
Homepage for .toyman


Real Name:
1984 (41 years) 
06/24/03 2:30 AM GMT05/17/09 10:54 AM GMT 

Recent Works by toyman: (full gallery)

Blue Caedes by toyman, Contests->Caedes Theme gallery Burning Through by toyman, Contests->Caedes Theme gallery Caedes in the dark by toyman, Contests->Caedes Theme gallery
Blue Caedes Burning Through Caedes in the dark


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09/09/03 1:33 AM GMT
Thank you for your kind comments.
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"In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous." - Aristotle
10/27/03 11:30 PM GMT
i like that signature..but its kinda clich'e(i cant spell that naturally) i think that a better way to say it would be " you never know the beuty of colour untill its faded" or somthing like that
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You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same
12/11/03 4:25 AM GMT
Thanks for you comments, ah another tennessean, theres alot of yall on this site
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12/16/03 11:10 PM GMT
nature it is
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It's probably just a rash. -Famous Last Words From Ali and Friends
12/21/03 10:08 PM GMT
Thanks for the great comments on my photos Aaron:-)
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Happy Holidays To All
01/11/04 3:14 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
02/25/04 10:52 PM GMT
Actually roses do a lot of other things than mentioned in your sig......I, for instance, am Rose, and I do a lot of things. ; ) jk(just kidding) not about the name though ; )
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Dua Git
03/14/04 7:38 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on (my garden).Very much appreciated Aaron.
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carpe diem.
03/14/04 3:32 PM GMT
Hi Aaron. Thank you for leaving me a terrific comment on Rustoration. ;)
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04/25/04 3:52 AM GMT
Hi, Aaron! Many thanks for your kind remarks on "Golden Ambers", and for pointing out the major reason I create images like that -- enjoyment. That is precisely why I work on them once in a while, stretching the envelope a bit, trying to make something visually and emotionally pleasing.
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"Success is getting what you like. Happiness is liking what you get." -anonymous
05/17/04 7:28 AM GMT
Thanks for your comments on «Waterproof».
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Look around and catch it !
05/26/04 11:06 AM GMT
Thnx Aaron, for u're comment to: 'Women 02' Really appreciate that.
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Nobody's Perfect, And I'm nobody :p
06/09/04 9:11 AM GMT
Thanks Aaron for your comment on Edge. Much appreciated.
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...rob... Caedes Icons
06/09/04 12:57 AM GMT
Thanks aaron for your nice comment on JackTheRipper... ;)
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Happiness is a behaviour.Sadness too.Make your mind CemKarahan
07/07/04 5:33 AM GMT
Thanks for your comment on look at me. Robin
0∈ [?]
07/09/04 5:49 AM GMT
Thanks for the comment on Look at me......
0∈ [?]
07/09/04 9:56 AM GMT
Hello Aaron. Thanks for the comment on Rosy Clouds. :)
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~Let it be as it is desired~
07/13/04 6:19 AM GMT
Wow, thanks for the comments on Ithaca Clock.
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-- input translation, output rotation
07/13/04 2:13 PM GMT
About " Eight in the right corner"
My intention was more to catch the risky moment about hitting the eight ball..
Too light and warm tune should give this image a more family aspected approach and that wasnt my intention..Thanks anyhow for your comments..Aways nice to hear other peoples opinion. / Tommy
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" Get the birds viewpoint on life"
07/13/04 2:58 PM GMT
Thanks for your nice comments on "Waterfall" and "Mountain River 01", Aaron! I appreciate...
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Ars longa, vita brevis... Nicky
07/14/04 4:44 AM GMT
Hi! About " Eight in the corner"..
You know art is just what you want to communicate and i guess in a way i didnt really succed to express that feeling on this picture..Therefore it is so nice to get this kind of feedback that you give to me..Makes me look to what more i could have done to communicate that feeling..That is a real help for me and i thank you for your honest opinion.../ Tommy
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" Get the birds viewpoint on life"
07/14/04 5:12 AM GMT
Hello Aaron! Glad you like "Reflection of Early Fall". Thank you:-)
