
Artist Spotlight # 27

Submitted by mimi 12/08/07 8:24 AM GMT

Here it is caedes community, the last artist to be spotlighted in the year 2007. Nominated by his peers, I present John aka jswgpb aka ‘the lion’.

Fractals as art are severely misunderstood and misinterpreted.John’s spotlight gives each of us an opportunity to browse his gallery and familiarize ourselves with the mysterious world of fractals. John has graciously invited each of us to take time to study one image that draws us in and examine it through your own eyes and let him know what it means to you personally as you pay homage below to his time in the spotlight.

I am totally in shock by this honor, but I’ll try to contain myself. :) WooHoo !! and Yayness !! There that should do it. LOL Real Name - John :) aka The Lion of OZ I live a little south of Chicago with the love of my life Gwen and my second beagle Maggie. I come from a family of 6, 2 brothers and 3 sisters.......I am the 51 yr old baby of the family. ROFL a retired warehouse worker and later a plant manager. I’m really just an ol’ hippie that made it through the 60's and 70's.........I think....... and wouldn’t have missed it for the world. Greatest era of social change in history I believe. The music, trends, and how we view ourselves and our world were all on the table.

I started out in art about 2 or so yrs ago when I got my computer and found Caedes (Great Site) on the internet. I luv to change the background on my monitor so I got into wallpaper of course. :) Well actually not at first because I had no clue how to make images. I heard people talk all the time about ‘flames’ and wondered what the heck that was ? LOL I had psp8 that came with my computer but that was about it. So I went and did some research on Apophysis and found it to be the program that I liked the best to convey my meanings in my art. It’s fun and endless in what you can do. Sometimes it’s mind boggling but I have a general rule of thumb that I go by. Try and make images so they suit the eye and are appealing, placement, and colors. ....Some are dark & foreboding, some are light and carefree. This reflects life's ups and downs to me. Texture is perhaps the most important and I prefer to work with softer flames. I like to give the viewer something to think about also, if you find an image intriguing you may look it over more closely to try and figure out what that "something" is that caught your eye. I don't run scripts so all of my images are made with random batch flames. I like to include in my comments on the image what I perceive the image to kind of coax the viewer to my line of thought........doesn't always work but at least you know where I'm coming from... LOL. I use Apophysis, Photofiltre, and a little psp8 sometimes to create my images.

I've been a member here at Caedes for almost 2 yrs now (in March I think) and quite a few people have had an influence on me from the beginning. All are fine artist and much more talented than I......IMO but if I start to name people I'll leave someone out (Randy,Larry,Jackie,Lauren) and I don't want to do that. LOL I would like to thank YOU my peers for this honor and I'm speechless to quote a friend of mine (The Lion). So I would just like to close by saying thank you, bless you, and I'm truly touched that you enjoy some of the images or so called 'art' that I create well enough to grace your desktops with them. That's all the reward I could ever ask for. Thank you sooo very much for this and you are ALL truly the best folks and a very important part of my extended 'family' Luv Ya and take care.....John

John & Maggie May


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