
  Out Of Missouri  

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Uploaded: 11/02/09 8:50 PM GMT
Out Of Missouri
Views: 2937
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Most of Sunday, after church, was spent catching up on comments and watching football. About mid afternoon I asked my wife if she would like to go on a little picture taking Safari. She agreed, but took her book to read when I was busy shooting.

It was the youth deer season over the weekend and my middle grandson, Bronson (6), had shot a little button buck. It was his first and he was really excited. I decided to see if I could get any shots of deer with the camera. First I saw two magnificent bucks but they were about 1/2 mile away. It looked like they were going to do battle. I turned around to get their picture, but while I was focusing one of them ran away and the other stepped into the timber, It was quite a site with the sun shining on their antlers and the bean field where they were standing. I took a photo anyway and you can make out the buck in the timber at a high magnification. I saw another buck but it was too dark to get a shot. I also saw a little deer right in front of my truck. If I hadn't hit the brakes I would have had a deer as well.

There was a pond and a hillside covered with geese but they were a little off in the distance as well. I did get a shot of them. It was about this time that I saw this scene. It looked like it could be anywhere in the world. Even Africa. I could imagine all kinds of wild animals running around in the darkness while the sun was setting. I did very little to this shot other then resizing. I hope it looks good on your monitors because it really looks nice on mine. Hopefully it is not too dark for your tastes. My wife said this should be "The Tree" for the song I have on you tube. Maybe she's right. Enjoy.


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