
  Amsterdam LF 2019-2020 11  

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Uploaded: 01/21/20 9:21 AM GMT
Amsterdam LF 2019-2020 11
Views: 484
Dlds: 213
Status: active

This night-shot was taken on December 7th, 2019 in Amsterdam, the capital of my small country (The Netherlands) on the occasion of the light festival, edition # 8 there (version 2019/2020 with the central theme 'Disrupt!').

There are 20 artworks shown on this festival. This one, called 'Surface Tension' was created by the UK artists Tom Biddulph and Barbara Ryan.

Information/description provided by the festival committee: "With their light drawings of light, Biddulph and Ryan have transformed a part of Amsterdam's famous canals into a city street that has 'drowned'. It's a spooky vision of what could happen if sea levels keep rising and the risk of disastrous floods in The Netherlands continues to increase."


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