
  Happy Birthday SAAB  

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Uploaded: 03/12/16 7:55 PM GMT
Happy Birthday SAAB
Views: 710
Dlds: 287
Status: active

Tick told me it was your birthday Boris (SAAB) so I thought I would take this opportunity to wish you one. I know it's unusual to have a friend named Tick, but he's friendly and likes dogs. He's not to fond of cats so we have a lot in common.

Before you accuse me of being cheap and sending a black and white card, I want you to know this is my natural color. I just happen to blend in with this stretch of road, which is also its natural color. So you are getting a colored, b/w photo. Now that's unusual unless it's snowing.

I hear you are in the spy game and I would like to join. I would be well suited for the film noir days and would blend in nicely. Give me a bark if you are interested. Say hello to that lovely owner of yours. Once again Happy 12th.


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