0∈ [?]
07/14/04 5:31 AM GMT
Thank you very much for the nice comment on (coloma parc 5).Very much appreciated,Aaron.
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Carpe diem.
07/14/04 8:12 AM GMT
Thank you for the feedback you left on first very much appreciated. Using my new cam is a hard enough task on it own but the I find your feedback really helpful many thanks
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- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end -
07/14/04 10:19 PM GMT
Thanks Aaron, I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my balloon shot.
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we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars
07/14/04 11:02 PM GMT
thank u for ur comments on my work, i appreciate them very much :)
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You learn to see by practice. It's just like playing tennis, you get better the more you play. The more you look around at things, the more you see. The more you photograph, the more you realize what can be photographed and what can't be photographed. You just have to keep doing it. -Eliot Porter
07/15/04 5:51 AM GMT
Thank you for the nice comment on (purple aster)Much appreciated,Aaron.
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Carpe diem.
07/15/04 5:58 AM GMT
Thank you for the kind words on (surfina).I am glad you like him,Aaron.
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Carpe diem.
07/16/04 3:22 AM GMT
Thanks for comment and suggestion:fleur de merisier
0∈ [?]
07/16/04 4:19 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on "What Bananas are the Opposite Of..." Your reaction was kind of the same as mine. "Hey, this actually turned out well!" I love snapping photos of random things and then sifting through them at the end of the day. It's kind of like treasure hunting =)
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-- input translation, output rotation
07/17/04 3:39 PM GMT
Thank you Aaron for your generous comment on "Smoke Cloud".
0∈ [?]
"We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall." -- NLT Proverbs 16:33
07/18/04 2:34 AM GMT
Thanks Aaron, your comments at "Irresistible" are much appreciated.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
07/22/04 12:31 AM GMT
Hey Aaron, thanks for the comment on (Lost Lake). It is certainly a rare sight for me. Almost nothing in Florida remains untouched... I'm glad you liked the picture!
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~My select image - Wading Patiently
07/22/04 7:38 AM GMT
Thank you for commenting on "dawn" much appreciated
0∈ [?]
- pixels are only the beginning unless you started at the end -
07/23/04 7:27 AM GMT
Thanks for commenting on, and for looking at my web site. Much appreciated! :)
0∈ [?]
07/24/04 3:56 PM GMT
Thanks for your nice comment on Best Friends, Aaron. Very much appreciated and I'm so happy you enjoyed the "flutterbys". :)
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Mary in Montana
07/26/04 7:28 PM GMT
Thanx Aaron for your comment on The Pain In Your Eyes. I'm glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
07/29/04 2:39 AM GMT
Thank you for your comment on "New Life". Im glad you liked it! :)
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Everyone has a photographic memory, some people just don't have film.
07/29/04 7:52 AM GMT
Aaron, thanks for the feedback on "Contrast", it's always appreciated!
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If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. -Lewis Hine
07/30/04 1:37 AM GMT
thankyou aaron for the very nice comment on "misty evening pastel" much appreciated! :D
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-Amanda-"The essential quality of life is living, the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution, and we are part of it."
07/30/04 1:38 PM GMT
Thanks Aaron, for your comments at "Paddle West Young Knight" It was a magic evening to be out with a camera.
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There are three colours, Ten digits and seven notes, its what we do with them that’s important. Ruth Ross
08/04/04 10:35 PM GMT
Many thanks for taking time to comment "Microway".........
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" Get the birds viewpoint on life"
08/11/04 10:26 PM GMT
Thank's Aaron for your wonderful comment on "Tonight's Glorious Sunset" I'm glad you could enjoy it :) I love your perspective on it. The good/evil view is really clever and I hadn't looked at it like that until you mentioned it. When the sun finally poked out under the clouds it was like a warm feeling. Thank you again :)
0∈ [?]
"We may throw the dice, but the LORD determines how they fall." -- NLT Proverbs 16:33
08/16/04 10:59 AM GMT
