
  Mile 24  

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Uploaded: 10/11/14 12:21 AM GMT
Mile 24
Views: 1232
Dlds: 392
Status: active

Today we finally reached Mile 24. Not that it is any sort of a milestone, just a mile marker. Three or four months ago we started out at Mile 61 and we still ain't no where near Mile 24. More like Mile 45 or 46. The reason we're at Mile 24 is because someone decided to become an entrepreneur late yesterday afternoon by recycling some wire. The wire in question just happened to be the communication wires that run alongside of the rail line. It wasn't until they had snipped a couple of lines that they realized the wire was the relatively worthless aluminum and not the slightly profitable copper they were seeking. Thus ended their business venture for the day and nearly the railroad business as well. So today like I said we found ourselves at Mile 24 unexpectantly to clear the lines so the linesmen could do their job and reconnect the wires to the poles. It was pure serendipity that the train was captured near the mile marker.

Enjoy and your comments welcomed.


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