
Manipulation Contest

All winners receive a three month membership in the Caedes Cadre and are appointed the title "Honorable Knight of the Digital Arts" (HKotDA).
First Place
Sea star/Chain Reaction by Samatar

Samatar's manip reminds me of many of the fractal images that I see here from time to time. The major difference being that this image was hand made (not an easy task for something with fractal-like complexity). The attention to detail and pleasing hues make this an attention-getting desktop. Good job.

Second Place
Eye Was Born by mayne

Taken from a comment on this entry: "Rex (my Friendly Computer Guru) came upstairs while I had this image on my desktop, walked past the computer, did a fast double-take, and nearly fell down he was laughing so hard..." I think this quote sums it up nicely. Darryl has taken this everyday object and given it a subtle addition that removes it from the everyday and turns it into something totally unexpected. The seamless integration of an eyeball into the centre of the chestnut seems almost natural once you've seen it; I think this second place winner left many of us saying "Why didn't I think of that?"

Third Place
alien bliss by ry9000000

Humor was something that seemed to be prevelent in this particular contest, and it proved popular in our third place winner, "Alien Bliss", a creative and quirky manipulation of image D. Congratulations on creating a very imaginative, well executed and most amusing image.

Most Original
Flutter by nontoxicday

Another excellent first time entry here; Nikki has somehow extracted this beautiful image of a butterfly from a humble leaf. This contest was all about creativity, and "Flutter' is an excellent example of that. Congratulations Nikki, your masterful manipulation and vivid imagination wins you most original entry.

Technical Achievement
The Birth by Cain

What can one say about one of our most skilled and popular artists here on; Cains instantly recognizable style and professional technique constantly leaves the rest of us in awe, and her contest entry "The Birth" is no exception. Flawless, beautiful and unique, Lucy has without doubt created an image more than worthy of the title of Best Technical Achievement. Congrats to our very own special effects wizard!

These artists receive a one month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Honorable Mention
genesis by TRACYJTZ
Change by bigjon
Nothing gold can stay. by trisweb

Caedes's Choice:
Life Jim by Raziel252