
Works by Maga

Peugeot vintage by Maga, Photography->Cars gallery Opéra Garnier, Paris by Maga, Photography->Architecture gallery Bourdzi castle near Nafplio. Greece by Maga, photography->castles/ruins gallery
Peugeot vintage Opéra Garnier, Paris Bourdzi castle near Nafplio. Greece
French bulldog in art gallery in Paris by Maga, Photography->Sculpture gallery Notre Dame by Maga, Photography->Architecture gallery Swan by Maga, Photography->Birds gallery
French bulldog in art gallery in Paris Notre Dame Swan
Statue of Pan by Maga, Photography->Sculpture gallery Sacre Coeur, Paris by Maga, Photography->Architecture gallery Lonely pair by Maga, Photography->Landscape gallery
Statue of Pan Sacre Coeur, Paris Lonely pair
Opéra Garnier, Grand Escalier by Maga, Photography->Architecture gallery Castle in Nafplio by Maga, photography->castles/ruins gallery Town of Hydra island . Greece by Maga, Photography->City gallery
Opéra Garnier, Grand Escalier Castle in Nafplio Town of Hydra island . Greece