
  Crocus vernus...  

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Uploaded: 03/10/07 10:31 PM GMT
Crocus vernus...
Views: 4487
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Status: active

I am hungry for the crocus that, Each spring, flood our windowsill, With golden brightness, sunshine rays, Distilled to petals lucent gleam - Please come, I need you. Need the beauty for my life Seems ugly to me. Dark as winter Seem my days. I strive, like you Towards the light of happiness, Yet it evades me. Come, crocus, Let your fire of orange pistils Burn within my heart. You are the hope that I have missed And lived without all winter long; Come, crocus, come, and bring me Spring. (a beautiful poem by Valerie Argent). Crocus Vernus (latin name meaning Spring Crocus) - photograph taken on my walk in the Cheshire countryside today.


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