
  "Welcome to My Winter Wonderland"  

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Uploaded: 12/14/16 2:50 AM GMT
"Welcome to My Winter Wonderland"
Views: 1367
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Status: active

It definitely will be a White Christmas for us up here in Northern Ontario. Been doing my favorite activity outside called shoveling, Not :-) for the past 3 days, not a lot but want to keep ahead before it gets worse.

Captured this image 2016, 12-05 (Monday Morning) after we had a heavy 15cm/6in wet snow fall. When we went to bed the night before (Sunday) there was no snow and in 6 hours this is what we woke up to.

Taken on my favorite trail called the Hub Trail, just outside our front door. Wanted to go out and get pictures before the snow started falling off of the trees and turn to real slush.

Thought this would be a good B/W Challenge image. Please feel free and let me know what you think.

Boy this time of the season sure is very busy around here, don't know about you but running off of my feet. Hope to catch up on commenting tomorrow.

Have a Great Day, ♥ Skages


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