
  Romeo, Romeo  

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Uploaded: 03/30/15 8:23 PM GMT
Romeo, Romeo
Views: 1436
Dlds: 491
Status: active

The old house is about to fall in, so a photo was in order to save it for posterity. The dormer balcony, with the gingerbread trim around the roof, is very attractive even though it is in decline. The textures are natural, as is the photo, except for sizing and a conversion to black and white. The house speaks to me every morning on my walk. This morning I could hear it creaking and moaning which prompted me to take its photo. I call the house Mrs. Roberts since she was the last lady to live there. She has since passed on and her son won't sell it or tear it down. There was a time it could have been saved without too much expense, but that time has come and gone. I might show a photo of the entire structure some day. I am guessing Rob (rdvb) would add a figure to the balcony.


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