
Request for Comment

Discussion Board -> Request for Comment -> Encourage the Young!

Encourage the Young!

08/13/05 11:22 AM GMT
Hey Everyone :D

Being the lovely sister that I am...instead of calling the attention to my own work, I'd like you kind people at Caedes to help me encourage my little brother - foobey - to put more effort into his art work as it's not something he enjoys very much - we're lucky to even get stick men out of him!
So it really surprised me when he decided to start uploading things to this site...and even though they're not the most amazing images in the world (and are never kept on here for long), I think he should be encouraged as much as possible - as should all beginners on this site! - because he really likes hearing what people have to say about his art and needs your support, criticisms and advice!

Bless him, the only image of his you'll find left on this site is *My Pet Blob*

Please! Help encourage the young!
0∈ [?]


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