Thanks Aaron, for the very nice words to: Feeling Static,
Really appreciate your support.
0∈ [?]
+ If you're moving in a vehicle that's faster than light, then what happends if you turn on your head-lights?
08/17/04 12:22 AM GMT
Thanks! ( Burning sky)
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"My own favourite "
08/17/04 9:08 PM GMT
Thanks for the nice comments on "Sunrise Vista 2" and keep on rolling away.
0∈ [?]
08/17/04 10:39 PM GMT
Thanks Aaron, for the very nice words to; 'Horse Statue' , Really appreciate your support to my work again. I'm glad you liked it. And I think I have to agree about the shadows. Thanks again, my Friend!
0∈ [?]
+ If you're moving in a vehicle that's faster than light, then what happends if you turn on your head-lights?
08/18/04 12:06 AM GMT
Thanks for the great input on "Hyperbolic Treasure". It is always helpful to get other's thoughts on works I've done. Now I will have to look at your gallery :)
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~Anet´ h-räk´ Ra-Keprer-Atum ~Teher Ra, Teher túä!
08/31/04 2:07 PM GMT
Hi Aaron. Thanks for your comments on "Where All Roads Led". Rome was the very first place that I visited when I went is trully awe inspiring! Sure hope that you get a chance to visit it someday. M
0∈ [?]
10/09/04 11:58 PM GMT
Thanks Aaron, I am glad you liked the unstriped version of "The Landing". I suppose the stripes do draw attention, but from what? Which one people prefer varies on the person. :-) Thanks again!
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-those who hit rock bottom are too concerned with self pity to realize that they are lying on an anvil- Psalm 66:10, Job 10:8
10/25/04 4:09 AM GMT
thanks for feedbkac on my bridge shot. it looked better before i cropped it. maybe i should have left it like it was but then there's not much picture between all the border
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10/25/04 7:51 AM GMT
Thanks for the comments on Grand. I liked how intricate the inside of the piano was, so I decided to focus on that. Glad you agree it turned out well.
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-- input translation, output rotation
05/26/05 6:00 AM GMT
Hey Aaron, thanks for your kind words on "Gloomy Pier". I really appreciate it. Yes, a cloudy, foggy morning always seems to carry a certain surrealistic mood about it. Hopefully I'll be able to come across more images like it in the future. once again, thank you for your comments. :)
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...what is simple is simply understood. :)
07/12/05 11:12 PM GMT
Thnx for the comment on Insane Eye, your stuff is cool too
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"What is your life? You are a dust that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14
07/13/05 7:15 AM GMT
thankyou for your comment on "Alone at the End of the World"!! im glad you liked it, and your right it would be more dramatic if a ball of energy was coming right down on him, but its a bit too late to change it now lol, but good idea!
0∈ [?]
07/13/05 3:26 PM GMT
Hey Aaron :D
Thanks for commenting on *PrettyFae*...really pleased you liked it ^_^
I also thing the colours look quite good...glad we share the same views :]
Best wishes
0∈ [?]
03/31/06 6:27 AM GMT
Thanks for checking out "The Third Kind"...I appreciate the suggestions. And...I wasn't trying to imply that it was the spaceship necessarily, but it just looked like an alien life form or something alien-like.
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"It's far more impressive for others to notice your good qualities without your help."
04/13/06 7:22 AM GMT
Thank you for the kind words on my image Misssion in Chapel
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Art is the perception of the creator. Meaning is the perception of the viewer. acceptance is the perception of society.
05/03/06 8:54 PM GMT
Thanks for the comments on my post "Rain Catcher" I thought the neatest thing about that image was the way the water beaded up. I am glad you saw that too.
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05/08/06 3:58 AM GMT
Hello Aaron, Thank you so much for what you wrote about "Peony Perfect". I think this flower was my fav of the about 100 I took that day. Thanks again for the positive feedback, Dianna
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05/11/06 1:30 AM GMT
hey, thanks for your nice comment on "Harlequin". Makes me happy when the non-fractal people look at my images while the fractal people ignore them. Thanks! :)
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05/29/06 1:39 PM GMT
Thanks Aaron for the comments on “Want Some” I finally got out with the camera for a couple of hours last week and got some new pictures this being one of them.

