
Artist Spotlight # 42

Submitted by mimi 08/02/09 11:08 PM GMT

Our next artist to be spotlighted is known around the neighborhood of caedes for his narratives on photographs that he post. Elected by popular vote, I give you 0930_23 aka Tick. Please take a moment to visit his varied gallery and leave a word or three of congrats.

I find it hard to believe I am being given this honor. There are so many great photographers on this site, and to be considered somewhat in their class is mind boggling. I am “almost” at a loss for words. There are so many people to thank and I will get to that later. I was asked to be as brief as possible. Evidently they are familiar with the narratives that accompany my photos.

My full name is Ronald Lee Morgan and I am 66 years old. I was born in the great Show Me State of Missouri and that is where I make my home. I have not lived in Missouri all my life, but it was the beginning and will be the ending for me. I will tell you a little bit about the middle.

My wife Dianna and I have been married for 34 years. We were both previously married and had children by that marriage. Dianna had two sons, I had one son and we have one daughter. Her boys were ten and eight when we married and my son was five. They all lived with us and we became one big happy family. I have two granddaughters, five grandsons, two great-granddaughters and one great-grandson. I only have three grandsons that live close to me. You have probably read about them. The others live in either Florida or California. The grandsons that live close by are my daughter’s sons.

A bit (briefly) about my background. I served in the United States Air Force as a radio operator and later a photogrammetrist. I have had several jobs some of which includes; San Diego Police Office, manager of a Shakey’s Pizza, real estate salesman, newspaper editor, columnist, photographer and circulation manager. I have a BSE degree in English with a minor in journalism. I am currently the Public Administrator for the county where I live. It is an elected position and I oversee people that do not have anyone, or are incapable of managing their own affairs. The court appoints me as guardian or conservator or both. I also write short stories and songs, but have never tried to get anything published. I appreciate everyone who reads my narratives. I like to think they are an extension of my photos. Golf is a passion as well but that is another story.

I first became interested in photography when I began working for the newspaper as Sports Editor. I was also the Sports Editor of the College newspaper at the time. The newspaper had camera equipment and I used it and worked with just black and white. I learned to develop the film and do some effects in the darkroom. Later I bought a Canon 35 mm camera and eventually purchased a telephoto lens. I bought that lens while vacationing in France, Germany and Switzerland. I used that until my wife bought me a Kodak DX4530, five mega pixel digital camera. That was what I was using when I discovered Caedes. I remember when I got it for Christmas. I told her I didn’t need a digital camera. I didn’t come willingly into the digital world. I currently use a Canon Rebel xi with a Sigma 18-250 lens.

I was looking for a wallpaper site when I stumbled across Caedes. If you knew my computer skills, you would realize stumbled is the correct word. I found some I liked and kept coming back and spent a lot of time admiring the artists and their works. I finally joined and jumped in with both feet. I was eager to learn and found many that were kind enough to help me. I hate to try and name them because I might forget someone, but following are some who helped. The first were; tigger3, (Tigz), dunstickin (Old Timer),cynlee (COG), phasmid (PJ),corn growth (C), fogz (Patti) and nigel moore (Sir Nigel).Jimbob Edsel (Jimbob) case chaser (Shads) and I joined around the same time and we have learned together. This award makes a great anniversary gift. It will be two years August 20. Since then there have been many more like; BTK, Raj, Huck, Opie, GBR, Jo, Poco, Ace, Jethro, SAM, E~, Colleen, HF, The Lion, Mimi,, Sherree, Mich, Mick, Sheedy, Antonio, Diane, Garrett, Wayne, Dr. Quinn, Owd Momma, Dimps, Skates, Snoopy, Rocker, WC, Laura, Joy, Kirby, Yogi, Ami, Pam, Gabi, Les, Susanne, Eggz and Count B who have given me suggestions, ideas and great photos to look at and learn. If I left anyone out it is because I am old. Thank you all.

My favorite photo is hard to choose because they are like children but I guess Makes Good Horse Sense was the first one I got really excited about. The permanent gallery has always been my goal and I thought this one was the best chance I had to get one included. It didn’t make it but that just spurred me on. Everyone that posts on this site inspires me and opens up many ideas for me to try. I really enjoy the friends I have made and the constructive critiques I have received. I belong to no other sites and don’t plan on it. If I didn’t mention you, I apologize. I am just so excited. I also apologize for my lack of “brevity” but I will leave you with what my grandson taught me. I asked him what he thought about one of my photos. After he answered I asked him why he liked it. “I like the way it looks,” was his answer. From that day on it is why I post what I do.

Thanks again to everyone who made this possible.
(a name given to me from a song I wrote)


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