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Discussion Board -> Off Topic -> Biographies!


06/20/06 6:52 AM GMT
Ok, I'm guessing you all know what a Biography is..right!?
If not, I looked it up for you ppl ;P

Biography: An account of a person's life written, composed, or produced by another

Just talk about yourself lol ;P
0∈ [?]
Andrew VS. Jerry in Glare Wars...who'll win!?


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06/21/06 8:34 PM GMT
I'll do my own biography:

I'm Jenn Smurf, also known as S.A.Ssy (Smartass Smurf)

I'm about 3inches 2 centimeters tall
Blonde, blue skinned

I like all things blue, except blue balls, nobody likes blue balls (Oh get your minds outta the gutter!!), tiramisu, and watching Gargamel get a good butt-kicking
Jokey Smurf's lame pick up lines

"Is that a cashew in your pocket or are you just happy to see me"

I'm a Libra
0∈ [?]
Look to the Future, Remeber the Past, but Live in the Present, and Never forget to tell those you love "I Love You", you may not get another chance. SMURF SOLIDARITY
06/21/06 8:58 PM GMT
Hi all !

I'm Lauren Smurf ....I'm the Girly & Swirly Smurf !
I'm about 3 inches 1 1/2 centimeters tall....I'm a little short even for a Smurf
*but the best things come in small blue packages* !
Blue skinned, blonde hair with platinum highlights & gold midtones....
*platinum & gold, along with diamonds are a girl Smurf's best friends *...
eternally young

Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Perfume ...of course !
Long candlelit dinners
Chocolate ! ...One piece lasts like ....forever
Sincere Smurfs
Moonlight cruises on the Blue Danube
The Blues Brothers

FAVORITE SAYING : "Ohhh shiny ..."

Smurfs who lie ....but there are none ...lucky me !
People & Smurfs with no sense of humor ....
Stupid people

I'm a Sagittarian
0∈ [?]
To Thine Own Self Be BLUE ........ MY GALLERY
06/21/06 9:20 PM GMT
lol nvmd *shakes head sadly*
0∈ [?]
Andrew VS. Jerry in Glare Wars...who'll win!?
06/21/06 9:24 PM GMT
All right then, I'll play nice.

Lauren aka Swirly Smurf, has a MAD addiction to chocolate...especially the good Godiva kind.
0∈ [?]
Look to the Future, Remeber the Past, but Live in the Present, and Never forget to tell those you love "I Love You", you may not get another chance. SMURF SOLIDARITY
06/21/06 9:29 PM GMT
Hi all !

I'm Impudent Smurf… I have no respect for authority! none @ all!
I'm about 3.875" tall
Blue Skinned, Hair Color changes w/my mood!

Witty Innuendo
Beating Samasmurf @ his own games
Blueberry Ice Cream
Blue Bayou
Blue Bonnet Butter

Unnecessary stupidity
People who don't apologize when they're wrong
Art Directors who type w/one finger

Fave Saying:
"Define that"

I'm a Romper
0∈ [?]
06/21/06 9:30 PM GMT
Yo! ..

They call me Papa Smurf ..
I'm a little taller than the other smurfs, but I don't like to boast
I am a full 4 inches tall and all of it solid rippling blue fuzz,
My greatest accomplishments, besides amassing a harem unriveled this side of Lilliput, is the creation of the Blue Popsicle .. although the PapaCicle brand didn't catch on We, the smurfs, receive royalties from the other brands that still satisfy the need to taste blue .. Also .. Blue M&M's and the inclusion of at least 6 shades of blue in your average Crayola Box

Blue skies,
Blue food,
Blue faces,
the Blue door that leads to my harem quarters
and .. uh .. the Blue footed booby

playa haters of any color and size
losing the key to the aforementioned blue door

I'm a Sagittarian
0∈ [?]
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything = T42
06/22/06 2:35 AM GMT
Lots of Sagittarians here...
explains so much!
0∈ [?]
Look to the Future, Remeber the Past, but Live in the Present, and Never forget to tell those you love "I Love You", you may not get another chance. SMURF SOLIDARITY
06/22/06 2:40 AM GMT
*shakes fist*


That about sums it up for me.
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
06/22/06 2:42 AM GMT
Ur just jealous.
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 2:42 AM GMT
Oooooh you make me so mad! *jumps up and down and stamps feet*
0∈ [?]
-Everyone is entitled to my opinion-
06/22/06 2:45 AM GMT
Ur just jealous.
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 3:07 AM GMT
Sam is just mad because he wanted to be Papa Smurf...but that's ok, what are smurfs without Gargamel to torture.

