
Artist Spotlight #8

Submitted by Piner 01/02/06 2:03 PM GMT

Our latest Artist Spotlight falls upon groo2k. Congratulations Rob! Everyone can make this a great week for him by leaving your comments, questions and suggestions on his images, his profile or in this news item. Here is some biographical information provided by groo2k for all of us to enjoy.

Thanks to everyone for this honor. I was quite surprised to see that I had been chosen for this Artist Spotlight. I found one day while surfing the web looking for some backgrounds for my computer at work and have been a regular ever since. Caedes is the only internet site that I visit on a regular basis. I have learned a lot from other members (I have especially learned a great deal from reading the forums) through their advice, critiques, examples, and even positive comments.

On a personal note, I am 32 and share my life with my wonderful wife Kristy and our newborn son, Lucas. As a few members know, our son was born in early November---11 weeks premature. We were projected to be in the NICU for 10 weeks but we made it home on Christmas day. Everything is going well and Lucas is happy and healthy and gaining ounces everyday. We also share our house with a blue/brown eyed Basset Hound named Berz and a cat named Pea. We all live in the Carolinas near Charlotte and a short day-trip away from the mountains and the coast. It’s a really beautiful area of the U.S..

In my spare time I enjoy riding my bike, sports (especially golf), painting, reading, and canoeing. I love travel and maintain that New York is the best place to visit. I also love hitting the road in my Jeep Wrangler and going to Charleston, SC or Chapel Hill, NC (go ‘Heels!) among other local places. Nothing like a road-trip. Life couldn’t be any better.

Professionally, I have been in the graphic design field for 10 years now. I started out by working for a Christmas manufacturer where I clocked in and drew Santa Claus all day and designed logos and packaging. I still can’t believe they paid me to do that. I then dabbled with freelance work but found it very aggravating on the business side of things. I now work for a publishing company. I paint (oils mostly) and draw, anything artistic really, for enjoyment and the occasional extra dollar. : )

As far as my designs I post here on Caedes, most have been described as “tribal”, “ancient”, or “that would make a nice tattoo.” I pull my influence on my vector work from several places including Native American mandalas. I love to use symbolism and it helps to give me a connection to my Catawba ancestry. I work predominantly in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I have recently started to get into photography a little more and hope to start posting more photos soon. If I had to pick a signature post of mine it would be Native River for all of the aforementioned reasons.

Thanks again to everyone. I have always enjoyed the kind community here at I couldn’t possibly mention all of the members who welcomed me here from the start or the new members who have supported my work but please know that I do appreciate it.

Have a happy and prosperous New Year. -Rob


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