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Uploaded: 11/19/06 10:13 PM GMT
Views: 696
Dlds: 78
Status: active

........and lost in thought! as I always am! lol! This view over Redesmere Lake as the sun was coming down and setting it all aglow was a sight I would defy anyone not to enjoy! These moments happen rarely as Autumn is coming to an end - we need to be out there at the golden hour when there are cloudless skies - this photograph was taken yesterday. I was hoping it would be like that today too but it became overcast and the moment had gone. Now I am working all week, so unless I escape for a while when no-one is looking ....well it isn't going to happen!! lol! I hope that some of the Autumn colours will still be here next weekend for me to photograph. Hope you enjoy this image from Redesmere Lake in Cheshire (especially as I was trespassing on the fishing members only ground! shhhh! lol!)


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