasts for a moment.
11/17/05 11:19 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on "Angelic Ascension". Anything I could have done better?
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-True justice is when doctors and lawyers can no longer afford each other
11/22/05 8:43 AM GMT
Thanks go to you for your comment on my Above the Clouds photo...The grainyness I put there on purpose with the Noise filter. IT seemed to fit with the photo..but thank you so much....verena
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Living is like licking honey off a thorn....
12/02/05 6:34 AM GMT
Hey thanks for the comment on Whatever You Wanna Call It. Welcome to Caedes.
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"Little dreams cost the same as big dreams, so why not dream BIG"
12/21/05 1:37 AM GMT
Hey Jarmo, I always wanted to visit your country. I collect mil-surp bolt action rifles and the Finnish rifles are some of the most solid and accurate ever made--and they are becoming quite collectable. Thanks for your comment for 'Sky King'. I really appreciate it. Keep on not growing up! thats what I'm doing.
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12/21/05 2:38 AM GMT
Hi Jarmo,
Thanks for your kind comments on "St. Clair". It’s a sad situation here since this waterfall is at the verge of disappearing due to a new power plant construction up the river. There are many environmentalists who try to save this waterfall but seems like they will fail. Some day this photo will be a memory of another nature’s gift which was destroyed by human hands.
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Kindly visit my gallery and comment on my photos.
01/19/06 3:56 PM GMT
Hehe, yeah thanks. Didn't know the name of the mountain anymore. Already one and a half year ago that i was there. Indeed near Italy. Thanks for your explain and comment :)
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02/05/06 2:37 PM GMT
Welcome to Caedes Jarmo, thank you for your positive feedback on spring. Your comment very appreciated. I am so happy that so many people found this shot so appealing.

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If you admire nature for its creations why don't you visit the gallery of its reporter...
02/10/06 9:19 AM GMT
....eiks suomi tuu yhellä n:llä =) kiva galleria
....don't you spell Finland with one n =) nice gallery.
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02/12/06 7:57 PM GMT
> ....eiks suomi tuu yhellä n:llä =) kiva galleria
joo, mutta se on sanaleikki, ajattele mitä Finn tarkoittaa ;)
>....don't you spell Finland with one n =) nice gallery.
yes, but Finnland is a kinda pun in English, correct in German
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they said i was credulous - and i believed it!
02/20/06 7:25 AM GMT
Hi Jarmo,

Thanks for your comment on "Frozen River" I truly appreciate it.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again. (groan)
03/15/06 6:35 PM GMT
Thanks for your comment on my pic 'the arch. It is a really neat place to spend the day, you can go in the arch too! You ride up on a tram car, it is about 4X5 feet with 5 seats. It is swaying all the way up, all 260m!
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For every new begenning is some other begennings end!~MATEO~
03/22/06 11:01 PM GMT
Hey Jarmo,

Thanks for your comments on "Kroozer," much appreciated. No not known as a muscle car but a factory PT/turbo puts out 240 hp and for a few hundred dollars can produce over 300 hp. I saw a factory turbo beat a Mustang in a drag race. Mine scoots pretty good and it's a non turbo.
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Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment. -Ansel Adams,......... My Gallery
06/27/06 4:26 PM GMT
Thank you for taking the time to view and comment on 'Grand Canyon Overlook.' I am glad you appreciated it. Indeed it was not too crowded and there were surprisingly few guard rails. I was pleased (if not a bit scared) by this. But I am back on solid ground (and flat ground) in Central Ohio, so all it well.

Thanks again!
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08/11/06 3:37 PM GMT
Hi Jarmo, thanks for the kind comments on Stockholm much appreciated. Stockholm is a beautiful city and I´m sorry to tell that I don´t have so much of it this time. This shot is taken from the ferris wheel. I promise to take more when I come to Stockholm next time :)
Have a great evening :)
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08/28/06 7:09 PM GMT
Hello Jarmo, thank you for the kind comment you left on 'Bright Blue', I am pleased to hear you like it!
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02/23/09 11:22 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on "The Day After" I agreem the branches add a nice touch... glad you like it :)
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02/28/09 8:44 AM GMT
Hello Jarmo, thank´s so much for the kind comment you left me on "Snowy Winter Lake", I really appreciate it a lot! You are right about the weather. Today the sun is shining and it is a beautiful day for winter shots again :-)
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04/29/09 3:10 PM GMT
Thank you so much for commenting on my picture "Småland". :D
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05/04/09 7:58 PM GMT
Hi Jarmo, Thank you kindly for your visit and great comments on Kyanite Treasure ! I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it! :)
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*Tea is a cup of life*
05/31/09 7:47 PM GMT
Kiitos.Ja kiva tavata muita suomea puhuvia..Erja
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