0∈ [?]
Look to the Future, Remeber the Past, but Live in the Present, and Never forget to tell those you love "I Love You", you may not get another chance. SMURF SOLIDARITY
06/22/06 6:13 AM GMT
*Soft whispers among "The Queen" and her attendants from behind the curtains*

"OMG my acceptance speech... Is my tiara on straight?... Don't you touch my hair B*%@# !... Duck tape dammit.. I need more duck tape.... you think this is enough cleavage? hmm?... What did I just tell you.. leave my hair alone!... What's this? *splash*... I told you I wanted a Skinny Frappuchino... You want to make me fat or what? Hmm B*%@# ?... Oh never mind.. gawd... my public awaits"

*Spot light on pale blue curtain, from which emerges, a vision of lovliness in blue, carrying a bouquet of red roses and wearing a tiara*

*blowing kisses and doing the appropriate "Princess Diana wave" as she approaches the head of the stage*

Hello Possums!!! heheh I alway wanted to say that *blows kiss*
I'm Mali-Blue Barbie Smurf... also known as the Feisty Tavern Drag Queen Smurf.
I'm 3 1/2" tall (3 5/8" in heels and a full 4" with taira)
I'm svelt of figure.. and if anyone says other wise, they're just jelouse cause they can't look as good as me. *snaps fingers*
Oh, and of course blue skinned with platinum white hair *adjusts tiara* *smile*

duct tape *whispers* "I have stock in 3M, you know" *finger on cheek and giggles*
when papa-Smurf calls me his B*^&% ... sends chillies down my spine *swoons & blows a kiss at Pap-Smurf*

Gargamel and his cat Azreal: "You had best keep that pussy-cat of yours locked up Gargy-boy, cause you know I have bigger claws."

Favorite Saying:
"Make way... the Queen has arrived."

Oh yeah... I'm an Aquarian

0∈ [?]
Like, there is the "Smurf Solidarity" thing going on... and I thought... GAWD I should join... It's like.. totaly fabulous
06/22/06 6:20 AM GMT
I'ver learned so much about you Curt :)
idk if it's all true or all blue ;P
but interesting lol
0∈ [?]
06/22/06 3:11 PM GMT
Hello everyone ! Here at the request of Lauren, the 'Girly Swirly' Smurf, I introduce myself...

I'm Pat(ricia)...the quiet, moody, water named for my love of the deep blue sea, hidden waterfalls, and just as changeable and mysterious in temperment.

I am 3.6 " tall
Blue skinned, with platinum hair and steely blue hi-lights
A 'Matahari in blue jeans'
I am 'passions' plaything' (still waters run deep and all that...)
And of course, FOREVER young.

LIKES: Blueberry cheesecake (but when it's cheesecake, I
can easily be talked into any other flavor)
Animals & Nature
Listening to 'The Blues'
A sharp wit
Profound conversation under indigo skies
Wandering off to reflect alone on the deeper meaning of 'blue'

DISLIKES: Anyone who is too shallow, negative, or quick
to judge others
Blue cheese (yuk!)
Repetition and boredom
Being misunderstood

I'm a Scorpio and true-blue to all my friends.
0∈ [?]
You are so blue-tiful to me. SMURF SOLIDARITY.
06/22/06 9:47 PM GMT
0∈ [?]
To Thine Own Self Be BLUE ........ MY GALLERY
06/23/06 3:19 AM GMT
Blue cheese tastes...well....relativly good. (if you compare it to goat or buffalo cheese...*waits to see if anyone catches the mistake*)

However, that gave me in idea, i should make a snake. Float with vanilla icecream!? (i hope i have vanilla...)

0∈ [?]
Ah yes, spy vs smurfs...yellow vs blue....
06/23/06 9:38 PM GMT
you use vanilla ice cream to make snakes? learn something new every day!
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 12:55 AM GMT
LMAO@Curt... your tiara is slighty of centre..
0∈ [?]
MY GALLERY ........... "A sense of humour is as important to life as shock absorbers to a car.. It helps us over the bumps im life" / P.K. Shaw
06/24/06 5:40 AM GMT
Wowo...u never used vanilla ice cream to make a shake!? Chocolate is a step down from vanilla, then blueberry, which is what i used last night..tasted pretty good...little watery (milky) because i dont have a soft ice cream machine =P Had to use the stuff you scoop outa then container with a ice cream spoon.

As for now...that made me hungry again. Maybe....a 10:40pm snack. Orange juice! (seems like the last 5 posts ive made on this site had something to do with food)
0∈ [?]
Ahoy there!...the bomb is for the blue people. (hmm, speaking of ahoy, that reminds me of chips ahoy...thus making me hungry....thus i will go downstairs to grab food...thus maybe i should eat lunch sometime...its 4:35...what shall i do?)
06/24/06 6:44 AM GMT
you spelled shake snake >_<
0∈ [?]
06/24/06 8:20 AM GMT
Oh dear, see what happens when you only read the first and last letters? ....and have a slight metal disorder perhaps (hmm, im starting to wonder about this)? =P
0∈ [?]
Ahoy there!...the bomb is for the blue people. (hmm, speaking of ahoy, that reminds me of chips ahoy...thus making me hungry....thus i will go downstairs to grab food...thus maybe i should eat lunch sometime...its 4:35...what shall i do?)
06/24/06 8:21 AM GMT
mental* hehe, didnt catch that did u?
0∈ [?]
Ahoy there!...the bomb is for the blue people. (hmm, speaking of ahoy, that reminds me of chips ahoy...thus making me hungry....thus i will go downstairs to grab food...thus maybe i should eat lunch sometime...its 4:35...what shall i do?)
06/24/06 8:35 AM GMT
i did
and there's an edit button on the left of complain
and on top of message
protect your literacy
or i'll begin to think that you tink yes tink like me
and no good.
0∈ [?]

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