
Elephant Graveyard

Discussion Board -> Elephant Graveyard -> seeking advice and honest discussion

seeking advice and honest discussion

07/25/06 1:21 AM GMT
---> I received this email from a dear friend of mine from HS (we recently re-connected), and was really pissed that she would think that I would respond favorably to this sort of bigotry!!

**email received**
If you are a parent or know a parent of a school-aged child attending public schools, read this article!!! It's a little long but well worth the read! There are people trying to put policy in place to require teachers to teach the acceptance and respect of homosexuality and same sex marriage to our children. Please read the article and send an email to the this organization expressing your opinion. Our children's future are at risk and it's our job as parents to protect them and be informed of what decisions are being made concerning them!

Also, parents, if you've never prayed for your children before it's never too late to start now! For those of you who do pray, keep praying and start praying specifically against the spirits of perversion, control, homosexuality and defiance. We can stop this before it starts if we ban together in prayer and tear down the stronghold of the enemy!

God bless you and your children!

---> I have many friends of different races, religious beliefs, and sexual preferences. I have taught my kids to embrace diversity and not judge people based on race or religion or sexual preference.
This is how I responded to my friend:

Sorry Sheila, this is one I couldn't pass on (nor could I send a disapproving email), as I believe in embracing diversity. 80% of my friends are in same sex relationships, and I cannot find it in myself to pass this one on without betraying myself and my friends. I have taught my kids not to pass judgements on people no matter what their race or sexual preference is, and don't feel that teaching these values is opening them to any perversions or creating homosexual kids. I hope you can understand my position, and that this doesn't put a wedge in our newly rekindled friendship.

---> I'm not sure what to do, I am really pissed about this. Advice??? Discussion??? A good bitch session anyone???
0∈ [?]
Look to the Future, Remeber the Past, but Live in the Present, and Never forget to tell those you love "I Love You", you may not get another chance. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine, into your brain, and THAT is where shitty ideas come from!!


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