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Makes good horse sense ....
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Horsing Around-Chapter Thirty Five

I'm sorry I'm not able to show you a clear picture of myself, but I've been relocated and must keep my new identity and whereabouts a secret. This horse protection program is really good. I'll try to give you what little background information I can without jeopardizing my upcoming court case.

I was born and raised in Amish country and it wasn't too bad until I got big enough to be out on my own. About that time they started putting all kinds of straps and harnesses on me and before I knew it I was pulling a buggy. Well I could had lived with that, but the next thing they did was hook me to this thing that turned the ground upside down. Stuck this other horse next to me and let me tell you he had some kind of odor. I don't think he ever got in the pond. And his breath, ooohhh those wild onions aren't like clover. Know what I mean? When I would get through with my duties at moving earth, they'd having me pulling this big wagon full of hay and they wouldn't even let me have a bite. We did all this from sunup to sundown. I figured enough was enough. When they were through with me at the end of the day I'd go up to the neighbors fence and talk to old Bob. He would tell me how easy he had it and how he only had to worry about the grandkids.Bob put me in touch with the Vet, who put me in touch with a horse trader who turned me on to a member of the animal activists. I gave them the lowdown on the working conditions in exchage for this plush job at .... Gee, what a ninny I am. I almost gave away my location. I might have exaggerated the working conditions but at the rate I was going, I was headed for an early bottle of Elmer's glue. I'm not totally free by any means, but I get three squares a day and I hitched my future to a saddle instead of a wagon. Gotta go, it's about dark and I have to hit the hay.


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