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05/30/06 7:18 AM GMT
Hello Aaron,

I am glad you discovered my "smile trigger" and left me such a nice comment. These cheerful leaves were so appealing I decided to share it with other fall lovers. Glad you found them interesting.

Have a nice day


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If you admire nature for its creations why don't you visit the gallery of its reporter...
06/16/06 9:16 AM GMT
Hi, hi, hi!!

Doggone, I can't say how much I appreciate you poppin' in to check out Doggone Dogwood !! Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!! 8~D
0∈ [?]
06/20/06 3:03 PM GMT
Thank you very much. I thought of turning up the color, by saturating the picture slilghtly using adobe, but then decided against it, and left the photo exactly as I took it.
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 4:10 AM GMT
Thanks for the welcome. It's definately a lot of fun. I really like to take photo's and this definately helps me to take better ones. There are so many great photographers on this site!
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07/13/06 11:50 AM GMT
The Last PitStop - Thank you for the kind words,Aaron.
Neat Image did a remarkable job, but it can't replace the fading mountain areas. I'm glad I at least have this, till I get out there again.
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07/24/06 11:21 PM GMT
Aaron, thanks so much for you nice comment on my “Passionate clouds”. I appreciate it a lot! It was funny how I did it, because I painted the clouds in January, and the field in April, at first I was thinking I lost the mood of the painting forever, but it came back. Again, thank you for the support!

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07/29/06 4:00 PM GMT
thanks Aaron for stopping by and visiting my Fallen Angel :-)
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A smart bomb is only as clever as the idiot that tells it what to do……
07/29/06 11:58 PM GMT
Thanks for your observations on "Fishing Village." The boats weren't the focal point or the main subject, they were a couple elements in an interesting scene. Dave (who has actually been to Peggy's Cove) pointed out the waste of space on the gravel in the foreground. Not the best photo for sure, but it was a great scene anyway and I did my best to capture the flavor of a place that seemed like a step out of time. Thanks for stopping in and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. anne :-)
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Don't tell me it's good, tell me what is good about it. Don't tell me it stinks, tell me what I can do do improve it. Thank you for taking the time to tell me anything at all. Be blessed. anne :-)
08/01/06 2:38 PM GMT
thankyou for your comment on "checkmate"

amare umbra
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Sometimes you need to stop thinking so much and go where your heart takes you
08/02/06 3:36 AM GMT
Hey, toyman - thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts on "Casting a Long Shadow" - I really appreciate it.

0∈ [?]
08/03/06 1:41 AM GMT
Hey Aaron -
Appreciate you stopping by Stairway to Heaven .yeah, full screen it is a little thought provoking. pleased you commented on it. ...Regards -- Bill
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Life may not be the party we hoped for...but as long as were here, we may as well dance...
08/03/06 11:33 AM GMT
Thanks Aaron for the comments on "Fire N Ice", and yes all was done in Photoshop...Thanks Again...Kat
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08/07/06 5:11 PM GMT
Thanks for the comment on my first offerings
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08/09/06 11:06 AM GMT
Hi Aron, thanks for your comment on "Skógafoss"! Iceland is really worth a visit. I'm going to post some more images, as soon as I get along with sorting and editing...
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For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, plausible, and wrong. - H. L. Mencken
08/12/06 9:12 PM GMT
Thanks for your kind comments on my photo Rainbow Bridge.
0∈ [?]
08/14/06 2:59 AM GMT
Hey Aaron,

Thanks for the comments on 'Snoqualmie Falls' much appreciated. Glad I could stir a nice memory.
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The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people. G. K. Chesterton ........ My Gallery
08/14/06 10:07 PM GMT
I'm glad you liked "Just Another Mountain"...I'm posting a new one soon (same picture just that it isnt slanted...)
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I changed my sig, the last one was sketchy.
08/15/06 8:01 PM GMT
Hi Aaron, many thanks for your comments on " Bikes"

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08/31/06 6:34 AM GMT
hey thanks for the comment on 'the dreamer' I was having the best luck with the light from the side, so I figured I'd be different and take it from an angle.
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On the road of life, there are passengers, drivers, and roadkill
10/04/06 9:36 PM GMT
thanks for your comments on formation.glad you liked it.
0∈ [?]
10/05/06 9:57 PM GMT
HI, Aaron - thanks for stopping by and commenting on "enchanted" - I'm very glad you enjoyed it. You've a nice gallery going there yourself. I particularly like your b/w study of the bench. Very nice. It's interesting what will catch a persons eye and be deemed "photo-worthy" isn't it?

0∈ [?]
10/11/06 11:14 AM GMT
Thanks for comment on sunflower
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Sorry for my bad english because i'm lithuanian...

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