
Homepage for .velvet_

Real Name:
Uppsala, Sweden 
1982 (43 years) 
09/17/05 1:35 PM GMT09/30/10 2:11 PM GMT 

Recent Works by velvet_: (full gallery)

Sorrento by velvet_, photography->shorelines gallery Green by velvet_, Photography->Nature gallery Monte Carlo by velvet_, Photography->Shorelines gallery
Sorrento Green Monte Carlo


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10/11/05 8:13 PM GMT
Hi Elin, thanky you for your nice comment on "pick me up and play". I have a lot more shoots like this and I was trying to upload them here at Caedes. But unfortunately some were rejected due to violation of the code of conduct. There were registered trademarks and brand names shown on the picture, such as Fender, Danelectro, etc.
If you are interested in some more pics like this, please let me know by sending me a personal message with your or your boyfriends email-adress. I'm going to post them on a free host called imagevenue from which you can download them. I need your email adress to send you the links to the images. Greets..., Bernd
0∈ [?]
10/22/05 5:12 PM GMT
Hi Elin. Again, many thanks for allowing me the pleasure to work with the angel. I'm also very pleased to see you made comment and showed appreciation on the rework. I am still enjoying her on my desktop. ;)
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When you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance... Leanne Womack
10/24/05 6:07 PM GMT
Hello Elin. Thanks a lot for your nice words on my 'Spanish restaurant'. As an european student, you can go and study there with Erasmus... ;-)
0∈ [?]
10/26/05 10:02 PM GMT
Hi Elin,

Welcome to Caede's, stay safe and well. Nik ;-)
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Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Oscar Wilde
11/01/05 8:07 AM GMT
Hey Elin, a belated thankyou for commenting on 'Rainbow Bridge'. To be honest i quite liked the people being there. I thought it gave it a sense of life and movement. Thanks for the input though.
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He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom i trust". Psalm 91: 1 and 2
11/15/05 5:28 AM GMT
Hi Elin...thank you for your nice comments on Sharing the Mirror...they are much appreciated.:Pat.
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FEAR is a darkroom where negatives develop.
12/01/05 7:00 PM GMT
Hello Elin, welcome to Caedes!
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"A picture is worth a thousand words"
07/10/06 9:11 PM GMT
Hey Elin ; thx for the kind comments you left about "San Juan" but I must say your shot is a great, great capture, Agur...;-)
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Aupa Athletic Club (From 1898)
07/14/06 2:18 PM GMT
Elin: you have a lovely gallery! Very happy to have found it and I look forward to more work from you!
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I am WAY behind THANKING, viewing and commenting! My apologies! I care very much for everyone and will catch up asap! Thanks for all the nice comments on my work!
08/22/06 5:47 PM GMT
I love your gallery, its just beautiful.
0∈ [?]
And for the first time in my life I felt beautiful. Finally part of the earth. Gallery
08/27/06 3:12 PM GMT
hey your work is really beautiful. I could not chose what to comment on cos it was all good! Hope you can find time to check out my work.

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Danger! Danger!
08/30/06 12:22 AM GMT
Hi Elin - howdy from Arizona! Thanks for commenting at "Hoverin' Hummer". I'm lucky enough to have a few of these birds that use my patio quite a lot - and don't seem to mind my being within 3 or 4 feet w/the camera.
0∈ [?]
If it's to be, it's up to me.

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