
  Beach Horses  

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Uploaded: 07/21/15 4:48 PM GMT
Beach Horses
Views: 1946
Dlds: 574
Status: active

On the Off Topic forums I spoke of a picture I searched everywhere for -- it had mutated out of all recognition.

Created in Apophysis in March 2009, using Cabin Tom's 3D Spiralia script. Post-processed in Photoshop (lightly tinted background, hue change and adjustment layers).

Wondered if I could re-work it so the spirals were less soft, but the original flame no longer looked like these waves... in their place were a couple of depressed foxgloves. The plugins are accepted by my newer version of Apophysis (7x 15D) but don't seem to work the same way they did in the older version.

Fortunately... I still have the older version, and could view the waves with it.

Unfortunately... couldn't improve on the original at all! I zoomed out and increased the contrast and vibrancy in Photoshop, but that was it. I can't clarify the spirals in Apophysis without losing the shapes altogether, along with that foamy, stormy look.

I love this flame; it's fascinating no matter what -- but it's an odd one. I can't render it any higher than Gamma/Brightness 1 (3 to 4 is normal). Then it renders fast -- a 3200 x 2000 render took 12 hours. Compare that to a 1920 x 1200 render taking 21 hours.

It is what it is, I guess. Waves just rolling on through, mist and spray everywhere... Blink, and they're gone.


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